Grade 'Rush to Judgment'

How would you grade Rush to Judgment?

  • A+

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • A

    Votes: 27 42.9%
  • A-

    Votes: 8 12.7%
  • B+

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • B

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • C

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • C-

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Premium Member
Uh-oh...Flack's in the hot seat in tonight's episode! Watch and let us know what you thought. :cool:
I can't to see tonight's episode. I love Flack, and I love it when they make him the center of a story. Unfortunately, he's in a little trouble tonight, so that will make me sad. I'll have to go rescue him!
-"Hey, that's my desk." :lol:
-"Can I give you a hand?" Oh, Lindsay. It's just not that funny.
-Sid, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease clear Flack. (I know he's innocent, but still.)
-"Boom." Oh, Lindsay. Just... no. Seriously? NO.
Oh, for the love.....DH decided that he wanted to see Lost tonight, so I am missing the eppy. Thing is, both shows are available OnDemand, so I guess I will watch it.....Saturday. Bummer and BOO!
FlackFan01, Lost cannot be as important as CSI:NY. I'm sorry you're missing it.

*chokes* Squee! Flack/Angell! Although I have to say that I'm not enjoying the fact that there's tension about how IAB knows.

I need to repeat one thing:
Lindsay, "Boom"? No. Really, no, damnit!
Again, in the manner of the lovely Faylinn, commentary.

Dizzying opening shot. Okay then.


“That’s my desk!” Oh Angell.

Oh Flack. : (

Ew. The kid puked on himself.

Poor agitated Flack.

Snowboarding. It’s apparently finally winter in CSI:NY-land.

Ew, foot with no person attached to it.

Oh good. Dismembered person. Dead body in a dumpster, charming.

Danny. No.

Sid. <3 Glasses. <3

Oh Lindsay, that was awful. Please don’t try to be funny.

Sid, that was bad too.

Buh. That’s unpleasant.

Sid, dear, you’re wearing another person’s skin on your hand. And you wonder why people sometimes say you’re creepy.

Lurk lurk.

No, Lindsay. You don’t get to say boom. Ever.

Alligator? Really? We may have just ventured into the land of the ridiculous.

Numb3rs preview! Hm, psychics and numerology, haven’t we done this before?

Danny. No. Not Mr. Potato Head.

Sid, again with the reasons people call you strange. We love you anyway.

Wait, when did we find a torso?

Oh boy, now we get to play with chainsaws. Woo.

Interesting split-screen thing we have going on today.

Marc Anthony. Ugh. Slightly less awful than the typical awful music, but still pretty bad.

Awful accent is awful.

That’s a creepy chainsaw.

Danny. Please put your glasses back on.

Have I mentioned that I like their little data-pad thingies they use? They’re all very Star Trek.

Bad liar is bad at lying.

Flack and Angell have been working together a lot lately.

And now we’re back where we started. Okay.

Did we really need to see the vomit again?

Yeah, CPR breaks ribs. See: Jason Gideon of Criminal Minds (can’t remember the ep when they discussed it).

Flack is the wonder-detective.

Ooh, snap. Angell, you rock.

Oh, so they are actually “seeing each other” now? Welcome to the world of “we’ll tell you instead of show you,” part 2.

Flack swears sometimes, Stella. I’m sure he does. That doesn’t make him less awesome though.

And now we have a head too. Where are all these body parts coming from?!?

That was a very dramatic dropping of a skin bit into a test tube.

Lindsay, since when are you close enough to Stella to call her “Stell”?


Aww, Flacky still has a sense of humor even when he’s deskbound.

Did he really just say “what’s a whisk?”

Ugh. Icky dude hitting on Stella.

Defensive wife is defensive.

Somebody put it on his computer. Um, duh.

Hawkes is in a leather coat. Very nice.

Yes, snow melts. Awesome.

And Angell with the tackle! Across a car, no less. I have newfound respect for her.

4 older brothers?!? Um, eek. I can’t remember if we knew this before or not.

Way to drop your science project, dork.

Mac and Stella crack the case!

Who has columns in their apartment, anyway?

Angell with a lovely striped scarf.

Hm, that wrapping paper looks familiar.

Hm, the dad looks familiar.

…Oh. It’s because he was in last week’s Criminal Minds.

Whoops, daddy screwed up big time. Way to go.

Speaking of tragic misunderstandings, what’s gonna happen to Flack?

Buh. Sweaty guys in spandex. Do not want.

Lindsay, WTF?

And again with music that doesn’t suck too bad. Am I watching the right show?

Flack! <3


Heehee. Rangers.
Typed while watching, as usual:

~ Oh dear - poor Donnie. :(

~ Aww. "Don't worry, Sid'll get to the bottom of it."

