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  1. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17 MORE DAYS until the SEASON SIX PERMIERE OF CSI NY!!!! I'm SO FREAKIN ECSTATIC and that means on the 16th of SEPTEMBER WE SHOULD GET A PREVIEW FOR THE FIRST EPISODE!!!!! HOORAY and we might be able to see if Stella/ Adam thing takes place in same episode or...
  2. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Thanks again for all my birthday wishes late or not you guys make me feel so loved and HOORAY!!!! the sixth season is almost here... I wonder whats in store for the 16th episode and to see if our every other season with Mac asking Stella to stay with him or other way around, but hopefully the...
  3. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Yeah I am... I love writng fan-fics, did you read any of my stories?? Thanks for that lovely pic AXEL everytime i see them smiling in the picture the more i melt and the more I see they look like they're just gonna kiss ignoring the guy who looks more like Adam... to me. and thanks for all...
  4. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    yeah I'm glad a few of you guys arenot that upset with the Adam/Stella thing, before i was but a few hours after i watched it, my brain officially kicked in anyways, why i am here today, first of super excited to see what awaits CSI NY especially this whole Stella in bra explanation and just...
  5. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Don't murder them so soon... maybe its a good idea they played Greater Good first, but if your superly desperate to seeing GFD go to and search CSI NY: go to the episode guide tab go to season six and click on the video... thats how i watched it a few days ago since they replaced it...
  6. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    don't worry you didnt miss anything big... I';ve been here a lot lately and some people are slacking in replies anyways so you wont have to spend all your time searching for anything
  7. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    HOORAY!!!! but i just watched it a few days ago... i just remembered how freakin awesome it was now i won't start a mob for TPTB... well fer nows anyways, they can screw it up
  8. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    first off i got to say is that that avatar was insanely cool i wish it would happen on the show, but we can only imagine... lol and it's not just Gio it seems like the whole family disappeared... please dont do this to us for one there is no one to talk to right now and Gio is the holder of...
  9. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Hola! Senorita's: Anyways Pleni I see what your saying... i doubt there will be a romantic kiss, it probably will be a kiss like my avatar for the most part... now my brain's thinking again... two things: 1. I wonder what will be in store for us in episode 6.16?? hopefully its something...
  10. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    hey hey... what happened to the chatty family?? I don't want to be ALL ALONE!! :( and ONG ginormas news after the showing of Veritas... WE HAVE not one or two BUT THREE!! WEEKS UNTIL... SEASON SIX!!!! hooray finally MORE SMackedness to look forward to and we get to find out if the rumour is...
  11. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    lol don't worry I am calmed i can always watch it online anyways and as for the picture ^_^ i swear it looks like they're not even paying attention to Don *sorry Don* but if you look closely it looks like Don was interrupting a close to intimate moment between our two love birds... wouldn't...
  12. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

  13. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    You just keep on giving me ideas and you know what I might just write a fanfic about me kidnapping nap and Stella coming for his rescue... anyways you welcome everyone for posting the SMacked convo: after i watched the scene 10 times and writing the convo from my notes i like memorized the...
  14. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    great... now you gave me an idea :devil::devil: thanks, but now I can't I love Stella, but not Rambo Stella... so she can keep the sexy:drool: Detective:drool:Taylor:drool::drool: :D okay now the reason why I'm here, a while back i was talking about SMacked scene where Mac found out that...
  15. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    what's up family?? i'll have more to say tomorrow but guess what is on THIS Wednesday?? what you ask OUR SMACKED EPISODE 5.24 of course HOORAY!! i was going to watch it on youtube becuz i thought it would be on in 3 weeks but i guess not :D so thats what i wanted to say and I'll check back...
  16. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    hey Lori one thing you forgot to mention about her in Snow Day is that she ALMOST GOT HIM KILLED!!!! okay sorry for language but who in the hell loves some one so much and wants to call them while they are in the building possibly in danger... I mean seriously when i watched that recently I...
  17. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Glad you liked my idea AXEL and others that thought it would be cool. and Debs, already saw pictures earlier but can't help but keep on looking at them and Mac looks sex as hell in the second picture oh and where do i go when i see this picture you ask... the very famous GUTTERVILLE...
  18. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    watched Point of No Return and just remember to post the convo they had when Mac told Stella that the man that tried to kill Stella was murdered Diakos wuz it?? anyways... part of convo i couldn't find but here was Mac caring for Stella wish i had whole conversation here's the tidbit...
  19. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    we might get SMacked scenes the beginning of season: got this from Twitter and Hill today but was posted yesterday "On the set shooting all night tonight-- entire cast shooting the continuation scene of the final scene of season 5!! AJ Buckley says "Hi!" so that might mean that we get to see...
  20. sucker4-SMacked

    Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    first off i LOVE RND 4.16 of course and second i do get the feeling that Adam hits on Stella sometimes... he's always nervous around her and it keeps me wondering why