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    ~'Always Fresh at Misc Hortons!'~ Canadian Thread #4

    Re: Canadian Thread #4 i didnt get money from ralph :( i mean, i probably did, but like all money, it slips through my fingers. :lol: i hate snow!!!! grrrr! *attempts to beat up snowman*
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    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread to my one and only: i love you baby. you make me smile when i need to know someone loves me. you are my angel, and i cant wait to be with you. love you forever honey.
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    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i cant believe how hot drkate's avee is!!! i love frank!! i cant believe how in love i am with my girlfriend.
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    From the Mouth of High School

    i just dropped out of high school. the high school drama and bullying was becoming too much for me.
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    The Official Pets thread

    i dont have pics anymore, because the camera broke, but i do have a funny story. my dog, who is a boxer i might add, was being chased by me with a stuffed animal which i named holly, after holly gribs. i ran out of my dad's room and chased the dog down the stairs, and my dog slipped and fell...
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    Light a Candle

    i was abused by my mom from the age of 6 to the age of 16. i was afraid to go to anyone, because, even the cops, believed my mom when she said it was "childhood injuries". now at the age of 17, ive developed a thick skin, and will do anything to help kids in need. i don't have a candle, but i...
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    The ressurection of Duckman (Sara/Cath Slash fic)

    Chapter 3 KABOOM! The bomb went off, sending millions of pieces of debris flying towards the 6 girls. Cath pulled the girls to the ground and shielded Sara from the explosive debris. The only thing on her mind was making sure that her 8 month pregnant wife was safe, and that the baby was...
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    The ressurection of Duckman (Sara/Cath Slash fic)

    prepare for a twist in every chapter! :D It's better than the original.
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    This is Halloween (Grissom/Heather )

    Re: This is Halloween (Grissom/Heather with very brief Cat/S yayayayayayay!!!! heather and baby and gil!!! update!
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    Let's Talk Gay

    I just got back together with my girlfriend and I found out that her mother hates me so much! I didn't do anything wrong but she still hates me. I honestly don't know what to do. But last night I punched a lightpost cause of the anger towards her mother. Can someone help me?
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    This is Halloween (Grissom/Heather )

    Re: This is Halloween (Grissom/Heather with very brief Cat/Sara) *screams* omfg heather with a baby!!! lmao!!! omfg update! i love it! update! oh did i mention update?
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    This is Halloween (Grissom/Heather )

    Re: This is Halloween (Grissom/Heather with very brief Cat/Sara) holy! omfg i love it...update update now!
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    Post something you can't say out loud.

    to my girls mom: why do you hate me so much? im a very respectable person. I got out of an abusive house, and I would never hurt anyone. I respect you, but you dont respect me.
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    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    up: talked 2 my gf on the phone down: she got grounded for it down: got mad down: punched a lightpost down: busted my knuckles up: gonna call her mom
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    Post something you can't say out loud.

    To my one and only: I only broke up with you cause of my parents. They didn't think it was right for their only daughter to date a girl. But Im sorry about the break up. I love you so much.
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    The ressurection of Duckman (Sara/Cath Slash fic)

    Chapter 2 Sara awoke in a cold sweat. "Honey what's wrong?" Cath asked as Sara's eyes popped open to reveal bright brown eyes. Sara frowned and said " back." Cath sat up and rested her hand on Sara's stomach. "He's gone. We killed him a month ago." She said. Sara sighed and...
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    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    down: Missed miami last night Up: Went for a long walk down: Ended up getting drunk on that walk down: my bff hates me cause of it down: Threw up h-core last night down: When I went to sleep, I ended up throwing up then up: there was a bucket near me, thank God down: Woke up with a wicked hangover.
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    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Im fine now...just sick! :D :lol:
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    Post something you can't say out loud.

    To my Grandpa: Hi. I know you're watching over me, so I just want to tell you that I miss you so much. If you saw me at your funeral, I was devastated. Losing someone that I was so close with hurt so much. Just to let you know, even though I changed, I still love you so much. Seeing that elderly...
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    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    this happened a few days ago so yeah. Down: I was rushed to the hospital because of an attempted overdose. Up: my friends were all there to tell me that I was going to be okay and that life was worth living. Down: I thought I was going to die that night. Up: I survived.