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  1. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Twice in one night?? That's not me...Well, maybe it's just 'cause I'm feeling better and maybe it's because Liff has made me an awesome banner! Thanks! Oh, they certainly do! :D And I like it! I would like to see a lot of Danny and Lindsay, but realistically, it's not the right thing for this...
  2. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Well hello everyone! Did you miss me? ;) Seriously, if they do that they'd lose a lot of viewers. Last season was already pretty Danny and Lindsay central, and to make a big thing of it again this season...Nah...I don't think it'll happen. It was different though...In CotD they were clearly...
  3. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Yes I did, Liff! It totally fit the scene. It's good to see them bantering again, that's what they do best. And I thought Lindsay was very funny with 'her lovehandles'-thing :lol: Danny really didn't see that coming :lol: See you!
  4. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Dutch, you're awesome! Those screencaps are great! Haven't seen such good ones in a while! Look at Danny's face when Lindsay touches his lovehandles :lol: Priceless! And Angel, you're right: Lindsay surely has enjoyed the sight of Danny's 'behind'! :D And I like the way he said 'that's too...
  5. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Glad you liked it, Stuffy! And Mo, I wish it was already on YouTube :( After reading all of your comments I really can't wait any longer. I'd kove to see how they handle 'bantering' now that they are together, it must be different then before. Anyway, I'm off. Have to bring my kids to bed...
  6. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Finally I have time to pop in again! I missed you guys and I had to catch up pages of new posts :D But I really like what's been said about last nights ep...can't wait to see it! Stuffy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! That pink fog is actually catching me (it's about time it did...), so I'm in the mood...
  7. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Alright Dani, you made me wanna watch the scene again! I hope I hear it too... ;) My favorite D/L scene? That has to be NWILL... But one of my favorites is definitely in SD...when they are kissing each other. Lindsay tries to pull back (just a little) and Danny won't let her :devil: it's just a...
  8. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Hi Dutch! I'll PM you on wednesday, then I know more ;) Hope to see you all tomorrow!
  9. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    I couldn't hear it either... :( But I did see Danny putting his hand on Lindsay's shoulder after she opened the suitcase :D My ears are hurting from the high volume.... I tried so hard to hear HONEY... It didn't work and now I don't hear anything anymore :lol:
  10. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Hi guys! Long time no see! I have my ups and downs now, but thank goodness I'm not feeling bad all the time anymore :) I even had a chance to catch up some posts...You can't leave here, you know that? I'm off for a few days and there you have Liff changing his name! Maybe he changed his bad...
  11. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Hi guys! I had a lot of catching up to do....I skipped a few days and I missed a lot! Unfortunately, it will happen more these days...I'm feeling so terribly bad...ugh! It's just as bad as beeing very seesick.. :( I hope it stops soon! Can't wait for wednesday. I want pics from you guys! And...
  12. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    The dentist was awful :( But she said I should be OK for years now! :) Thanks Natty, for the clip! I am so looking forward to this one! See you guys tomorrow!
  13. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    I just love it to read all your comments about pics and D/L moments! :) It makes me happy all the way! My favorite scene is still the ending from can so see Danny's worried about Lindsay and that he's thrilled she OK. ANd Lindsay let him get to her...No matter what she said, Danny...
  14. J

    Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

    Hi guys! Congrats on the new thread! Yay! Liff, you made a great thread-opening! Did you know we entered here almost the same time? I saw you entered during thread #16 - Da! And I did too. :D Well, Mo, I'll try and answer your questions. :lol: That just has to be right in the beginning! The...
  15. J

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    What!? Are we talking Vengaboys here :eek: That's scary... But I have to admit I just looked at the clip...And now I know again why I disliked them: those two guys were awful! I had a small chance to read some posts very quickly, but I figured out we're talking babies, weddings, smex on the...
  16. J

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    *JenP wanders into the thread and freaks out when she sees they've reached page 25* :eek: Page 25! The first thing I did was searching for the final poll. I absolutely didn't want to miss that! :lol: There are just too many posts to catch up, I don't have time for that. But the pics from...
  17. J

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    Hi guys! I think it was that one, Carly. But I have to check that...and to do that, I must have time.... :( It was just one or two times that I thought 'OMG, there she goes again...' From what I've seen now, I don't think it's annoying at all. Someone's gotta explain it to the others, right...
  18. J

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    Welcome CSI_NY_Addict! It's good to meet new shippers! :) As far as your question goes: I personally don't miss it. I mean, we do get little hints they're together (for example the spray on-condom scene). And ofcourse it'll be great to see more, but I don't think we can expect such a thing...
  19. J

    Anna/Lindsay thread #4 - "You've got friends, kiddo!"

    Hello! I'm just popping in, right before I go to bed. Funny you say this! I also thought of it as enthusiasm, but a lot of people think it's terribly annoying. That's fine, everyone has it's own opinion. But when she did this in S3, I have to admit I sometimes thought of it as annoying too...
  20. J

    Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

    Bella you're right: being a shipper IS indeed in someones genes! :lol: I don't even know where I started...was it Jack & Carly? Or Harm & Mac? Doesn't matter, 'cause the USS Dantana is the most wonderful ship there is! Voting will have to wait until tomorrow, I'm tired...Mo? Is everything...