Fake David Caruso Twitter


Dead on Arrival
Not sure if this should be here, if not, mods please move to the appropriate thread.

There's a fake David profile making the rounds on twitter. http://twitter.com/#!/davidcaruso_

You can tell by the Tweets that it really isn't him. Whoever it is is asking people to follow them including fans. Now, after everything that happened to David fan wise in the past, would he really follow fans? I also doubt he would ask Justin Beiber and Ellen to follow him!

Pity people fall for it
I think it's safe to assume that anything on FB, Twitter, or anywhere else, that purports to be David, isn't. After the way some so-called fans have behaved, I think we've lost him from all social networks. Don't blame him in the slightest, but it's sad.
So true:(, and the saddest part is not just that fans have lost the interaction with him, but that he has lost the interaction with us. From the effort he put into his various pages, it seemed as if he really wanted to create something nice.
...It's not like he did anything on Twitter/Facebook/etc anyway. Caruso just posted the same thing over and over and over again. Sure, that may have been enough for some fans, but personally, I like seeing celebs reply to fan questions...and post their opinions about things, too. It makes them seem more like regular people.
Why did he leave the internet?

Supposedly, some fans went "overboard." Honestly, I saw some of the comments other fans left on his page (not the ones that caused him to close his accounts, however), and they were EXACTLY the same as comments I've seen directed at other celebs.

...I respect the man, I really do...but if he can't handle a few fangirls, then he really isn't cut out to be in the spotlight, in my opinion.

...Of course, if some of those comments DID get out of hand (i.e more death threats), then I don't blame 'im for shutting down his accounts. I probably would, too, if I had comments like that directed at me.
Actually, it did turn into death threats, hate mail, and stalking. A woman was arrested for stalking and threatening to kill David and his family in 2009.
Actually, it did turn into death threats, hate mail, and stalking. A woman was arrested for stalking and threatening to kill David and his family in 2009.

This is a good enough reason to not be on Twitter/Facebook/whatever. Entertainment Tonight did a story about this yesterday. Celebrities telling everything about where they are going; what they are doing online. Better to be safe than sorry.
Some people haven't got better things to do in their lives then pretending to be someone. Pathetic really:shifty: