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  1. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    So they are not only bringing back two of the most boring villains in CSI:M history but they are also reigniting the Horatio/Delko bro-mance? :rolleyes: My hopes for a decent S9 are quickly being shot to hell. Personally, I don't have a problem with Lady Gaga being on the show, maybe it will...
  2. Court

    What Do You Think About Eddie Cibrian's Departure? *spoilers*

    No kidding. What did Yelena pack up and move back to Brazil? And what happened to Ray Jr.? :confused: That kid has to be in like, college or something.
  3. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    I'd actually prefer it if they both got lost ... forever. :rolleyes: This is the same old crap TPTB have been feeding us for years. And we're supposed to be GRATEFUL for these little nuggets? :scream: I honestly believe TPTB don't care about CSIM anymore - otherwise they wouldn't have...
  4. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Ooooh, nice. :thumbsup: Thanks for the great photos Mayra!
  5. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    Agreed. Eric has gotten painful to watch over the last five years, with his attitude and lack of professionalism. I mean, in the early years, even when he was a player and he and Speed were giving each other crap all the time, he put his job above his antics. Now he's self-righteous and...
  6. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    An actual, honest-to-God storyline for Natalia? After all this time? It almost feels like Christmas. :thumbsup:
  7. Court

    CSI: Miami is moving to Sunday at 10PM!

    I know how you feel. i live in a market where CSIM got bounced for the local news and the local sports feature show that follows after it. I was so p----d off. :scream: (Especially since the sports feature is horrible - two guys who WISH they could be SportsNight). CSIM didn't air at all...
  8. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Thank you! Those were exactly my thoughts when I watched S4. It was so annoying that TPTB didn't even TRY to make that cancer story look realistic. I really thought it was kind of insulting to the intelligence of the audience.
  9. Court

    Favourite Miami Character

    Horatio - hands down. :thumbsup: He's got that fantastic combination of good cop/bad cop that is fascinating to watch. He's smart, compassionate, fiery and intelligent. It doesn't hurt that he's totally handsome and has an awesome sense of style. I heart those sunglasses. :cool: Really...
  10. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Thanks for the link DeLynn. As always, I heart seeing DC's take on things. :thumbsup:
  11. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    My guess would be that they're completely tapped out of original ideas ... but that's just me. :shifty:
  12. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Good call. Bringing back Stuart Otis would be so many kinds of awesome, I can't even count it. :thumbsup: I would argue that he is the creepiest of all past villains. "Broken" still gives me chills - I have to psych myself up to watch it. I dig the idea of Ramon Cruz making a comeback too...
  13. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Ah I loved it when Ron was involved somehow in a case. He is a fun villain, he's evil, but he does it with a certain flair. I adored Clavo, but I like Ron too. That being said, there was no mention of Ron whatsoever in S8 that I can remember, so I kinda doubt he'll be the responsible party. Who...
  14. Court

    What Do You Think About Eddie Cibrian's Departure? *spoilers*

    Completely with you there. I know a lot of people complain about the scene in "Hostile Takeover" where Jesse rips off his shirt to help Danielle, but I thought it was total win. :drool: I never tire of watching it. To each his own, but I think Jesse is smokin' hot. Such a shame to waste such...
  15. Court

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

    I really did say that to a friend once ... word for word. :eek:
  16. Court

    What Do You Think About Eddie Cibrian's Departure? *spoilers*

    So ... :shifty: I'm gonna miss Jesse's ties. He knew how to work that neckwear. :thumbsup: (I know that's a lame post. Just trying to lighten the mood.)
  17. Court

    What Do You Think About Eddie Cibrian's Departure? *spoilers*

    As I recall, Adam chose to leave the show he had been on since the beginning to pursue other career opportunities. Eddie was pretty much forced to leave a show that, a year ago, hyped the heck out of him.
  18. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    I know. :rolleyes: Jeez AR, narcissist much? The best eps of S8 were the ones he WASN'T in, IMO. :p
  19. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    With you there. I think my S1 discs are starting to show some wear from being watched too much. :lol:
  20. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    I have an idea/suggestion: If Emily wants her pregnancy written in so badly, TPTB can do it, but - HERE IT COMES - Eric is NOT the Baby Daddy. *GASP* Then it becomes "Who is the father?" Since the E/C romance is already making the show a soap opera, it might as well go whole hog. :rolleyes...