Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

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It's season 8 I think Cockroaches but I'm not sure. (since CBS hasn't been showing season 8 in reruns all summer I've only seen them once!) It's the one where they had the bodies in the trash truck and the line from Warrick is "Why don't you ask the father of your unborn child". He yells it on the phone. That it was Warrick no we didn't know for sure but yes we had found out there was a kid involved. SPIKE is playing it now.

This is just so awful! I might need to take a sick day on October 10 because I'll be so depressed. :(

I wonder who the "first witness on the scene" was that they are talking about. I doubt if it's the Under Sheriff because why would they suspect him right off the bat?
OOOPS, I didn't know that:wtf:, excuse me, is there a place that says that I missed? sorry no offense intended~
Also what about Catherine...she truly cared about Warrick Brown and they had a television show "China Beach" way before CSI...THEY HAD A CHEMISTRY THEN AND A FRIENDSHIP...

Wrong information. Gary Dourdan wasn't in China Beach. He and Marg first worked together in Keys instead. That was three years after China Beach had been canceled. Gary's role in Keys was rather small and wasn't Marg's love interest, but I do agree that there was a great friendship kind of thing. I think what Catherine and Warrick had in CSI is a whole lot more emotional than what I saw in Keys.
They look pretty controlled, so I don't think we'll be getting the big emotional Nick or Catherine scene we hope.

Aww..but you never know. Maybe Nick will have a day of rage and set a stink bomb off in the under sheriff's office.

Or..maybe my theory about propping Warrick's body all over the lab to mess with the under sheriff's head will see the light of day...
speechless. that was a way better can really see more of the characters emotions. i think it showed Wendy processing the bullet, presumably that killed poor Warrick?? :( no improvement on the insufficient Greg scenes though =/

stil 35 days and 6 hours :angryrazz:
That was an interesting promo, a little dark on my screen though. I couldn't make out much.
They look pretty controlled, so I don't think we'll be getting the big emotional Nick or Catherine scene we hope.

I thought the same thing...that they look pretty in control. That first scene of Nick there is from "Dead Doll" anyway.

Maybe, since from other reports it opens with Grissom telling Sara what happened and then sort of flashing back....maybe it starts after they've found him, thus the initial emotion is gone.

Kind of like jumping forward a few months after "Grave Danger". :rolleyes:
Yeah, the writers don't give those of us who are not big GSR fans much.

Oh well, I should be used to this. Just like the Greg fans, we're not their biggest fan base so we don't count.
I like the longer promo. You get to see more of the team. I always believed that promos were a bit of a let down, a tease of sorts. This was good.
I LOVED IT! Way better use of time! :) I have a tad more hope for the show than I did previously. I like them showing Warrick when he was alive. It's like they're suggesting that even in death, Warrick is still with them. I don't know maybe I'm thinking too much into it. But I'm geeking out so much about this right now that I don't care! I've officially requested time off from work for October 9th!! hehe

P.S. We've made it to 900 posts! Woot Woot! ;)
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