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  1. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    Okay, this will sound weird... I figured out I'm not gay. I would like to say I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry to Levon for dating her and finding out I'm not what I thought I was. I'm really sory to cause you so much pain. But I'm glade we can still be friends :)
  2. Imperfect

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Down: broke up with Levon Up: she understands that I'm not gay Down: tired Up: i have the good breakup songs Up: we're still friends
  3. Imperfect

    How do you think the planets were created?

    I'm doing some messed up project for one of my classes, and I'm supposed to somehow randomly find 100 people to answer. So I was wondering if you guys could help me out.
  4. Imperfect

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I'm just starting 'The Valley of Silence' by Nora Roberts. It's reaaly good so far
  5. Imperfect

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    up: friend's b-day get together thing tomorrow :) UP: like the shirt i'm wearing up: last night's homewrok was really easy up: new CSI next thursday!!!! UP: new timetalbe today
  6. Imperfect

    Vegetarian thread

    I feel that way too. I mean it's bad that they are treated that way, but I still eat them. I don't think I could be a vegitarian because I love seafood too much, and don't believe that you can be vegiterian but still eat fish.
  7. Imperfect

    CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

    Beautiful! Snagged the last one. Will credit :)
  8. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    okay yesterday in class this guy was all like 'i hasd a dream last night that allie was gay and started making out with levon and i ran screaming to my mom and dad' and things like that all class. i almost turned around and smacked him
  9. Imperfect

    Weird Dreams

    i had this dream wear i was at my old elementary school, but it was the crime lab. i was wearing a wedding dress looking for my shoes with sara. i asked my sister to get my keys out of my purse but she couldn't find them. then i saw them lying on the floor and went to pick them up, but they slid...
  10. Imperfect

    Vegetarian thread

    i respect the choices people make, but i don't think i could ever be a vegitarian/ vegan because plants are in some aspect alive as well, even if they can't talk or move around. So if killing is why people don't eat meat/ dairy products i couldn't become vegitarian/ vegan because i believe that...
  11. Imperfect

    I Can't Believe It #6

    i can't believe i get a free half periode on a computer (i already did most of the work last week) i can't believe i'm getting 100% in two subjects and above 90% in all others but one!!!
  12. Imperfect

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    it's a bit cloudy but still nice out, i think it's supposed to be 10C this afternoon
  13. Imperfect

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    up: favorite class today :) up: mouth starting not to hurt up: finished some homewrok this morning in less than 15 minutes! down: can't pick up glasses until satureday up: it's thursday= CSI!!!!! up: getting a hair cut satureday morning down: big test on tuesday up: easy subject
  14. Imperfect

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    UP: not all that tired down: least favorite class first periode down: mouth is still in pain from going to dentist :( up: finished all my homework last night before midnight up: giong to banff this weekend up: seeing my dad's old friends up: getting new glasses :)
  15. Imperfect

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It's so warm for Alberta in January!!! right now it's 9C, and that's at 8:20!!! it's going to be 11C, I'm so excited!!
  16. Imperfect

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I'm reading a really god book called Dance of the Gods, the second book in the circle series by Nora Roberts. It's soo awesome!!!! It's about vampires :p
  17. Imperfect

    What Kind Of Cheese Are You?

    chevres, never heard of that cheese, but that's the kind i am :lol:
  18. Imperfect

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    up: roommate had a baby and they're both healthy!!! up: it's a girl, named katelynn annabell mills down: i can see the nights i wil lay awake with a baby screaming it's face off :p down: didnt get to watch csi up: levon taped it for me up: im soooo happy down: school starts monday, once again...
  19. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    I discovered that there are gay dating services :p. I was quite amazed because I was yelling at the t.v one day about how there were always dating sevices for straight people and my mom's friend walked in and told me about gay dating sevices!
  20. Imperfect

    Let's Talk Gay

    I'm really sad... because my family and I get into fights over gay rights (they don't know yet). they believe that you're true to yourself if you're gay and that all gay marriages should be illeagal. It's sooo sad that I know I won't be accepted. My dad might understand but I won't be able to...