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  1. Salean

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #23 Ships Whoa! Thanks for the recognition award wolfesgamergirl ! I definitely was not expecting that! :D Well done to all the winners! :)
  2. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Thanks Hestia ! That was really quick, actually. Now I can take out the random 'x's that I had put in when I wasn't sure what I was talking about. :p Rainy. :lol: Unsurprisingly for this time of year. I love the phrase "across the pond", everytime I hear it I think of us all being frogs...
  3. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Well, I don't like The Pussycat Dolls at all so I would have to say 'You and Me' by Lifehouse, shazza . It's a good song. :) Eva , I'm so jealous that you're actually getting Movie Maker to work! Mine keeps freezing up on me at five minute intervals. I've been trying to do a Sandle video to...
  4. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Heh heh heh. Naz , that dialogue made me giggle like a little kid. And my sister gave me a strange look. It reminded me of Greg's labrat days... particularly that scene at the end of season 4 where he asks Grissom to make a decision on whether he is in the lab, or out in the field. And then...
  5. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Hello Pau , it's nice to meet you :) And that must be really annoying, with the reruns only being shown really late at night/early morning. That's so odd Shazza , I was just watching 'Bully for you' the other day. I was watching it with my family, and they were laughing so much at the 'you...
  6. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Hestia , my interpretation of the comment which opened the voting was that they want the entrants especially to vote. I'm not sure why that is but yeah. I voted, and I entered as well. So I think it should be ok. I love that ending scene of Who Shot Sherlock... it's just so sweet how Sara is...
  7. Salean

    Are you In or Out of your Shipper Closet?

    I'm kinda in and out... my family knows that I love CSI, but while my friends know that I like it they don't think I'm as obsessed with it as I actually am. They already think I'm slightly insane for me and one of my friend's obsessive 'Lost' tendancies so I don't feel the need to add to that. I...
  8. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    I could not believe how many Sandle banners there were in that competition! It was so cool! I mean, I was expecting there to be quite a few... but still! I feel your pain Skell , I have an exam I have to study for as well for this week. Good luck in your tests!
  9. Salean

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #23 Ships It was so hard deciding who to vote for, there are so many amazing ones. Beginner 6 20 10 Intermediate 7 19 18 Advanced 5 7 13
  10. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    That's what my sister wanted to do too! Except, without the Sandle part. She doesn't really get this whole 'shipping' business, apart from Jate in Lost. But yeah, she wanted to have the CSIs investigating it. I told her that her teacher would probably notice, and anyway, it was good for her to...
  11. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Lol, I'm helping my little sis with her homework: writing a short crime story. (They're studying Sherlock Holmes at school) Well, she's just plotting ideas, but she came to me for ideas because I watch so much CSI. I never thought I'd find a time when helping my sister with her homework is fun...
  12. Salean

    CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

    I guess my OTP for NY would be Danny and Lindsay. But I don't really ship them as much as I used to anymore though, for some reason. A slightly odd ship that I've really started to like recently is Hawkes/Stella. I really don't know where it came from, but I think they would make a nice couple.
  13. Salean

    CSI:Miami - Who's Your OTP??

    My OTP is CaRWash. For me, they just have so much chemistry together, and they're awesome. Other ships: well, I don't mind Ryan/Natalia... or, I guess Eric/Natalia. I only really started liking Ryan/Natalia in the season 5 finale, because their scene in that was sweet.
  14. Salean

    CSI:Las Vegas - Who's Your OTP??

    My OTP for Vegas is Sandle. I just love the genuiness to their relationship, and their chemistry. I wouldn't say I really 'ship' other pairings all that much. I like a few, but I won't be devestated if they fall through. My sister is gradually becoming a Snickers shipper, and I have to admit I...
  15. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Heh. Thanks Hestia and Skell for clearing that up. It was just a kinda random wondering. I have them a lot. And yeah, Hestia , Edward Monkton is awesome. My favourite is probably... 'The Madness Hamsters', that come and steal your sanity. :p This morning I was lying in bed, debating...
  16. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Can't believe I missed that debate... lol. But yeah, to add in my two cents, (that's such a weird phrase... where does it come from?) Where was I? Oh, yeah. I'm more inclined to think that they would have Greg call Sara rather than the other way round. They've shown throughout the course of the...
  17. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Oooh, lots of new posts! Yeah, I'm not sure I was really expecting you to know who he was actually, Hestia , he's fairly local I think. But anyway, he writes these... random thoughts... for the front of notebooks, purses, cards, picture frames, magnets... you name it. They're absoloutly...
  18. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    I have to say that's probably my fault. Whenever I join a new thread, or sign up to a new forum, all the members inexplicably vanish. Either I have the worst timing in the world or there's a message there that I really should take note of... Lol, personally I think it's probably the former. But...
  19. Salean

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Skell I read that one too! It made me so happy. Yeah, I rely on stuff like that to find out what is going on. I've seen a couple of clips of 'Bull' and they were quite funny. I'm hopeless with spoilers, Shazza . Because there's such a long gap between when the episodes air in America and in...
  20. Salean

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash Oh, I'm in! :D That's such a good idea! I realised not long ago that, although I write fanfiction, I've never written a CaRWash fic. And I was shocked at myself. This will be the perfect way to kick-start it, I guess. Heh, I'm really...