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  1. melbel

    for Harry Potter fans

    as you may know the WB has changed the release date. and many fans are upset. please sign the petition and pass it on to friends and family
  2. melbel

    Just Home

    Summary: Both Sara’s parents are alive. Laura & Jacob Sidle. Her brother is Aaron & sister is Julie, both older. Aaron sidle is due to married, he has no kids. Julie is married with 4 children and expecting the 5th. Taylor Grace is Sara’s daughter whom aaron & Julie think is Laura & Jacob’s...
  3. melbel

    Bionic Woman

    staring Michelle Ryan as Jaime sommers do u watch it? know any good fan sites
  4. melbel

    T-girl , Past and future

    Hi I’m Tali Stokes, I’m 25 and I have a twin brother called Dallas, which seems to be a stupid name since we live in Texas but it’s what our birth parents named us. Yep that’s right we were adopted but not as infants but as 2 year olds. Jillian and William aka bill Stokes adopted us even...
  5. melbel

    T-Girl, Past and future

    Nick's little sister and more... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi I’m Tali Stokes, I’m 25 and I have a twin brother called Dallas, which seems to be a stupid name since we live in Texas but it’s what our birth parents named us. Yep that’s right we were adopted but not as infants but as 2 year olds. Jillian...
  6. melbel

    i will be posting a new story up!

    shortly. GSR NIck and Sofia, YoBling. Greg gets himself a girlfriend who's brother works with him
  7. melbel

    Queen Elizabeth Xmas Message

    will not only be on tv but on youtube. yep you heard right Youtube.
  8. melbel

    looking for

    the dvd of a movie called How To Make The Cruelest Month ?
  9. melbel

    In Memory (GSR, Nick/Sofia, Yobling)

    I own Sara's family apart from Laura, Sara, Sofia. i own none of the tv characters. Intro I’ve been living here for a few years after mom died. Where do you say? Tamales Bay is where and with a family of 8 children run by a man called Christopher James Sidle Snr and a woman called Laura Faith...
  10. melbel

    Just a quick question

    who is the sheriff in this season as well as the director of the crimelab?
  11. melbel

    CSI Bookmarks

    i like the idea and saw someone selling them on Ebay for like $4.50. and i thought maybe we could put some together and have the available to people for free
  12. melbel

    Question about the snitch

    who is trying to destroy the lab in season 4
  13. melbel


    Is the next ep of s7 coz says it aint next week but CBS's page on youtube says it's next week? Confused :confused:
  14. melbel

    Change and the Past

    it's a Grillow & Warrick/sara story with a bit of scandal and a romance between Greg and OC. started writing this story over 2 years ago. found it on my own computer went i was sorting out some files and decided to finish it. Enjoy
  15. melbel

    Secret is Love

    has been reposted. it can be found here:
  16. melbel

    The Big Secret

    check it out here Link removed post feedback here and there. thanks PS FROM SISSI: the story is called "the big secret" you can find it on
  17. melbel

    Baby Steps

    i post this on too ( check this out
  18. melbel

    In Memories

    this is written from the main character's pov but has some parts she is not there for. Sara's parents are foster parents and Sofia is one of their foster kids so is Charlotte (charlie) brown. here is a who's who in family (post story soon) Sidle Family Tree * Grace Greene (Grandma)- 17th...
  19. melbel

    What about NON-CSI art work

    i started this last night and finished it tonight. it's called Attitude. some of the snakes heads got cut off when i scan it in to my computer. tell me what you think (Free hand drawing) Attitude
  20. melbel

    What about NON-CSI art work
