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  1. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x16 - "LA" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hmmm quite true! I did like the little comment at Ryan....poor Ryan being called "Pint Size":p "I'm 5'9..." "My pants are 5'9" hehe!:lol: Damn! If Ryan is Pint Size, then I must be a midget!! I'm only 5'1!:guffaw: Oh well, we short people have our advantages! And we will rule the...
  2. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    All I can say is, if Eddie gets booted to make room for Adam, I will be very sad and angry, and Miami will definitely lose me as a viewer. While Numb3rs has annoyed me with its rotating cast which just about drives me insane because sometimes I can't see my favorite character for weeks on...
  3. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x16 - "LA" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    hmmmm intriguing how an episode about Jesse doesn't even have him in any of their previews.... Well, I personally am excited to see what this one's all about!!!
  4. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    I'm still here! Eddie/Jesse fan forever and always! I'm absolutely thrilled about the Jesse-episode coming up! I can only hope the writers don't blow it.....I'm trying not to have my expectations too high...right now I'm just hoping for a decent story....maybe even a few more Jesse/Horatio...
  5. BauerAlmeida

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    I agree with this! They made an effort to show that Jesse wasn't just some newbie replacement, they gave him a connection to both Horatio and Speed, they put him in the flashback showing that he was there when the team started out. And supposedly Jesse wanted to come to Miami and Horatio gave...
  6. BauerAlmeida

    The Jesse/Ryan/Walter Comedy Hour

    I will always love my Three Musketeers! :cool: They are simply the apple of my eyes! I can never get enough of them and it's so nice to see some humor on a crime drama instead of same old boring business as usual moments. It's so great for me to see Ryan HAPPY and with people who doesn't see...
  7. BauerAlmeida

    How Do You Feel About Adam/Delko Returning Full-Time?

    How do you feel about the news? I can't say that I'm particularily thrilled. I mean, it's nice that Adam is having a job again and able to work out his contract. But I worry about the screentime for others and the way the storylines would go. I don't want things to go back to being business...
  8. BauerAlmeida

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    Well, I certainly hope TPTB aren't getting rid of Jesse and Walter anytime soon just to put Eric back on full-time. It's not wrong for Miami to inject some new blood into the show and I find Walter and Jesse refreshing and bringing this show into a new light instead of just being business as...
  9. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x15 - 'Miami, We Have a Problem' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I guess when you are doing innovative work, trying to revolutionize space flight, there is always a price to pay. I mean, we all have to start out as rookies and amatures somewhere. I'm sure the first people who went up to space were no experts either. But there is always a sense in the regular...
  10. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x15 - 'Miami, We Have a Problem' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I totally love this episode! CSIs in space! It's classic! Now I'm like the biggest Sci-Fi fan ever and probably has seen every recent and maybe even past Sci-Fi shows, but I found the CSI ep incredibly refreshing and unique and very much Miami-style! I certainly didn't find it dull at all...
  11. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x15 - 'Miami, We Have a Problem' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I'm still trying to control my laughter at seeing Jesse and Walter bouncing around in space! LOL! :lol: Ryan is so cute with the Vomit Comet comment!:guffaw: This episode is gonna be priceless either way! I could care less if the story is even remotely realistic, seeing my CSIs in space is a...
  12. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x15 - 'Miami, We Have a Problem' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I don't know why but this episode promo makes me crack up everytime I watch it! LOL! CSIs in space! Now THAT is thinking outside the box!:lol: VomitComet....:guffaw:
  13. BauerAlmeida

    Grade 'Sanguine Love'

    NY's lucky to land powerful guest stars! Carlo Rota? Finola Hughes? WOW! Those people aren't easy ones to come by! Carmine did a wonderful job with everything, I really liked it! Just a thought though, has anyone notice that Flack seems rougher these days? Early seasons he was very much...
  14. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x14 - "In the Wind" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I loved Anthony Michael Hall when he was the lead on the Dead Zone! He was brilliant and completely leading man quality!!! As for the whole Jesse screentime thing, I'm not even gonna bother with it anymore, I'm tired of having to argue and defend my position, clearly different people have...
  15. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x14 - "In the Wind" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    I don't see how they are using too much Jesse as some on here have said. I mean, people complain that he's too boring and one dimensional, yet gets all jumped up when they actually put in some background story on the new guy. What is wrong with actually learning something about a new character...
  16. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x12 - Show Stopper *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

    Well, all I can say is that I definitely enjoyed Eddie's acting in this episode. I've always maintained that good acting is more than facial expressions or how they talk, but the look in their eyes, and as far as I'm concerned, I saw that incredible sadness and anger in his eyes, and that was...
  17. BauerAlmeida

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    Oh poor Jesse-poo....*hugs* Eddie was just wonderful in the scene where Jesse tells Calleigh the truth of why he returned.... And from the title of 8.16 "LA", I'm guessing that it'll be the Jesse episode where we find out what really went on during his years away and possibly end the...
  18. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x12 - Show Stopper *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

    I liked this episode, this look into the dark and dangerous pop star world is relevant in a time where our real world seems so fascinated by fame and stardom that sometimes we put these stars on pedestals and we forget that those stars can become the victims and in the end, they are just human...
  19. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x11 - 'Delko For the Defense' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Creative maybe, but certainly not unheard of. These things do happen in real life. Besides, stranger and sicker crimes have happened.
  20. BauerAlmeida

    Episode 8x11 - 'Delko For the Defense' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    It's scenes like at the very end where Horatio is gently embracing the victim in his arms that has always endeared Horatio Caine to me, his incredibly open loving heart is the sole reason that despite all my last 5 years of teasing and mocking his character, that I could never hate him and will...