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  1. S

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    Fay, so you're the one spreading all the fake rumours in this thread.. :lol:
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    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    The fact that you can't watch it out of the US is.. Depressing >.O; Not even Canada has luck with that. *leans over to Dad* ..So, when do we go to Washington again?
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    Grade 'People With Money'

    o.o If someone stumbles across a transcript of this episode.. Please let me know :D I kinda wasn't paying too much attention at the beginning because mom was destracting me x.X AND THEN she forgot to tape it while I was in the shower. My chances for seeing it again are ruined.. >.> <.<
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    The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

    I have... a cat. o_o A cat that lies down when she eats -_-;; Y'know what's a really big dog? Those Newfie dogs. O.o
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    Fehr Game For ‘CSI:Miami”

    Bloody Edmonton :p *poke prod at Geni* :lol: But it's cool that he's back. It's nice that an Albertan has a hand in things xD
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    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    *flails around, waving NCIS flag* :p Dammit, I loved the opening.. It was interesting.
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    Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

    ... :lol: I watched it.. It was a great opener. I thought it seemed like a good show, so I think I'll watch it.
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    Band Geeks United!!!

    *flies through the door and crashes into a bean bag* Dammit, I have sweatpants from the band department at school that say "Band Geek" on the butt. I live in the band room. I'm in concert, Wind Symph, and Musical theater. I can tell stories about each and every one :p
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    The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

    Ziggy, we should go for coffee! :lol: Oh geez.. Quarterway? :p That's right across the road from my Dad's place. Other side of Bowen. You guys had nothing on us Rutherford kids. :D *lovels my elementary school* Dover Bay still tops though. It's a good thing though that that route wasn't...
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    The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

    *ATTACK!!!!!* YOU WERE IN NANAIMO.. and you didn't tell me? *puppy dog pout... sob* :p And I might have been there... Maybe.. Possibly. I.. Where in Nanaimo does your Dad live? I might know him. :lol: Coombs is a really great place. Silly little goats. And did you take the Departure...
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    Greatest Series Finales

    Will & Grace West Wing Friends and... JAG. :D
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    CSI: Hangman #4

    CSIangel17 or Detective_Burn can take it.. They solved the puzzles first.
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    CSI: Hangman #4

    CSI: I: What are -o- so a-rai- o-, (c2)? We're --st a -o---e o- s-ien-e -ee-s. Wh- -an't we wor- to-ether? II: No, we are ----i- ser-ants. CSI Miami: I: --ease -on't te-- -e we --st -a-e a -o-- to a -o---ete stran-er. II: (c1), we --st -a-e the... I: (c2), I -now. CSI NY: Solved by...
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    The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

    ...Where are all teh Canadians? Ziggy, you came to Vancouver Island without telling me?! Where...? I want to stalk you. :D
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    Body found on Miami set

    o___O Do you think in one more week that the original CSI will have discovered a body?
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    CSI: Hangman #4

    CSI: I: ---- --e --- s- ------ --, (c2)? -e'-e --s- - ------ -- s--e-ne -ee-s. --- --n'- -e ---- --------? II: N-, -e --- ------ se---n-s. CSI Miami: I: --e-se --n'- -e-- -e -e --s- ---e - ---- -- - -----e-e s---n-e-. II: (c1), -e --s- ---e --e... I: (c2), - -n--. CSI NY: I: (c2)! See - --e-...
  17. S

    CSI: Hangman #4

    CSI: I: ---- --e --- -- ------ --, (c2)? -e'-e ---- - ------ -- ---e--e -ee--. --- ---'- -e ---- --------? II: --, -e --- ------ -e------. CSI Miami: I: --e--e ---'- -e-- -e -e ---- ---e - ---- -- - -----e-e ------e-. II: (c1), -e ---- ---e --e... I: (c2), - ----. CSI NY: I: (c2)! -ee - --e-...
  18. S

    CSI: Hangman #4

    :D Big one again. CSI: I: ---- --- --- -- ------ --, (c2)? --'-- ---- - ------ -- ------- -----. --- ---'- -- ---- --------? II: --, -- --- ------ --------. CSI Miami: I: ------ ---'- ---- -- -- ---- ---- - ---- -- - -------- --------. II: (c1), -- ---- ---- ---... I: (c2), - ----. CSI NY: I...
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    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Come to think of it, I made an icon of that one once :lol: Nim, but can you name the sword? :p I used it way back when, tons of times, with RPing. It's a Katana! =D I bring a present ^_^ I love this one because it looks like he's about to go kick some ass. :p
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    CSI: Hangman #4

    WARRICK: I've got ANTs. Not the insect. NICK: Amino-Naphthalene WARRICK: Trisulfonic acid. NICK: You're trying to stump me. I can feel it. Early Rollout. 4x15 :D