One time I had a crush on a friend of mine and they were like 13 and I was 17. When I told my mom she called me a pervert. She thinks that age matters, but to knows no limits. (especially age. :D )
i cant believe people are making a big deal over the 666 thing....ITS JUST A DAY PEOPLES!!! lol imagine saying that in a christian school (i did today :lol: )
a poptart is a breakfast pastry kinda. It's flat and it has dried (sorta) icing on the top. It has a sweet jelly filling in it. and when it's toasted and hot its gooooood!
:lol: oh my good god i was just reminded of the episode where sam was taken by hunter people and it was such a scary eppy i was like oh god! and i was jumping outta my seat but when someone was talking i was like DUDE SHUT UP!
ew ew ew jayne contacts will i like strawberry and blue eyes are cute. plus ann marie already has brown hair...btw ann marie might be your little sister soon lmao.