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  1. C

    Gas..How Much are you paying???

    around my area is like $2.59 - $2.99 per gallon...and i live on an island, i have to drive eveywhere i go
  2. C

    The Buffy Thread

    honestly, as much as i love Buffy, i really couldn't get into Angel...i kinda stop watching after S2...but of course, when Faith made an appearance in S4, i had to watch it, she is prob my favorite character of both shows
  3. C

    What are you reading?

    i just saw Bride and Prejudice on dvd, so naturally, i am now reading Pride and Prejudice
  4. C


    i saw the COLDPLAY concert a few weeks back, they were awesome...3 more days until i go see GREEN DAY, i can't wait!!!!!
  5. C

    Recent Purchases

    a bunch of worker related moisturizer
  6. C


    i love going to concerts, i've been to quite a lot of them, most recent one was Coldplay this past monday...the best act i've seen are U2, Bon Jovi and Madonna, this fall, i'm going to see at least 2 U2 shows, Green Day and Rolling Stones
  7. C

    What are you reading?

    i read that book a while ago, like it alot...i'm currently reading SKINNY DIP, a comedy about a guy throws his wife off a cruise liner, but she survives and starts planning her revenge...i know it sounds like a terrible story, but it's actually very funny
  8. C

    What are you reading?

    i just finished reading The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, naturally i bought the book after repeat viewing of the CSI:LV episode The Turn of the Screw, now i'm decideing what i should read next: Harry Potter #4 (yea i'm trying to catch up) The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown The Electric...
  9. C


    well, growing up in nyc, i've been a yanks fan for years, even since back in the 80s when they were always below cousin is a season ticket holder, so i get to go to quite a few games...though i'm a die hard fan i have to admit we are having a miserable season :(
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    i'm a junior fan....i also like jimmie johnson i haven't decide if i'm a fan yet, but i've been noticing carl edwards, he's doing pretty well for someone who is in his first full season
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    junior has been having a rough year since he swap team with waltrip...regardless, congrats to him :)
  12. C

    The Buffy Thread

    lol...i love that scene, esp when willow walked in the library, xander pointed a wooden cross at her, and when he see that it doesn't have any effect on her, he shook the cross (as if to check if it was broken) and then pointing it at willow again
  13. C

    The Buffy Thread

    i like that scene in pangs Spike : you made a bear buffy : i didn't mean to spike : undo it! undo it! his facial expression makes me fav are season 2 and 3
  14. C

    The Buffy Thread

    i know!!!! i love the overvoice, "passion, it lies in all off us, sleeping, waiting and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir, open its jaws and howl..." the whole thing is just that episode...this thread makes me realize how much i miss buffy :(
  15. C

    Favorite Cathrine Quotes

    i love that scene, when i saw that on dvd, i had to rewind and watched it over because it's too funny
  16. C

    Favorite Cathrine Quotes

    thanks, i always wonder where is that from :)
  17. C

    Favorite Cathrine Quotes

    i forgot the name of the episode, but grissom and catherine were in a body farm, and grissom rambling on about how great body farm is and how much you can learn from it and catherine said "tell that to slim over there" pointing at the skeleton hanging on the tree
  18. C

    The Buffy Thread

    that's so true!!! i actually find myself doing that a lot, adding "y" to most words when i dont know how to describe something
  19. C

    Dislike An LV Character?

    Re: Dislike A Character i really dont like ecklie....and very early on, i wasn't too warm to sara's character, but through the season she kinda grow on me, and now i think she's kinda cool
  20. C

    Rock/Alternative music

    i got the new WHITE STRIPES album "get behind me satan" i think it's awesome, i also have the new COLDPLAY but haven't have the chance to listen to it yet...the new foo fighters get very good review...but i haven't hear any songs off it yet