Sofia/Greg/Sara- I Guess We Have To Share...


Lab Technician
yeah, i couldn't help myself. i didn't see this threesome on the Shipper List and if it's already a ship, my bad.

but if it's not...


love! (credit's

*dies* Liv, I hate you. I totally hate you. Yes I do. You keep posting these things, and then I get all caught up in shipping them, and...Oh. Dear.

Yeah, I'm in...*sigh*

- Ally
Lovely. These three have real chemistry.
Threesome ships are confusiong but I'd say this one is worth a shot. Hope it doesn't die down all too soon. There's too much tension and dynamic for that to happen.
Ok guys, it's time to abide by the rules in Shipper Central.

Posts must contain a MINIMUM of 3 lines of ON TOPIC posting and cannot be chatty.

Let's get some discussions started.
oh, totally. let's so get a descussion started...what should we talk about?

here's how i think this threesome would work:

Sofia and Sara get into this huge brawl about Greg who runs up to them and tell's them to calm down and he loves them both the same. then the two girls look at eachother.

Sare: Share?
Sofia: Works for me.
yeah. :D

Hmmm very interesting, putting these three together. This is probably one of Greg's dreams, if you know what I mean. Dunno if it would work, Sara doesn't like to share. But who knows? :D
Hehe, YouandMe1105. Yes, for what we know, it probably is one of Greggo's dreams. :D It certainly seems like something that he'd dream up. After all, being surrounded by pretty women would be any man's dream, no?

Liv...Though I continue to hate you, :)p) I must agree. That'd be how it would work, if it were to work. Sara and Sofia don't seem to be all that into sharing, but when it comes to Greggo, you know, the more the better. ^^
Who says the Greggo is the one to be shared? Me thinks there's some very intense chemistry between the ladies as well. So it's not really sharing, it's acting out a mutual fantasy :devil:
Maybe Greg adds a bit of fun and relaxation to the S/S relationship, while Sofia makes sure that Greg bahaves around Sara, and well Sara's part would be *censored because of adult content*...uh yeah, sorry :p
^_^ That's true Mia, Greggo isn't nessisarily the one that needs to be shared. Which is fine by him, I'm sure, because when he isn't in the mood, he can watch the girls do unspeakable things with a smug little grin spreading his lips. After all, he would need a bit of SalSa to go with those chips of his, no?
Poor Sara, she's always stuck with that part, isn't she? Oh well, it isn't so bad, I suppose.
^ :lol: at the picture. That's great! I suppose if they spent enough ahem "time" together, Sara would learn that sharing can be good. But I wonder who uh..wears the pants in this relationship. :D Greggo's a very lucky man, IMO.
I think they all wear pants. Until they come off :devil:
Seriously though, I think the ladies have to take turns on setting Gregs head straight every now and then, while he tries to talk them into all kinds of silly things... He's Greg after all.
Sofia would be into the latex, I can totally see Sara just being content with watching them until she gets bored and decides to join in the fun. :devil:

:devil: Fun it would be. *tries to pull his mind out of the glutter* I definitely think Greg would a great for both of them, they can be too serious sometimes. What do you think they do together when they're not involved in "extracurricular activities"?