Does Mac have feelings for Peyton or Stella?


I'm one of the biggest Smacked fans in and LJ.
I like the relationship between Mac and Peyton but since the day he pulled her hand away from his face just as Stella was coming into his office made me wander, Does he not want Stella to know that they are together?
Who does he like more Peyton or Stella?
Well, considering he's dating Peyton instead of Stella, I'd say he probably has romantic feeling for Peyton and friendship for Stella.

Mac is a private person but who knows why he hasn't told anyone. I've read that he must come to terms with his personal and private lives coming together. At least he doesn't work with Peyton full time since she's an ME, so that should help.

Maybe Stella knows about Mac and Peyton. Just because they haven't said it on the show, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I don't think he likes one more than the other. He's dating Peyton so of course he likes her. He's been friends with Stella for over 10 years so I'm sure that Stella was also friends with Claire. I just see Mac and Stella as really close friends and great co-workers. I don't ever see anything more developing between them but that's just me.

Have you been over to Shipper Central? There is a whole thread dedicated to Mac and Stella where you can talk about them with other posters who ship Mac and Stella. You can find it here .
:D :D :D :D :D
Thanks for replying, I know that Mac is dating Peyton but sometimes he is cold with her.
Everytime Stella is near him he smiles.
Thanks for the link.