*chants* manhug manhug manhug manhug *chants*

~ Poor Flack - you should listen to Mac. Flack always trusts other cops.

~ Flack ain't playin' no games, foo.

~ The gray in his hair looks very distinguished.

~ I like the way Flack says 'Danny and Hawkes'. :devil:

~ LOL. "I'm thinking Christmas with the in-laws."

~ Removing the skin and wearing it like a glove? Ok, that is disgusting. :wtf:

~ Why is everybody playing Captain Obvious tonight?

~ Lindsay, don't say boom. I'm tired of Danny saying it, you don't need to continue the trend. Are you going to start calling yourself Montana next?

~ Alligator blood - dun dun duuuun. If they feel the need to say something about how 'there couldn't have been an alligator on that roof,' my eyes will roll right out of my head.

~ That whole Mr Potato Head conversation was...lame. :rolleyes:

~ What's with the Marc Anthony song, NY? Was that song cheaper than a newer one or something?

~ The dancer did a better job than I was expecting her to do. Flack's reaction to that whole scene was priceless. :p

~ Ooh, Hawkes is serious - and now we know why. :( (Hill and Gary did a good job getting their characters' feelings across without the viewers having to be told what was on the screen.)

~ Mac, Danny and Flack scene. :thumbsup:

~ Ah, and back to the beginning - and we get to see it from Flack's POV. Interesting.

~ Aww, Mac is so loyal. *hugs*

~ Interesting to have the parallel interrogations with IAB.

~ So Flack and Angell are dating - if you say so. :rolleyes: I guess we can at least say they've acknowledged it relatively quickly and that the characters can keep things professional on the job (Lindsay, I'm looking at you).

~ Hm, so there's been 'gossip' about their relationship.

~ It sounded like Stella said 'flank'.

~ He doesn't swear? Psh, yeah right, like I believe that. :p

~ Aww, cute scene with Flack and Stella. Hee, 'Whisk, I knew that.' :p

~ Ugh, what a jerk.

~ Does anybody actually say 'dog feces'? :p

~ Ah, so they figured out the e-mail was planted. What's with teevee teenagers these days?

~ Technically, Adam probably should have done the stuff with the computer, but I guess it's more important to give Hawkes scenes (and they seem to have made him a computer expert or something, anyway). Ah well, they'd better make it up to me with more Adam soon. :p

~ Danny falls down during a chase scene? Is that, like, symbolic or something? Or did they just want Angell to take the kid down? Not that I wasn't pleased with said takedown, of course, because I totally was. :devil:

~ What's with teevee parents these days? Kill first, ask questions later?

~ A 'tragic misunderstanding', Mac? A tragic misunderstanding as the result of some serious stupidity, more like.

~ That was a nice gesture, bringing her the flowers. A bit quick, though.

~ WTF is with this music? :wtf:

~ Aww, good scene with Mac and Flack - I'm glad we saw Mac there with him instead of Angell. The girlfriend comforting him is expected, but I like the relationship that has developed between Mac and Flack these past few seasons.

The scene still needed a hug, though. ;)

~ Flack's badge number is 8571 for anybody who was curious.

No new episode next week - boo! And this one NEEDED MOAR ADAM. ;) Overall, a very good episode, though. It was nice to see a more serious, in-depth storyline for Flack, and it was nice to see Mac taking his side despite what anybody said. I don't know why Flack felt like everybody else was against him, though - I don't think anybody on our team thought for a second that he did it. *hugs Flack* It was also nice to get a few tidbits about Angell. :)

And, of course, the boys are all pretty. ;)
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4 older brothers?!? Um, eek. I can’t remember if we knew this before or not.

I quote "Commuted Sentences": "Four older brothers and a detective sergeant for a father?"

I was getting worried that we weren't going to see Flack get his job back. Usually when they go into music-only parts, it's the end of the talking.
I thought it was a good episode.
Some thoughts:

It was such there at the beginning. It was like Baywatch only better! And without the Hoff.

Flack can resuscitate me any day!!! ;)

Haha, flashback of Flack pushing the dude off the chair was great. He looked so satanic.

Dang, why didn't I find a severed leg in my Christmas packages?

"He doesn't even swear" - Since when?!?

"What's a five letter word for a cooking utensil?" "Whisk. I knew that."
Obviously I was wrong, I though "spoon" and apparently Flack did too :)

Aw, Flack and Mac love. We need more of that in my opinion.

Best part: Rangers mention! ;) Any episode with them is good in my book.

