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  1. Z

    Two Weeks, GSR (rated K)

    A/N: My mind is really unsettled right now, so I felt the need to write something. I don’t know if this will help me focus or not, but I figured that it was worth a try! This will be a twoshot. Thank you to those of you who stop on by to read it, and I hope you enjoy! ---------------...
  2. Z

    To Catch a Killer (CSI:)

    A/N: As with a lot of the things that I write, this story has personal meaning to me. Timmy, one of the main characters, has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and his mind is constantly repeating some of the things that he hears. Although I have had OCD for my entire life, I have recently...
  3. Z

    CSI: NY - Hung Out to Dry, 10-11

    Hey! Does anyone know the song/artist of the song that was playing at the very end? Thanks in advance!
  4. Z

    The Storm (CSI: LV, for RocketScientist)

    A/N: This fic is being written for RocketScientist, who requested something along these lines. The basic outline of this story belongs to RocketScientist! Also, although I will be going out of town for an entire week, and won't be able to update until I return, I hope that everyone enjoys this...
  5. Z

    Syracuse, NY

    I was just wondering if anyone was from the Syracuse, NY area? I'm starting some classes there in the fall, and I'm frickin' nervous about it! I visited the campus a couple of weeks ago, and got massively lost. The thing is like a tiny city. Anyhow... yeah.
  6. Z

    CSI LV: Dinner and a Movie (Swarrick)

    (This has been rolling around in my head for a little bit. The second and third chapters will go back in time a little bit to explain why Sara and Warrick decided to go to a movie, and the fourth chapter will continue on with dinner. I think. This is my very first attempt at Warrick/Swarrick...
  7. Z

    The Criminology Cruise (LV, Miami, NY crossover)

    ( This idea stems from an idea that my mother had, although I am tweaking it a little bit. And I realize that conventions (and an entire episode based on a cruise ship) have been done in the past, but…this will probably be very different from anything else you have ever read… at least I hope so...
  8. Z

    The Retreat

    Title: The Retreat Rating: K Summary: Oh camping we will go! Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing CSI related. That honor belongs to the good folks over at CBS. “Grissom, you can’t be serious!” Sara said, sitting at the break-room table. “Yeah, Gris, I don’t think so…” Nick trailed off...