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  1. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    Mac like always has a kind of sexy mystery to him, the sotryline was great.
  2. C

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    Mac is hot, I love him.
  3. C

    Peyton: should she stay or should she go?

    Too bad Frankie died, he was fine. Mac and Stella do have a beatiful relationship. Mac and Peyton have a weird relationship, I like the way she rubbed her hand in his chest, it was hot. :devil: :devil:
  4. C

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    Im telling you that Peyton looked at Mac weird, Maybe its just me. I am going to love that episode. :D
  5. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    I love This episode but what I really want to see is Heart of Glass, its going to be the best.
  6. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    I know, look in yahoo maybe you will find something.
  7. C

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    Not really, you have to pay attention on CBS for the commercials.
  8. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    That was mean. I know frankie is dead but Sweet god is he hot Did you see Run silent, run deep? He has a body that wow. I love Mac too.
  9. C

    Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

    Stella and Mac are so hot is ridiculous. I have no idea but suddenly I have become more attracted to Frankie he is very hot.
  10. C

    Does Mac have feelings for Peyton or Stella?

    :D :D :D :D :D Thanks for replying, I know that Mac is dating Peyton but sometimes he is cold with her. Everytime Stella is near him he smiles. Thanks for the link.
  11. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    :devil: :devil: :devil: no Do you think Frankie is hot???????????????? :D :D :D
  12. C

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    NO idea about the sister but I think that woman hurts Stella in some way. Am I the only one who paid attention to the look Peyton gave Mac? I also was kinda glad Peyton was back. Weird.
  13. C

    Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

    1CSIMfan I swear that Peyton looked at Mac so weird when she said what that girl's cause of death was. And you are evil but so am I. OH and thanks Jessica6 it helps a lot.
  14. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    In this episode Mac is so sweet when he hugs Reed. I love Mac he is hot. Frankie Mala is hot too.
  15. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    Stella should work with Mac more, they havent worked together for a long time, I hope he is there for her on the next episodes even though Peyton is there. Did anyone see the look on Peyton's face in the spoiler for "Heart Of Glass" when she said what the cause of the death was, and how she was...
  16. C

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    He always looks good specially when Stella takes off his tie. Please reply to my who does mac like more stella or peyton, Im sad. :( :( :( :(
  17. C

    CSI: DuCaine

    I love DUCAINE, Partially Im more inclined to reading the fluff version but all of them are vety good.
  18. C

    Grade 'Some Buried Bones'

    Sometimes I do wander if Claire is dead or not. Stella is a nice person that's why she gave Ava her card.
  19. C

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    Right now Im watching Mission to Mars with Gary, god does that men look hot, also Im watching CSI/CSI NY crossover and he is there looking fine!. :devil: