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  1. loki

    "You Kill Me" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    love love love love LOVE this episode! Probably my favorite so far! Seriously. It definitely makes up for the not-so-great ones lately. I LOVE Hodges, he's so funny. "You think I'm smart?" had me roflmao, and SuperDave! Hahaha XD What an incredible eppy. I had the feeling Greg's comment to...
  2. loki

    Who said it.. to who?

    Oh, we have to name the episode? I read the first post of this and it didn't say anything about episode names... sorry. :( I was sure that was who said it, but I really suck at eppy names -_-"
  3. loki

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    I decided to post a new pic of me here since my hair has changed drastically since my last post :p The skateboard says it all :lol:
  4. loki


    I hope they don't get together. I don't really like Beth. Probably because she thought it was ok to kiss another guy while she had an exclusive boyfriend... no matter how hot the other guy was... it just irks me. Plus Mick should be with Josef :rolleyes:
  5. loki

    One on One challenges! Challenge #12 ~ Results Up!

    Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #6 ~ Voting! I'm up for a challenge, if anyone needs someone to go against :p
  6. loki

    Who said it.. to who?

    I dunno, I was just guessing :lol:
  7. loki

    Where Did You Get Your Username?

    My username comes from Loki the Norse god, who we were studying at the time (and many of my friends were comparing me to) and I've used it as pretty much all my usernames ever since.
  8. loki

    Who said it.. to who?

    Warrick to Greg?
  9. loki

    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 I know I'm new here, but I'd like to say that I think judging by rather or not a picture fits a theme is important in any art competition. As many of my art teachers have said, 90% of their grading criteria was based on how well the students followed the...
  10. loki

    Wallpaper Challenge Thread #2

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #20: Black and White ~ Now Up! Yeah, I've been doing a lot of color experimentation in my icons and such recently, so it was really nice to take a step back from that and do a nice COLORLESS wallpaper, lol. I already can't wait to see the other entries :p
  11. loki

    Last Photographer Standing #2 - Final Results Now Up!

    Re: Last Photographer Standing #2 LPS: 05: This is a pretty picture, but it doesn't seem very abstract :/ 14: This photograph seems like there's something missing... 12: This picture seems kind of... washed out, maybe? It doesn't really stand out. Best: 04 07 10
  12. loki

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread C: "This isn't working out". That's what I wanted to say. I typed it 12 times, but I had to erase it. would it have made things better if I had? What about if I said "I wish you were a better boyfriend" or "Stop making everything about you"? Would that have solved...
  13. loki

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Nice icons, Twins. I had icons of that scene made like 3 days ago, but... whatever -_-
  14. loki

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    lmao, that WOULD be just like that Friends eppy, Twins! Though, I can't imagine a girl that looks like Greg... *tries scrubbing image of Greg with lipstick on out of mind...*
  15. loki

    Wallpaper Thread #7

    I made 3 Sara wallpapers from "Goodbye and Goodluck" They're here (At the bottom)
  16. loki

    CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    I made some Goodbye and Good luck icons... They're pretty much all Nick/Greg since I know all you guys would have the GSR scenes down ;) The rest iz here
  17. loki

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Hey guys! ^_^ I'm still super giddy after last night's eppy. I found caps for it online and I was up all night making icons, lol. The lube scene is definately at the top of my favorite scene list right now :lol:
  18. loki

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    well, Twins, I DID like Sara, but I eventually got sick of her being Just Grissom's girlfriend, and I didn't like what tptb were turning her into, so I pretty much started hating her. It's like there's 2 of them, old sara and new Sara. Old sara has been gone a loooooong time already, and new...
  19. loki

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Hey I fainted at the lube scene. I believe I also mentioned a squeegasm... then again, I think I was pretty incoherent in my last post... I was pretty excited :p lol, HoYay! What a fun word! The new Moonlight show has a lot of that, too, which I'm becoming completely obsessed with... *see...
  20. loki

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    I swear I squeegasmed at the lube scene, that totally made my life. That entire scene was so priceless, and SO MUCH SUBTEXT! OUR SHIP LIVES!! WOO! I was a little pissed that walking down the hall, once again, Sara had to put herself between our boys, but I think I got a little too excited when I...