Search results

  1. L

    Michael Jackson: Guilty or innocent?

    I want to know what you guys think. I'm probably the minority, but I think he's innocent. I think people took advantage of his love for children just to make an interesting headline, y'know? He has a sort of Peter Pan complex, so I seriously doubt he's gay OR straight. A PPC is that you never...
  2. L

    Favorite scenes?

    I checked [fairly] thoroughly and didn't see a thread like this. I just watched Lady Heather's Box for the first time [heh] and OMG. I love when the female suspect is in the room with Brass and she puts her leg on the table, then Grissom walks in.. Grissom: Am I interrupting something? Brass...
  3. L

    Sara and Lady H

    I was looking through this forum the other day, and I thought "Every ship has been made." and I came up with Sara and Lady H. *shrugs* They'd be an interesting couple.
  4. L

    Post something you can't say out loud.

    There's a thread like this at a different message board, and it's GREAT for getting out a little stress, so I thought I'd share. :) I'll start. I just can't trust you anymore. You're so different from the person you used to be. And if you want to continue dating this guy and getting yourself...
  5. L

    What shows did you like as a kid?

    My favorite, favorite, favorite show was Blue's Clues. <3 HA and now it's CSI. Notice a pattern? But my second favorite show was Little Bear.