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    Sofia/Greg/Sara- I Guess We Have To Share...

    ^ :lol: at the picture. That's great! I suppose if they spent enough ahem "time" together, Sara would learn that sharing can be good. But I wonder who uh..wears the pants in this relationship. :D Greggo's a very lucky man, IMO.
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" New episode tonight! Can't wait to see what happens, hope Sara and Greg work on a case together. :D That'd be great wouldn't it? Heck, it'd be great just to see 'em in a scene together. :)
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    CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

    A. Back B. Shaft!!! (bad yo mouth!) :lol:
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    Halloween is definitely one of my favorite holidays, right next to Christmas at the top of the list. :D Me and my family always make cookies in the shape of bats, pumpkins and the like. Good times, good times. Don't know what I'll dress up as this year, something scary to frighten the little...
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin". :lol: House likes making fun of Foreman almost as much as he likes making fun of Chase. But he was wrong, Foreman isn't afraid of the "man", he's afraid of the "woman". Don't really blame him, Cuddy can be scary sometimes!
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    Sofia/Greg/Sara- I Guess We Have To Share...

    Hmmm very interesting, putting these three together. This is probably one of Greg's dreams, if you know what I mean. Dunno if it would work, Sara doesn't like to share. But who knows? :D
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    QUIZZES-how much do you know

    Personality test = Am also a cucumber. Music = 40, wow that's a tough one! Mental Age = Old Soul, apparently I'm good at shuffleboard! :D
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    Surviver: seperated by race...what do YOU think?

    What do I think? Don't care, it's obviously a marketing ploy to get more people to watch. I've never watched it, doesn't really interest me.
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Hmpf, Robert David Hall was in the opening credits before this season. How'd I miss that!?! Must have been too distracted by seeing Jorja. :D It's ok FrostBite, just keep them spoilers in their tags and there won't be no problems. ;)
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin". :lol: I almost fell out of my chair when House yelled that from behind the door. And when he made fun of Foreman about his date. Zing!!! :D New episodes can't come soon enough!
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin". Tonight's episode was good. Poor House, his jailbait wasn't in love with him. :lol: I loved the Wilson/Cuddy scene in the stairwell.
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Yes, use the spoiler code! Certain people (ME!!!) don't wanna know what happens till we see it. Spoilers are yucky. :p Anyways, I think Doc Robbins was considered a regular but this season was the first time he's been in the opening credits.
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" :D Only 2 days till the next new show. I'm interested to see what will happen, and for the Sandle moment of course. The new credits are cool, they finally made Doc Robbins a regular. He's definitely the coolest old guy on TV! :lol: Hmmm...
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin". It's on a month hiatus because of FOX's coverage of the MLB playoffs, but I think they're gonna show re-runs on Wednesdays.
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" See I knew I should start watchin' Miami, I would have seen the promo FrostBite was talkin' about. *pouts* Anywho, Yay for a Sandle moment! Can't wait to see it next week. Quit nudgin' me! You cannot rush prefection. :lol: Anybody know...
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    Wow the NL races is crazy, except for the East. I'm so glad Yankees have already clenched the AL East and the Red Sox have been eliminated from playoff contention. :D
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" Yup, "I Like To Watch" is in season 6, episode 17 I believe. It's too bad they didn't flirt as much in season 6, them flirting great to watch. Well, for Sandle shippers anyway. :D I suppose I'll have to write that fic now, well at least...
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    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Re: House # 2 "More addictive than Vicodin". Was just checking out FOX's website and it says tomorrow is the last day House airs at 8/7c. Anybody know what time they're moving it to?
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" In I Like to Watch, they are in the same room, I remember Greg talking to her about the case. Don't think there was any flirting, which is too bad, they should flirt more. :D Of course, that's just my opinion. I actually had a fic I was...
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    Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet"

    Re: Sara/Greg #8- "He Hasn't Given Up On Her Yet" *passes out more postivity cookies* I don't think there were any Sandle moments in Werewolves and I have a pretty good memory. I've been watchin' my DVDs again, loving the all the Sandle moments. :D Can't wait to see the first scene they...