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  1. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Yeah, I can't wait to hear what WP has to say about Jorja leaving. I mean, even if he understands her decision -and I'm sure he does, he must be kinda sad right now. I just want one last thing. Remember when a couple of years ago they had been interviewed -for TV Guide I think, and they said...
  2. GrissomFREAK

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    Awww, you just burst my bubble :lol: Maybe he's proposing with a tweezer -whatever's handy, right? It's Grissom, so I'd say it's possible. Besides, who's to say that Grissom + tweezer isn't romantic -Grissom + ANYTHING is romantic ;) Gil: Sara, will you be my tweezer partner/wife? :D :lol...
  3. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    He's so too super sexy on your last pic, gilsgal And to our greater pleasure, he was sporting a black shirt, just like in the first season Mmmmm sexayyyyy! :p Now THAT is the purrrrrrfect face :D
  4. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    You know that black "cap" (which is not a cap per se) made Grissom look very French -in France we call that a "béret" -I think that's what it was :cool: I could almost imagine him on his bicycle, riding in the streets of Paris, a baguette under one arm and a newspaper under the other :D :lol:
  5. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Yeah, I know -that's not like she had had to tie him to a chair or something to shave his beard LOL although you have to admit that that would have been quite something :p Nah, that's just me, a regular at the Beard Addicts Anonymous, trying to find a rational (and most of all satisfying)...
  6. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Could be. After all she's the one who shaved his beard. She's responsible for his "season 7 beardless look" ;)
  7. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Who else liked last night's episode? I've always liked how Grissom making an experiment is like a child lost in Wonderland ;) Did you see that huge smile he had on his face when he discovered how the kid had been beheaded? :D
  8. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Yeah. Riiiiiiight :D *Mwahahahaahhhaaargh* Like we don't know what coffee stands for :rolleyes: Just one thing: go easy on him and leave us a little something :lol: Oh, and yeah, I'll take sugar and a lot of milk with my Grissom ;) Mmmmm what I would give to see even the shadow of a stubble...
  9. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Another acting tour de force for WP -and Jorja Fox of course, who was the focus of this epi. The flashbacks were very nicely done, how the characters remembered Sara. It was fun to see how important the chalk scene was for Grissom -it's the thing that came to his mind when he thought about...
  10. GrissomFREAK

    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** Thanks! :)
  11. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Mmmm what did you guys think of the helicopter scene? I really liked it. He was cute, touching and -yes, sorry- kinda handsome too :p Remember that scene in Fur and Loathing, when Griss is sweating and moves his cap a little -hot, eh? Well well well ladies we got the same kind of scene tonight...
  12. GrissomFREAK

    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** Yayyyyyyyyyy! She's ALIVE! :D :p One thing that disturbed me is how she got to put that car on Sara :confused: She was alone in the desert -we can see that when she leaves. No crane, no truck ... did she have an accomplice? xfcanadian: I have to...
  13. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    WPRMW: this Manhunter DVD you say is being released, what version is it? Is it the double-disc edition? Cause I have that one, and it's pretty good. Wish they had included the soundtrack though. Tonight is The Night Rejoy, BP Nuts, tonight is the end of 4 months of painful withdrawal ;) :D
  14. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Another reason why I love CSI so much: that blue color that's present in almost every shot (Miami's "color" is orange) One of the show's most distinctive trademarks. It certainly doesn't hurt that WP has blue eyes :D
  15. GrissomFREAK

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    Looks like they're having a ball there :D Wonder what they're celebrating ;) Oh so that girl with the cam is part of the "new" team? Yeah, she looks a bit too young.
  16. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

    Swell! Can you believe that we already filled 12 threads with Billy Hottness :eek: Man, there sure is a loot to say ... between the gifted actor, the tight jeans, the backward cap, The Beard, the dimple, the back ... :D Long live the Hottness Thread
  17. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

    Oh boy. That screening of TLADILA in SF was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I thought I'd die of excitement when the credits started rolling at the beginning. I was smiling like CRAAAAzy. If there hadn't been anyone else in the theatre with me, I SWEAR I'd have jumped up and down and done a lil' dance -any kind...
  18. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

    ^^ Agreed. Hats + Griss are love, but my fave remains the cap :D LOL Everybody thinks we're disturbed, right? We're not. They're just blind, or insensitive to BP's exTREEEEEEme hotttness :eek: It takes all kinds to make a world ;)
  19. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    ^^ Speaking of the cap ... I was never able to find the exact same one he wore in Jackpot on eBay :( I want IT Now, of course, if I could have the guy that goes with the cap ... me even happier :D I have to agree with that. Who had made that "I like to lick" av? I think it was Ad LOL yeah...
  20. GrissomFREAK

    William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

    Hmmm, isn't that your favorite view of our man ;) Classic Grissom Nothing like a good beardy profile to start the weekend.