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  1. D

    The Secrets Thread

    When i get nervous, i dont get the usual stomache ache, sweaty hands, head ache. I get to the point where if people even say anything about it, i scream. When i get nervous i become terrified. On a happy/funny/possibly disturbimg note...secrets from my childhood!! 1- When i was nine mymom...
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    Sara's Diary

    Whoa. That was really good. I twas also really realistic. I cant wait until you write more!!
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    What's Your Occupation?

    I got fired. Yup you heard it, fired. Just peachy. So now, i have no job..and no money. Great isnt it. Yah, im kinda freaking out right now.
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    The Official Pets thread

    Omg Dizzney those are posibly the cutest pcitures i have ever seen! Im really happpy because i moved into my parents house the other day (long story) and now im back with all old doggies and kitties!! I am back with Emily, and Quinn (dogs) Joey (cat) and Homer ( the fish ) and i still have...
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    The Secrets Thread

    I am a total hypocrit. I'll be like dont do that even though i had like just done it. I feel bad about like everything i do. I told my dog she was a bad girl, and then i cryed because i though i made her sad. This one actualy came up today, i am terrified of child birth ( my best friend had...
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    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    The last film i sawe was 'Night at the museum" It was hilarious, i went to see it with my mom, dad and little sister, I absolutly loved it. I encourage eveyrone who can to go see it, you will laugh your head off!
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    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To ... #3

    1- Maps - the yeah yeah yeahs 2- Seize the day - Avenged sevenfold 3- Call and return - Hello goodbye 4- Shimmy shimmy quarter turn - Hello goodbye 5- Maddie dont leave - Play radio play 6- Bad cops and charities - Play radio play 7- Paris to Berlin - Infernal 8- Self control - Infernal 9-...
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    Happy May Day!

    Happy may day! May i love may but its weird my sister and brother and mom and dads and grandmas and several cousins birtth days are all in may, and im all alone in november, haha its strange.
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    Let's Talk Gay

    Aww, Levon (CatherineWillows) I have never beenso proud of you in all my life. Im so glad that you figured everything out, and you didnt even have to call me :) lol. Im really worried about one of my friends, he is just about to graduate grade 12 and go to his grad dance, btu hes taking a boy...
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    Should models fatten up?

    That is so true! Gosh, moms are so smart! I mean i have a little sister, she is 13 and she insists she is fat (even though no one else thinks so) and i constantly worry about her, i meean i know being bullyed about stupid things is basically part of junior high but i mean come one!! its not fair...
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    The Secrets Thread

    Ok so, maybe my secret arent that interesting but now you can all know what a loser i am!! Ok so i am 19, and eveyrnight before i go to bed i check underneath my bed and in the closet. I cant sleep if there is a doll in my room. Im extremly paranoid about everything. example: My mom"would you...
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    Whoa! Ok so i havent been on neopets in like forevr and i went on last night and i saw the new format and i was soo confused. I have no idea where anything is :( I liked the old format much better, but change isnt a bad thing.
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    What's Your Occupation?

    I Live in Vancouver, B.C. and i work at a grocery store, i know its very exciting. I would much rather be doing something else but, im only 19 so there arent too many options. My school term has just ended *yay* and so now i am "free" to work fulltime!! I normally work part time because i also...
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    Crazy cube

    That is so weird, thanks for posting. LoL i dont think im very good.
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    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    eggbe4thechicken Your pony is so cute!!!! And you look nice!!! And i envy you, ive always wanted a pony!
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    The injury thread

    Well my two latest inuies are on my legg and my hand. The one onmy hand is from when my dad was in the hospital i was making something to eat and i wasnt paying attention (i was thinking about my dad) and as i was cutting mny bageli sliced my hand open. The one on my leg was actually from...
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    Anything interesting happen today?

    Ok so, sometimes when your walking down the street you see the craziest most random thing, and you just have to tell someone because its too weird, or interesting. So here's the place! This is where you tell everyone here about the guy you saw dancing in the streets or the girl you saw singing...
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    Weird Dreams

    Last night i had a dream that my brother had a baby but it wasnt a baby it was like a scary mutnt thing and he told me that i had to take care of it if i really loved him. Itw as sooo weird.
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    Virtual Haircut - You Gotta Try This!

    Omg that was soo cool. Thanks so much for posting. Its hilarious.
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Friend is pregant ( i havent seen her in a year ) and she showed up and was like massive. Shes 8 months. Up: My parents are letting me and friend live in the basemnt (yes there are rooms down there) Down: When little baby is born...i will have to listen to it scream *cries*