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  1. Court

    9x06 - "Reality Kills" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Yeah, we're about a half-hour behind here too. Better late than never.
  2. Court

    9x06 - "Reality Kills" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    And it looks like the Denver/KC game is going long now in the midwest, though probably only 15 minutes to a half hour (if we're lucky). :rolleyes: I can't wait until the NFL season is over.
  3. Court

    CSI Miami Is New CBS Disposable?

    This whole Sunday night thing really feels like a nail in the coffin, which absolutely SUCKS for so many reasons, one of which being CBS wants us viewers to be loyal to them and their programming, but they don't want to show us any kind of loyalty back. It just FEELS like CBS is already...
  4. Court

    9x06 - "Reality Kills" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Like CBS gives a rat's :censored: about us fans. :rolleyes: If they did, they wouldn't have bumped our show from Monday night in favor of that crappy re-make "Hawaii 5-Oh this show sucks."
  5. Court

    9x06 - "Reality Kills" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Which is an incredible "F" "U" to the show's fans from CBS. We invest time and energy into one of their products and they give us the middle finger for it. Boo on CBS.
  6. Court

    9x06 - "Reality Kills" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I live in the Omaha market and the CBS station here booted Miami for local news and a local sports show nobody watches. I never thought I'd say this, but I really hate football right now. :scream: Apparently CBS wants our show to fail. :censored:
  7. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    I think he is a County Supervisor or Commissioner. In some places, County Supervisors oversee budgets for county agencies, including county law enforcement. Not sure if this applies to the story, but that's how I took it.
  8. Court

    Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Not that he isn't every night, but Ryan was totally smoking' hot in tonight's eppie. :drool: I'm so happy TPTB have decided to show that he is intelligent and good at his job rather than some scapegoat for ... other ... characters ... to look down on.
  9. Court

    Episode 9x05 - 'Sleepless in Miami' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    One of the best episodes I have seen in years! :thumbsup: Eva did an outstanding job in this ep. It was so awesome to see her really showcase her awesome range. It was definitely a long-time coming too. I loved the interaction with H and Ryan at the end. So far, S9 really does have a good...
  10. Court

    Most epic intro?

    Dispo Day (S1, EP18), to me, had the greatest opening ever, with the "funeral procession" ambush on the Dispo route, Speedle getting shot and all the other action. It was an "OMG" moment.
  11. Court

    It should have been Eric

    That's because TPTB have decided that Eric can do no wrong at the expense of the show's integrity. :rolleyes: And like others here, I ALWAYS liked Jesse, but it seemed like anyone who dares speak out against the "prodigal son" is deemed a "hater," or is told to "stop watching" by a select...
  12. Court

    Eric/Calleigh storyline -- why we dislike it. Part 2 **spoilers**

    I know. I have the fear that they are going from the "Super H" joke to the "Super Eric" show, if you know what I mean. Bleh.
  13. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Okay, I'm clearly late to the party. There was another stalker incident?:confused:
  14. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    I wonder what's up with this: :confused:
  15. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    I don't think anyone is saying that Horatio is going anywhere. All the heir apparent talk is theoretical. However, TPTB tend to write the Horatio/Delko bromance in such a way where it looks like Eric is his number two, which technically is Calleigh. She is the assistant day shift supervisor...
  16. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Ryan should definitely be the heir apparent. S8 sucked as far as the writing for Ryan, but if you look at who is was in the other seasons, he is definitely the right material. Yes, he had a gambling addiction, but the fact that he overcame that show just how strong he really is. He is dedicated...
  17. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    :lol::guffaw::lol::guffaw: You are my hero.
  18. Court

    Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

    Totally agree with you. TPTB have tried to force the idea of H/Delko as being equals and that is not the case. H is Delko's boss - or at least he WAS in the good seasons before the writers dumbed down everything. If I didn't know any better, I would swear TPTB are setting it up for H to be taken...
  19. Court

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Triumph on CSI: Miami? OMG, that NEEDS to happen. :guffaw:
  20. Court

    Caption CSI:Miami!

    Horatio: Which one is our suspect? Rick: Eenie, meenie, minee, mo. Catch a baddie by the ...