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    Add a line Part 2

    "You're all fired!!!!" Everybody stared before Grissom called the mental hospital and had them send over...
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    Carmelo Anthony has been amazing for the US team so far. Nice to see him steppin' up. Hopefully he'll be this good for the Nuggets this year! :D *crosses his fingers*
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    Last Song Syndrome

    I Dare You - Shinedown.
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    I dunno if that has been done before but it sounds like a cool idea. :D I don't think I could pick just ten though, there are so many good ones! The shower scene would be close to the top, right next to the "I could really just kiss you right now." scene. Hmmm decisions, decisions. Yeah...
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    You may take our lives, but you will never take our SANDLEEEEEE!!! (That's a Braveheart reference for those cinematically challenged). Am not wearing a kilt though. :D I loved Grissom's reaction too, was funny. Maybe we'll get another shower scene this season. :devil: *wink* *wink*
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    Definitely, Iced is like the holy grail of Sandle. That and Organ Grinder, Who Shot Sherlock and alot more. Can't wait to see how they interact this season. I read about the whole K-Fed on a different site, apparently he's going to play an annoying person. Imagine that :rolleyes: As for...
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    Add a line Part 2

    "Ow, yo Cath, what you hittin me for?" Warrick said, trying to bite the noodle. Nick, Grissom and Brass shared a...
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    Mwahaha! The Red Sox are free falling! Sure they have injuries and what not but we Yankee fans don't care. :D And we beat the Tigers in the first game of our double header. *does his crazy dance*
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    :rolleyes: at Kevin Federline being in a episode. What, couldn't they get Flava Flav? On the other hand I heard on Sirius radio that John Mayer is going to be performing in the first two episodes this season. At least he has musical talent, unlike K-Fed. God I hope he doesn't rap, it'd be a...
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    Add a line Part 2

    "Yo, what's going on?" He asked. The other three rolled their eyes and Catherine whipped Warrick with her..
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    Last Song Syndrome

    Original Fire - Audioslave
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    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    Last movie I saw was, in fact, Saw. :D Not quite what I expected but still good.
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    Add a line Part 2

    Grissom started chewing on the moustache, trying to keep it from biting off his tongue. Nick watched in horrific fascination as....
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    Add a line Part 2

    Nick stopped attacking Grissom. "My name isn't Luke!" He said, very confused, which gave Grissom the opportunity to...
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    Hmm the first Sandle thing I saw? It'd have to be their first scene together in Cool Change I believe. When Greg was giving Catherine her results I noticed Sara looking at him. Sara was smiling and my first thought was that she was attracted to him. Or she at least liked him a little bit...
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    Add a line Part 2

    He attacked Grissom with the lightsabre, dueling with him. Grissom fended him off saying...
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    Organ Grinder is definitely one of the top 3 sandle episodes. :D I didn't really like Sofia in Season 5 but she was better in Season 6, in my opinion. It is a good sign that Sara seemed a bit jealous of her having been to Greg's place. Welcome back SinCityx, have some cookies! :) Argh, the...
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    Add a line Part 2

    and poked Nick in the foot with it. Out of nowhere, a glove appeared in Nick's hand and he slapped Grissom in the...
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    Tacky and Tasteless!

    It does seem a bit tacky, doesn't it? But people can get away with just about anything these days. Personally, as a New Yorker, I'd never buy one. I'd find another way to help out a charity.
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    Add a line Part 2

    and started to make out on Grissom's desk! Just then some unnamed lab tech walked in to see the horrific scene that was..