CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

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De rien, Vesper91! Je ne savais pas que tu parlais français! :D C'est une bonne surprise!

Hahaha, I was thinking that too about Adam and the newbie. Looks like there's going to be some flirt in Mac's lab :lol:
I don't agree so much about Hawkes - he's definitely a lot calmer than Danny, like Flack, but at the same time he seems just as likely to get emotional and feel deeply. I mean, I think he's a lot better than Lindsay is at genuinely getting over stuff, but we've seen him freak out several times, in ways that actually do kind of remind me of Danny (like in "Raising Shane", or "Help"...he'd be upset and act irrationally, or would somewhat compound the problem).

hmm i can't remember him really freaking out - i'll rewatch those eps (again!) and see if my mind gets refreshed! i guess that's why the show works so well, everyone sees different things in different characters :)

LOL. i agree. overuse of mac is not possible. but i really would like to see more drama in don's life. he's too much of a good boy. they should dig up somehting dirty in his past like they did for mac.

definitely - i wonder if it could involve sam, who could then be revived from the black hole:lol:

Hey, guys, I found this gallery over at CSI - Le Forum where there's a few more pictures of the season premiere plus the other ones on Bulga, without watermarks. There's also pictures of previous seasons we haven't seen before! Enjoy! :D

dans quel part du forum? je n'ai pas 50 messages, je pense que je ne peux pas les voir :( mais j'ai trouvé les photos en gallerie :)

oh, one other thing - in some of those spoiler pics, it looks like the new character whose name is beyond me is wearing a visitor pass - perhaps she's not on board in the lab as yet?
*lisasimpson* said:
Originally Posted by Maya316
I don't agree so much about Hawkes - he's definitely a lot calmer than Danny, like Flack, but at the same time he seems just as likely to get emotional and feel deeply. I mean, I think he's a lot better than Lindsay is at genuinely getting over stuff, but we've seen him freak out several times, in ways that actually do kind of remind me of Danny (like in "Raising Shane", or "Help"...he'd be upset and act irrationally, or would somewhat compound the problem).

hmm i can't remember him really freaking out - i'll rewatch those eps (again!) and see if my mind gets refreshed! i guess that's why the show works so well, everyone sees different things in different characters :)
Yeah, I remember those episodes a little bit. He's kind of a bomb waiting to happen sometimes lol But he comes to his sense quite rapidly like you guys mentioned it previously.

definitely - i wonder if it could involve sam, who could then be revived from the black hole:lol:
Hahaha :lol:, really. I think she'd be the best to give him comfort after the story line they had for Sam. But anything to bring her back, really. I adored her.

dans quel part du forum? je n'ai pas 50 messages, je pense que je ne peux pas les voir :( mais j'ai trouvé les photos en gallerie :)
Non, tu peux les voir même si tu n'as pas les 50 messages obligatoires! :D C'est par ici, mon amie! lol

I didn't even noticed the visitor badge :eek:. You got the good eyes, Lisa! lol At least, they're doing what they said : she's not a CSI yet, nor a regular on the show either. I think it will be interesting how she gets introduced! I'm really intrigued to know how she becomes person of interest to CSI in Mac's lab.

And oh my, I'm still having the vapors when I watch Mac and Adam... :guffaw: They know how to wear those jeans.
^ She is wearing a visitor's badge! :lol: At least they're introducing her realistically - I wonder if she becomes interesting to Mac's team because she found something at the diner that the team handling that case missed (I'm assuming Mac and the others wouldn't be directly allowed to work on their own crime scene); and brought it to Mac rather than to that team?
^ She is wearing a visitor's badge! :lol: At least they're introducing her realistically - I wonder if she becomes interesting to Mac's team because she found something at the diner that the team handling that case missed (I'm assuming Mac and the others wouldn't be directly allowed to work on their own crime scene); and brought it to Mac rather than to that team?

Thats quite an asumption Maya ;), obviously in reality they would be allowed to work their own crime scene but since when did reality come into it. Mac worked the 333 killer case even though he was the target and I am sure there are other examples of them working their own cases, especially when it comes to superMac.
Yeah, the shows do seem to slip out of reality on the "conflict-of-interest" standards :p ...I assumed it would've had to be another team working the case because, Mac's team missing something? In a case that involves one of their own? I can't really see it happening ... and the only other time I've ever seen a clean-up tech allowed into the labs on the CSI shows is when they're handing in evidence that someone missed at a scene. Although I guess it's possible that the team must've missed something, but still:shifty:
^^ I guess the other team could miss something, the clean up tech brings it to Macs team and from that 1 piece of evidence Mac and Co. solve the case, yeah that sounds right.
^ She is wearing a visitor's badge! :lol: At least they're introducing her realistically - I wonder if she becomes interesting to Mac's team because she found something at the diner that the team handling that case missed (I'm assuming Mac and the others wouldn't be directly allowed to work on their own crime scene); and brought it to Mac rather than to that team?

Thats quite an assumption Maya ;), obviously in reality they would be allowed to work their own crime scene but since when did reality come into it. Mac worked the 333 killer case even though he was the target and I am sure there are other examples of them working their own cases, especially when it comes to superMac.

The team should be allowed to work the shooting case. After all, Mac worked the 333 case, when Danny was suspected of shooting a cop in 'On The Job', when Stella was attacked in 'All Access', and when Flack was charged in 'Rush to Judgment'. I think the only time they weren't allowed to work a case involving one of their own was 'Raising Shane'.

But since it's such a large scene, they'll probably have to bring in other lab techs and the new girl just happens to be assigned the case. Plus they'll be short considering Danny is unable to work.
I don't think investigators should ever work cases that they are personally attached to or invested in, but they do it all the time on these shows. :lol:
^What's weird is that the standard always seems to change, though: on CSI Vegas the team worked the case where Nick was stuck in that grave, and they worked it on Warrick's death; just like on NY they worked on the case with Aiden's death; but Catherine was kicked off the case with her ex-husband, on Miami the team was removed from the case where Natalia's husband died, and on NY Stella was (officially) removed from the Diakos case (though being fair, she was already letting her feelings cloud better judgment on that one). It's like there's no way to keep track of which cases they can work, and which ones they can't.
Yeah, I know and that inconsistency drives me absolutely nuts! :lol: They need to pick something and stick with it. Either let them work all cases that involve them or none. :lol:
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