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    CSI: Hangman #4

    An "S" please. :D
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    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    Watched Serendipity last night. It's one of my favorite movies cuz it's a bit quirky. And of course Kate Beckinsale is in it, so I had to watch it! *worships Kate Beckinsale* :D
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    It's all we can do is hope that Greg and Sara get some good scenes this season. Only 20 more days! :rolleyes: God, that seems like forever. *goes off to find something to do* EDIT: Gah I almost forgot what I wanted to ask! In "I Like To Watch" was Greg ever on camera, you know because...
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    Add a line Part 2

    "We don't eat pickled pig's feet!" Sara shouted, waving her hands dramatically. Greg seized the moment and pulled her into a hug that....
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    CSI: Hangman #4

    I'd like a "W" please. :D
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    Last Song Syndrome

    One Headlight - The Wallflowers
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    Add a line Part 2

    "spread peanut butter on your feet!" Sara begged, hugging him tightly. "I promise Sara, now where did we put that jar of...."
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    Quotes you WON'T hear - Pt 2

    :lol: *Grissom dancing around his office, singing* Grissom: butts and I cannot lie!
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    Gum Drops was a Sandlicious episode! :D It's possibly my favorite eppie so far. Rashomama had some good scenes in it too. Eating together at the diner and what-not. Oh yes, there are many, many Sandle moments throughout the seasons. *takes Silhouette's little dog and shaves it* Mwahahaha...
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    Add a line Part 2

    them in confusion. Hodges continued to lick his toes while Greg and Sara hurried away, trying to put as much distance between themselves and their insane...
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    Oh yeah! The gold star scene is a good one too. And the one in Gum Drops where they find the sweet mary jane. :lol: I laugh everytime at that! :eek: Can't forget the lab explosion, very traumatic. I watched Play With Fire both times last night. Perhaps I do enjoy angst! But still prefer...
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    What Are You Reading? - #2

    The Chronicles Of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. My favorite books next to The LOTR and anything by R.A. Salvatore.
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    *sigh* We lost! Well at least we lost to a good team. :D On the other hand, Carmelo was great again. What'd he have, like, 27 points? If he gets some support in Denver this year they might have a shot at a title. :)
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    Yeah Hestia, it's hard to top Silhouette's list cuz all of the great Sandle scene were on it! :D The scene where Greg gestures "Call Me" to Sara is great. You can see she's trying so hard not to smile. sandersidle, yeah it is great! The song was amazing too. IMDB has Fannysmackin' listed...
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    :lol: Makeout session! Now that would have been great. One can only hope for more PDAs between Greggo and Sara this season. Anyways I was looking a site, which starts with a you and ends with tube ( ;) ) and I saw a promo for next season. Dunno who's seen it or not. Anywho, if you want to...
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    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    Mine's the poster for the upcoming movie Eragon. Looks cool. :D
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    Linkin Park

    Love Linkin Park, one of my favorite bands. I heard they have 35+ songs written for the next CD but they have to cut some obviously. :D Won't be out 'till next year though.
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    :lol: That was funny in 4x4, but I always thought he checking to make sure Sara wasn't looking. Didn't matter if she'd been watching or not because she saw everything later on, didn't she? The Dead Ringer hug should have been longer too I agree! *points down at banner* Yup, those thingys...
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    Add a line Part 2

    Greg and Sara came back from a crime scene to see Warrick with flowers sticking out of his nose, Grissom wearing his shoes on the wrong feet, Catherine slapping individual pieces of cheese to her body and Hodges eating an entire jar of peanut butter with his... (:lol:)
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    Sara/Greg #7- She Saw Everything

    Hmmm I don't remember that scene from Kiss Kiss Bye Bye, but then again I've only seen the episode once. Perhaps I shall watch it again. Hoping for lots of Sandle scenes in S7! I'm glad you liked my suggestion Silhouette, I'm full of them. And full of something else or so I've been told...