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  1. MissMurder

    Lapse - A GSR Fanfic

    Lapse Chapter 1 The warm Las Vegas air blew across the desert, causing the sands to rise into thin sheets in the sky. The woman, standing only a few feet away from the small sandstorm, photographed the scene in front of her. A few strands of her wavy chestnut brown hair flew into her face...
  2. MissMurder

    Skeletons in the Closet--GSR fic

    Skeletons in the Closet Summary: What if Sara had a child? How would Grissom react? Will he be able to bond with the child when he realizes he can no longer live without her? A/N: Probably slightly AU. Chapter 1 Sara Sidle sat in her apartment watching the child do their homework. She...
  3. MissMurder

    Love Prevails-- A GSR fic

    God it seem like I haven't posted for years :eek:. Sorry about that guys :(. Well here is a new fic, hope it makes up for my LOOOONG absence :). This is set before season 6, but after grave danger :D Chapter 1 Sara Sidle had never felt so bored in her entire life. She was stuck in her...
  4. MissMurder

    Throughout the years- GSR with a hint of Grillows

    Hey this was an idea that popped into my head just yesterday. Sorry that I've been away for what seems like forever, I'm back now and will update my other fics shortly. As for this, hope you enjoy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1 Sara Sidle lay on the bed next to a...
  5. MissMurder

    GSR fic- Forbidden Love

    Summary: What if Sara never came to Vegas and was in the FBI? What would Grissom's reaction be when she is called to help his team with a serial murder case? Chapter 1: Assignments Special agent Sara Sidle walked along the hall of the FBI headquarters. She had to see her boss to find out her...
  6. MissMurder

    The Triangle That Love Creates- For GSR and Snicker fans

    I thought I could try a love triangle fic. Please tell me what you think :D Chapter 1 Sara walked along the corridor, she was working a case with Grissom and she couldn't find him anywhere. She was furious at his sudden disappearance. When she found him, he was going to be in some serious...
  7. MissMurder

    Love At First Sight- GSR fic before Vegas

    This is written in Sara's POV before she moved to Vegas and when she was attending Grissom's seminar. !This story may contain minor swearing! Chapter 1 I've been waiting in this airport for 2 hours, waiting to pick up a new seminar teacher. His name is Gil Grissom, top entomologist from...
  8. MissMurder

    Secrets and Lies- GSR and YoBling fic

    Hey people, hope you like the new story. It was something that popped into my head. It is set after the season 6 finale. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Chapter 1: First Case of the Summer Grissom, Sara and Catherine sat in the breakroom. They were discussing...
  9. MissMurder

    Life before Vegas- GSR fic

    Chapter 1 The night air was crisp as winter had begun to rip its way through Las Vegas. Crime had also decreased, it seemed to be packing its bags for the holidays. Gil Grissom, the graveyard shift supervisor, walked down the halls of the crime lab. With nothing to do, he was becoming...
  10. MissMurder

    Hostage- A GSR Fanfic

    This is my first try at writing a piece of Fanfic on the net. Sorry if it's not great. Chapter 1: This is a crime scene The gentle breeze of the desert flicked strands of silky brown hair across the woman's face. Sara Sidle stood over the latest victim, taking photographs at her supervisor...