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  1. G

    Wii love the neXt gen3ration!

    Yes, it is the partial return of GilGrissomCSI. Try not to get too excited. If you watch the show "Bones", and post on Fox's Bones forum, you have probably already seen this because I posted it there too. And no, my mind has not all of a sudden gone to spelling and grammatical errors...I'm...
  2. G

    Dane Cook - One truly funny dude.

    I thought I'd start this thread to see if anyone else here is a Dane Cook fan. For those who don't know him, he's an IN-FREAKING-CREDIBLY hilarious comedian. You may have seen him hosting on Saturday Night Live (last night was the re-run, the original airing was last month I think), and you can...
  3. G

    NFL - National Football League

    I didn't know if this already got made or not...but it's worth a shot. Yes, I know...Football season is almost over, but the best of the games are just beginning! As we speak, the Chicago Bears are battling the Panthers for a chance in the next division of the playoffs...anyone elses team up...
  4. G

    The Hardest Riddle Ever.

    Warning: The following may cause anger, frustration and over-thinking brains! This is the hardest riddle anywhere. If anyone can get through all 120-some levels, I will give you mad props and worship your cool brain. Im not kidding. I had trouble with the first level. Hints are available...
  5. G

    Funny gif and pic Thread ***Possible 56 Warning!***

    :pWe all love to laugh, right? At least...I hope you do.... :p if you never laugh, life would be exceedingly dull and, well, just all around not fun. :lol: Im done rambling now. Well, I dunno if this thread really fits in this section of Talk CSI or not, but I thought I would give it a shot ;)...
  6. G

    !!!CSI: Dark Motives FINISHED!!

    :D :DLadies and Gentleman, your attention please!! I have completed CSI: Dark Motives :D :D :D Oh joy :D I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :p Anyways, I would have happy to help anyone stuggling with it :) PARTY AT MY PLACE!! :pGilGrissomCSI :p
  7. G

    The Official Pets thread

    :lol: :lol: This is where you talk about your pets, animals in general, etc. :D :D My Pets: 3 dogs 4 rats 1 spider living in the corner of my room :rolleyes: (I just dont have the heart to squish him) :lol: So howza 'bout you guys?? :D :lol: