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  1. R

    Fake David Caruso Twitter

    Supposedly, some fans went "overboard." Honestly, I saw some of the comments other fans left on his page (not the ones that caused him to close his accounts, however), and they were EXACTLY the same as comments I've seen directed at other celebs. ...I respect the man, I really do...but if he...
  2. R

    Fake David Caruso Twitter

    ...It's not like he did anything on Twitter/Facebook/etc anyway. Caruso just posted the same thing over and over and over again. Sure, that may have been enough for some fans, but personally, I like seeing celebs reply to fan questions...and post their opinions about things, too. It makes...
  3. R

    Check Out The Stop-Motion Short Film 'CSI: Legoland'

    OMG, that was hilarious. :thumbsup:
  4. R

    What TV Shows Will You Be Watching This Fall?

    ...I could've sworn I posted in this thread...maybe my post got eaten, I dunno. ANYWAY, this is what I'll be watching: - Occasional episodes of CSI: Miami: I've pretty much stopped caring about the show. *shrug* Season 1 - 3 FTW! - Criminal Minds: I only saw a few episodes from...
  5. R

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Indeed. They've beaten that dead horse so much that there's nary a scrap of it left. Seriously, writers...LET IT GO. ...Instead, BRING KYLE BACK. Seriously, where the hell is that kid?!
  6. R

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    Dear current lap cat: I love you, but I wish you wouldn't claw my shirt. It's one of my favorites, and if you put anymore holes into it, I won't be able to wear it outside ever again! >.< Love, me.
  7. R

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    In my opinion, it is. Granted, it does draw alot of inspiration from Lord of the Rings (and it's pretty obvious, too), but it doesn't bother me. Alot of other fans of the Inheritance series don't like the movie, either. The producers left a plethora of things out of it, changed alot of the...
  8. R

    Episode 10x03 - 'Blown Away' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    And you are completely correct, elliecat. Tornadoes normally only last a few minutes, although they can last as long as an hour depending on the amount of warm air they take in. Since the tornado that was in the episode was only an EF - 2 (although they called it an F-2, which is incorrect)...
  9. R

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    I started rereading the first book in the Inheritance Cycle, Eragon, on Sunday...mainly because the last book is being released next month...and also because I never finished reading the third book. The series itself is extremely similar to Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, but I really don't...
  10. R

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Most adorable DC interview ever (in my opinion). ....I wasn't planning on watching the Halloween episode, but I think I have to now after that piece of adorableness from DC. =3
  11. R

    Episode 10x03 - 'Blown Away' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    That sneak peak looks like it was taken right out of Twister, which makes me even MORE excited for this episode.
  12. R

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    As someone who is fascinated by extreme weather, that promo was FANTASTIC. Really looking forward to that one.
  13. R

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    This is exactly why I don't even bother defending them anymore. They're nothing more than fictional characters on a sub-par TV show. Doctor Who, on the other hand...hehe, now THERE'S a good show. *disappears into lurkerdom again*
  14. R

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    ...Why am I not surprised? *shrug* Oh well. Such is life. Anyway....those BTS pics are actually kinda funny. Although...I know I wouldn't want to be swimming around in cold water this time of year. :wtf:
  15. R

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    Dear Canada: you can have your cold air back. We are SO not ready for it. Love, me. Note: I'm not bashing Canada in any way. Canada is awesome. =3
  16. R

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    THIS. THIS SO FREAKIN' MUCH. I think the only reason that the Marisol storyline keeps rearing its ugly head is because Caruso loves it so much (and only he knows why). It's possible he's used whatever influence he has on set to get the writers to keep the storyline alive. Anyway....the...
  17. R

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    It's possible, although the writers would need a good reason to bring them back, instead of them just randomly showing up and being like, "Oh, hi. We haven't been here in a while, so we're just gonna hang out and do nothing." *shrug* It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't show up at all...