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  1. D

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: good day. Down: boys can be so creepy.
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    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To a friend, who i once thought of as my brother: Why did you call, you know it hurts me. I miss you but i cant see you. You made some bad decisions, i thought you were all better thast why i gave you a chance. ut now your on crack and i cant handle that so can you please just stop calling. I...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: Im sad now. Down: A guy that i used to think of as my brother until he started to do drugs and became alcoholic. He called me doll ( i almost cried, thats what he always called me) and it was the hardest phone conversation of my life. Because i love him so much and im worried because he...
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    Songs that make you think of...

    The reason by hoobastank makes me feel sad. Because it reminds me of someone in my family. She did a lot of drugs and it just reminds me of bad times, and yet i love the song.
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    What Are You Reading? - #2

    Im rading a book called The blue girl. Its by Charles de Lint. its really really good.
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Good day. Up: Reading a really good book. Down: I'm extremely cold.
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    I Can't Believe It #6

    i cant believe my brother and his boyfrined broke up. I cant believe i worked so hard to forget someone and with a single phone call i cant get him out of my head.
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    Need help with math equation

    Wholly you guys are smart. What grade is that from. i seriously cant rememeber learning that.
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: My dad is home from the hospital. Up: Im really happy that my dad is all better he as in the hospital for 5 days. Down: I am failing a class.
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    I Can't Believe It #6

    I Cant believe how worried i am. I cant believe how much i miss my dad. I cant believe i keep calling my Dad Daddy. I cant believe how hideous i am from crying, my eyes are all red and puffy. ewe.
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    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To my Dad, wow when mom called me to say thgat you were going to the hpspital it was the scariest thing i have veer been through. I have always thought of you as invincable, and now that you are so sick it really hard to deal with. But i promim gonna keep coming too see you, everyday. I miss you...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: I went to the hospital to seee my dad last night. Up: I am going again today. Down: I hate seeing him in the hospital so sick. Down: When i left him last night i couldnt stop crying.
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: i woke up at 4 in the morning. Down: My mom called me crying at 4 in the morning because my dad collapsed on the floor and was making weird nosies and he couldnt breathe. Down: My ada is in the hospital. Down: i cant stop crying.
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    LoL allie, you seem happy! Up: Helping out at a school cafe thingy. Up: i get to look all pretty. Down: My tummy hurts. Lol its cause i was having fun poking my ribs and saying they felt icky.
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Aweh good for you AshleyWillows , i wish i was good at a sport! Up: American Idol tonight. Down: Hazel scratched me and i was bleeding. Up: im not bleeding anymore. Down: Exam tomorrow.
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    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    Aweh Levon i looove your picture thingy its so well i'd say cute but thats not the word...but yea i love it! To friends: Whoa i am so happy i have you guys cause like honestly i dont know where i would be without you guys. I love you so much, like sooo soo much. And i cant wait for summer cause...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Major up- i finally got the puppy i wanted!!! Haha her name is Muffin. It took me hours to settle on that name. lol. Down- well i had Muffin for about 5 hours and then i realized i needed dog food and the stores were closed so i had to drive alll the way to my moms hous just to get her food!
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    The Official Pets thread

    Omg!!! I have actually never seen a Labradoodle before, to be honest i didnt believe my mom that they existed. But whoa haha yours si sooo cute!!!
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    The Official Pets thread

    Aweh all these pictures are sooo adorable!!! I am sooo excited i might be getting a puppy tomorrow or the next day cause Adrienne really wants one and so do i!! I wanna name it princess cause that is the most cutest little name ever. But Adrienne wont let me! Anyone else have nay good girl doggy...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: Happy Happy Happy. Up: i might get a puppy!!!!! (Adrienne still wants one) Down: Adrienne wont let me name the dog princess :( Up: i will get my way :lol: