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  1. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: CSI Lv and Dr. House today! :D down: brr.. i am so cold :rolleyes: Up: got good mark in chemistry today ;) Up: i heared thunder! wow! i love that sound! ^_^ Up: i don't have any serious homework today...oh gosh, i feel so free! :D
  2. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    amm... what the h-? ok, no comments! :p i will wait for next update! :D but still what the hell?? :lol: this is getting wierd.. :p wierd=interesting , interetsting=wierd yeah, yeah whateva! :lol: (i am tired and that^ .. is the result :rolleyes: ) update soon! i wanna know! :D
  3. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    it is like WOW.. or like WOW? you know.. W.O.W :eek: i think very big truck just fall on my head... :eek: wuhuu good news, Katie is still alive! :D stop it H! sounds like Robocop! :lol: Awsome updates Geni! ! what a surprise! :D update soon!
  4. LtKitty

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i can't believe how slow my internet connection is :mad: i can't believe we were 5 people in german lesson! :lol: i can't believe today everyone was calling me 'bee' because of my orange with brown stripped jacket! :p
  5. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: i get done my homework! : yupii freedom! :lol: Up: my classmates are crazy and it is so fun! :D Up: my friend was happy almoust all day, because i brought her Johnny Depp picture and put in diary! :lol: down: i didn't go to sport lesson...ahh shame :p Up: John Mayer music... ahhh ^_^ *listening*
  6. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    Carly and Speed... i don't know.. i like them together! ^_^ and Lori is so cute! :D i thought i don't like kids.. :rolleyes: njeaa i love them! :D when Speed was standing in Lab with gun and yelling, that was pretty shocky to me! :p crazy man.. :rolleyes: Giant updates Geni ! :D
  7. LtKitty

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    I can't believe have nice people can be here! :D i can't believe i have 'something'... :( i can't believe clock already is 7:03am :eek: i don't have much time...uuppss! :p
  8. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: i drink very yummy coffee right now! :D Up: listening great music ^_^* down: school.. down: one of the friends is not talking to anymore, i don't know is driving me crazy :mad:
  9. LtKitty

    Recent Purchases

    Adio shoes white shirt with tie 2 jackets stripped shirt
  10. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    wow, autumn is here..pretty foggy morning! but its warm, +21C .. hope i will not find the way on school! :D
  11. LtKitty

    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Winners up! Congrats the winners! :D awsome job everyone! :)
  12. LtKitty

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    sounds like everyone is fighting with homeworks! :lol: *sigh* yeah, that is one strong virus :p
  13. LtKitty

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    you are not only one Danique ! :p i can't believe what i am doing! :lol:
  14. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: CSI Lv soon.. Down: but already should get done my german language homework...please German people, help me! PM me! i need help! :lol: i beg for German's! :D ... no really it's not depression is liffting up ... :( Up: Dutchie helped me! thank yaa! *waves* :D
  15. LtKitty


    Hi Lynsey_Monroe ! Welcome in Giant 'Brownie house'(because it looks like brownie from outside) :lol: here take a cookie! *gives cookie* :)
  16. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    what a great thing how to start my day! my daily newspaper..RT with cup of coffee! :D Carly was scared from Speed..teheee cute! ^_^ uuu girls are hitting the clubs again! reminds my Road Trip with classmates.. :rolleyes: i wanna get drunk again! :lol: and H is complete...Jesus?! :p *boom* 'is...
  17. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    great one Delko! :lol: or Geni..or i know Delko/Geni! :D but keep something for Halloween! :D wouuu.. gee..look..and here i am..talking with H.. :p duude, my hair are dirty or it just looks that way? :lol: ok, ok back to serious ;) great update! like..duuh! :rolleyes: :lol: update...
  18. LtKitty

    What did you do today??

    my friend woke me up again...why, WHy it is happening to me! and always in weekends :p ! so.. i woke up, checked email, dressed up, forgat even drink my coffee and drove with parents to city...we had a huge shopping with mom (i bought lots of new stuff) then dad took us home, my cousin and best...
  19. LtKitty

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 Astrid oh my gosh! that is one really,really beautiful painting! :eek: i love it! :p CSI_Chic , you look so cute with your bunny! ^_^* thanks everyone! ;) as always i am glad to put a smile on someone's face! :D
  20. LtKitty


    i like Halloween! :) we have some plans with friends for this Halloween! :devil: i don't like go to ask candy's or something like that..i just dress up and walk around at night! :D