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  1. D


    back to the whitehouse, hehe look out for audrey ;)
  2. D

    TV's Greatest Couples!!!

    24 : tony + michelle! :D
  3. D


    you see! i told you :D
  4. D

    Welcome to the CSI Music Forum!

    Re: CD im doing a project - no televisual, its just got a game - and im trying to experience and understand what music suits what emottion, etc... but so far its been great :D the Lab music is perfect for my project...upbeat, etc
  5. D

    Question: Can I say "download" or link to songs here?" (Updated 5/19/05)

    Re: Question: Can I say "download" or link to songs here?" ( hmmmm how about "covering" songs? for example, the Vegas intro theme song = The Who - Who Are You if i were to cover it and upload it, as a sampler not sure if there are copyrights there or... if im even askin the right section :)
  6. D


    whoa! :D i think mine was mon 10am til weds 1am went to a german music festival ;) tony always does a good job :D he and michelle have a sexy kiss before or adter (cant remember :p )he gets kidnapped - dont get too jealous, hehe ;)
  7. D


    excellent! :D i did watch the whole of series 2 in one night :p thats the longest day of my life :D tony for pres!!! :D even more fun
  8. D


    oooh i remember that eppy i sitll dont know how that other agent could have been killed as soon as he got off the helicopter :p bring back Palmer as pres! just family :D
  9. D


    hey! thats cool!! :) tell me wher you are after youve seen it ;)
  10. D

    What are your addictions?

    she is the coolest!!! :) my list : (uk) football games computer programming guitar photography food! :P :rolleyes:
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    "Dog Eat Dog" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    on the matter of vegans/vegetarians, i respect them...for some reason too lazy of a onvert, myself :D
  12. D


    nahh baker isnt dead just doesnt show up for work anymore :P castle is one of the leader agents, like Baker. wait jsut before Tony is gagged, then you'll see ;) do you think Chloe and Edgar should get together, hehe odd couple, hehe
  13. D


    ahh good old svenska :D i got that countdown to s5 as my home page...soooo cool! :D i really hope they bring back Baker...he was much better than Castle...except hes dead :P 39 more days! :D also you see A LOT of 24 cast in CSI
  14. D

    "Dog Eat Dog" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    the violent dog ate + killed the women
  15. D


    s4 has some COOOL DVD features!! :D i still want my s2 back from a "friend" :mad: whats DDK?
  16. D


    coool!! hehe, baker was the guy at the back of the house looking for Saunders...and, your man, Tony moved him ;) i wonder why they couldnt get michelle topless and gagged when she was taken hostage, hahaha :P
  17. D


    cool! a tiny bit off topic..but do you remmeber Agent Baker? the oriental guy? lead Agent too i saw a little from Lost...was that him? :-D
  18. D


    sure! :)
  19. D


    hehe, another smoker :lol:
  20. D


    hehehe, lucky!! naturally most of the terrorists die ;) but i like the gun battle with the british guy at the end of s2 calling air support, haha i gues your about 3-4weeks from the end cool! just in time for the new series :D