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  1. Q


    Hey all, here's the thread for the new show "Traveler" on ABC. It's a pretty fantastic show, in my opinion, and I hope you'll think so too. :D Here's the show description from the official website: The show premieres tonight (May 30th) on ABC at 10/9c, and they are showing the first two...
  2. Q

    Clay Aiken!

    To my utter shock, there doesn't appear to be a Clay Aiken thread around here! I figure it's about time we start one. :D Personally, I often have a hard time resisting the urge to get off-topic in other threads and start rambling on about Clay. :p So, a question to get things going: How do you...
  3. Q

    The CSI: Miami Blooper Thread

    CSI: Miami is notorious for it's lack of continuity and timeline screw-ups. This thread's purpose is so that we can keep track of any type of blooper or error that they make on the show! If you spot a mistake, post a specific description of the mistake, the episode it appears in, and which scene...