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  1. VirGodess1923

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    Lady I: You're signature is soooo funny!! !! :lol::lol:
  2. VirGodess1923

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Welcome for the pic, everyone! :thumbsup:
  3. VirGodess1923

    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    Happy Birthday Ms. Em!! :beer:
  4. VirGodess1923

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    Now lets look at these...
  5. VirGodess1923

    8x03 - 'Bolt Action' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I think in any show, they will have some sort of chemistry between characters, no matter how much you try and prevent it from happening. Yes, CSI Miami is about forensics, but these characters in a sense are human and its natural to have them want to jump in bed with each other. All of the CSI...
  6. VirGodess1923

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Still alive and well!! I thought the mention of Twitter was soooooooooooooo his idea, LOL. I agree with a fan (not sure of what thread) when they said Twitter was a way to let his fans know he's thinking of us... Smile for the camera, Adam : -yahoo group
  7. VirGodess1923

    8x03 - 'Bolt Action' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Did anyone else find the writing for this episode a little off? I certainly did when Ryan and Natalia were going back and forth in the middle of an interrogation in front of the daughter. What was with all that cougar talk?? Jesse and the new guy talks were odd and him out on the field with...
  8. VirGodess1923

    8x02 - 'Hostile Takeover' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Lets see what next week has to offer... I totally agree. How did he get past security with the gun...that could've been much more realistic!!
  9. VirGodess1923

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Thanks Noami!! he's so sweet. The girl who filmed him at the rally donated a pic to the group. He looks so great!
  10. VirGodess1923

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    So I don't know if anyone's read the spoilers from CSI Fanatic for Episode 3?
  11. VirGodess1923

    8x02 - 'Hostile Takeover' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    interested to see how this one turns out tonight....
  12. VirGodess1923

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Nice!!! Thanks for the link!!! :thumbsup:
  13. VirGodess1923

    8x01 - 'Out of Time' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    You are right!! there was no explanation as to why Eric was getting this operation!! I thought that Alexx would've said something to Calleigh when she sat with her to talk, but nothing. I guess we were just to assume it was his head injury!! Also, I didn't like that really no characters spoke...
  14. VirGodess1923

    8x01 - 'Out of Time' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Didn't realize this thread was here, so posting this again. Mod's can delete my other one, if they like. ******************* So....just watched the episode. I like it overall, it was typical CSI Miami. A couple of things: 1. In the beginning when Eric ended up on...
  15. VirGodess1923

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    So....just watched the episode. I like it overall, it was typical CSI Miami. A couple of things: 1. In the beginning when Eric ended up on ground, next to that telephone??, I thought he was staring at it trying to decide to get help, but if you remember, that's the exact same spot that he...
  16. VirGodess1923

    Eric and Calleigh #37: Against All Odds

    I just watched the episode...
  17. VirGodess1923

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    I know Eddie is a great actor, but should I be annoyed that in 8:03 press release, Adam's name is allllll the way on the bottom and Eddie's is up top and third where Adam's used to be? :scream: I, on the other hand, am really excited about tonight, but I too am not able to see it :( I'm not...