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  1. CSINicole

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI Discussion!

    Okay, I am not to new to the board or the shows. I just have been away for awhile. So I thought I would re-introduce myself! My name is Taylor Nicole, but you can Call me Nikki or what ever you feel
  2. CSINicole

    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!1 MMMMM I LOVE ERIC/CALLIEGH!!!!!
  3. CSINicole

    DuCAine-will it last

    Cal:Hey, H, Can you help Delko process a scence? H:Yea, sure. Cal:THanks so much. H:Yea. At scene... Eric:I thought I was gunna see Cal today, Oh well. H:*Smiles*Yes, well look like your stuck with me Back at the lab... Stetler:Cal, I need to talk to you. Cal:*sighs*Oh god. Rick:Ok, Someone...
  4. CSINicole

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    I wish I could put Mac on my x-mas list. he would be the best christmas present EVER!
  5. CSINicole

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Ok. Im really sick and havent been able to sleep b/c of it. Last night, Forest Gump was on and I relized, Lt.Dan's last name was Taylor, like Mac's. I didnt know that!
  6. CSINicole

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

  7. CSINicole

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    CAPIN DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i looooove him!
  8. CSINicole

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    He did seem more like his old self agian. OMG! have you guys seen prieviews for Monday epp? I CANT WAIT!
  9. CSINicole

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    Yea. It was a GREART idea. thanks by the way lol.
  10. CSINicole

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    Wow. spomeone eyes are sexier than DC's?????
  11. CSINicole

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

  12. CSINicole

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    HIs EYES are mezmorizing!
  13. CSINicole

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    Ok. If it wasnt for H's sexiness...I would die. WARNING! there is a whole latta manlyness!
  14. CSINicole

    Who would you want to save your life?

    Re: Who would you want to save you life? Oh so true! I would looove to be saved by that sexy texan!
  15. CSINicole

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    fully nekkid? OH YEA!
  16. CSINicole

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    That second pics you posted about KILLED ME! he is f*ckin FINE!
  17. CSINicole

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

  18. CSINicole

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    He is just truely sexy!
  19. CSINicole

    Horatio/DC#14: Even heroes have the right to bleed

    i looove the one in the white t...he is so fine. Ok, he isnt in a whit t shirt but he is still in a white shirt so sexy! I WANT THAT! and then there is this sexy one i found DC YUMMY! and last one that came a...WELL....WARNING!WARNING x7598723945193459863! [IMG]...