So good episode, I give it an A. I liked the deep, more personal storylines for Flack. Also, I'm glad they didn't just forget about the Flack/Angell thing. They had some, er, random music going on though. And where's Adam? I missed him...
I'm sad there's no new episode next week though. They put it back on just to take it back off again. :(
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Great eppie. However I was a little grossed out by the body parts and pulling the skin off the hand.

I loved Sid's comments about Mr. Potato Head.

The Actress who played Mrs. Nelson was Prince's ex-wife Mayte Garcia.

All of this to get a state championship. Was it worth ruining a man's life?

I loved Angell sliding over the car. She totally rocks.

Does this mean the end for Flack and Angell? I'm gonna be pissed if it does.

I like the ending with Flack and Mac going to watch hockey together.
Okay, I freaking loved this episode.

Eddie was AMAZING in this one. Really amazing. I thought the story was good, the characters were on, and it was interesting to watch.

I only had 2 problems with this episode: 1. No Danny/Flack interaction with what was going on with Flack, and 2. No Adam (though, could the lack-of-Adam be continuity? *coughprobablynotbutonecanhopecough*).

Otherwise, amazing. :)
Ah, very nice episode :) I liked the action-packed stuff, and of course, I'm happy to see that Flack and Angell are seeing each other! :) I just wish the last scene would have been Flack and Angell talking, and not Flack and Mac. :)
~Aww...Flack, I just wanted to hug him. :(

~Danny playing with chainsaws, can I play too? :eek:

~Flack & Angell dating, and IAB knows. How come they know before we do? Did someone forget to tell us? :scream:

~Stella gave Flack a kiss on the cheek. Oh how sweet.:luvlove:

~Lindsay, really, leave the boom to Danny. :rolleyes:

~Danny fell...ha ha :lol:

~Angell kicks ass...I think I like her. :thumbsup:

~I didn't know you liked the Rangers, I don't. Mac you rock! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Why no new eppie...I can't handle this :scream:
I was actually really disapointed with this episode. The overall story wasn't bad, but I never for one minute believed Flack was ever in any danger, and the rush to resolve it at the end just blew my mind. I really didn't think it played out well or was developed at all...Flack has never had a history of abusing his prisoners, so I don't understand why the (IAB?) guy was so quick to jump on his case. It was different with Danny in On the Job, since he was known to be impulsive, but with the by the book Flack, it shouldn't have been as big of an issue.

Stella talking to him and telling him she was on his side was nice, but I really didn't see that it seemed like everyone else was against him, like Flack said. Who, besides the IAB guy, ever doubted him that we saw? The fact that it wasn't resolved until the final two minutes of the episode was ridiculous as just seemed rushed. Of course, Eddie did extremely well (I loved the whole tearing up the paper bit), and I did enjoy Angell in this ep too-now that we know they are for sure together, I'm hoping they will keep it on the back burner, as they've been doing-the fact that Angell was alarmed that people where finding out about it should give a good nod to the fact that they are trying to keep their personal lives out of work *applause*. It didn't look like Angell was used simply as a prop-girlfriend of Flack in this one either, which I also liked and gives me better hopes for the future at least with those two.

And Lindsay? Boom? No. Although her identifying the device that was used to help stop smoking by saying her mom had used one was interesting....although any information about her homelife in the past is way too little, way too late.

But yes. For a Flack-in-hot-water episode, he really wasn't in it as much as I'd hoped. And alas, no Danny and Flack moments :(

Eddie did great, so I can give this a high C or low B....
Christmas with the in-laws. =) haha i love that Hawkes is too cute when he smiles!!!!

um call the cops when people are lurking on your roof and blood too, i mean seeing flags?!!!

the boom, it made me laugh, spend too much time together. i know boom is old, but so was montana, and once hawkes said it it seems to have disappeared for good, maybe the same with happen with boom. oh the things that some wish we could throw into that black hole.

Sid's creepy place, god do i love it, yea we didn't have any adam but oh sid, i love him the hand and the mr. potato head, yea he would be a little obsessed. him obsessed no...uh yea

poor flack, and angell, that was good quick and over, danny go see your friend...and stella kissed flack, aw, whisk. Yea Flack would really know that, granted he could make me scrambled eggs wink wink.

now angell is saving dannys ass too!!! shes gotta be a good match for flack. she tackles dudes with style thinking trashcan from the last time, and now that slide. girls got style.

Sports Dads go figure. and the guy just looks creepy. he was in csi too wasn't he?? the dad??

The roses that was a sweet scene, it was quick, but it tugged at the heart strings. Stupid high school wrestlers, see this is why you date soccer or base ball players. at least in hs.

mac was gonna watch a hockey game for flack, thats cute. i was actually wainting for them to flash to the bar with the rest of the team, kinda like when they were there after aiden, or in sids hospital room, but they didn't.

no preview, does that mean rerun??