Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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I'm not sure if I am making sense in this (probably not), but...
Regarding Sara being in the lay-out room, & someone said she is not supposed to be in there since she quits the job. My big BUT is, when Sara left (GBGL), what if she is not officially resigned from post, she just only took a (loooong) leave of absence. Well she can, can't she? There were epi's like 2x15 (6 months?) & 4x23 (10 weeks?) where leave of absence were mentioned. Or not unless, there is really officially resigned episode/scenes that i missed, then ahhmm, okay, i'm going now... ba-bye.
I appreciate for enlightenment here. Thanks

i don't think it'll be a really long leave of absence, even though that would be great :thumbsup:
but according to all the "Spoilers" she's only in roughly 3 eps, so if she never resigned she would probably be in all of them..or at least more than 3 :( 3 isn't enough!
why couldn't Jorja just sign onto 10 like WP???!

and Bengali, your countdowns are awesome!! little depressing though, we've still got over a month :(

We still don't know about Sara. She is in at least 4-6 eppys that I've heard. Only TPTB and Jorja know for sure.

ooh, i like 4-6 waaay better, that's what i thought it was originally, but then i've been hearing things suggesting she'll be in less :wtf: very confusing. i think in our haste to understand everything we're missing things..:shifty:

x3nity, a maternity leave would make my day for sure! but, if Sara was pregnant, you think her and Grissom would be telling Icky Ecklie? :vulcan:

i like Play With Fire, it makes me feel bad for poor Greg. I just finished watching Sex, Lies and Larvae from S/1 you can tell that they liked each other way back then...maybe Sara a little more :rolleyes: but very cute some of the GSR is S/8 even :eek:

P.S. --Totally off topic but...i just got my hair cut and the way my hairdresser curled it, it looks exactly like Jorja Fox's :) but in like..Season 5/6
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Hey, all you lovely girls, hope your day is going well? waiting waiting:shifty:, and here's one for you all when did you all realize these two were in love and right for each other? was it immediately or slowly, watching them together over and over? for me even though I didn't even know what a "ship" was, other then a big boat, when I saw them in ep. 2:p after Holly was shot and he called Sara down from San Francisco. I just loved the show, and after S/3 began to see them and their strong connection/chemistry develop. They had some bumpy times, [who doesn't] but always seemed get back on track, and it escalated to where they are now:thumbsup:

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Hey, all you lovely girls, hope your day is going well? waiting waiting:shifty:, and here's one for you all when did you all realize these two were in love and right for each other? was it immeditately or slowly, watching them together over and over? for me even though I didn't even know what a "ship" was, other then a big boat, when I saw them in ep. 2:p after Holly was shot and he called Sara down from San Francisco. I just loved the show, and after S/3 began to see them and their strong connection/chemistry develop. They had some bumpy times, [who doesn't] but always seemed get back on track, and it escalated to where they are now:thumbsup:


I saw something from "Cool Change" and knew that they either had a history or were gonna get together. I had not one CLUE that I would be a nutty GSRer or that it would take them SO FREAKIN' LONG to get together. But, it's great, no matter what.
It has been a while... I don't really have a life anymore. Cross Country ate it. It also ate my GSR time, which I miss tons and I do miss this board, because it's where I got my start at fandom.

Anyway, I just came back to see how everyone was and to tell people I hadn't given up on GSR (really, how could I?). And I have gone through some boards and read a crap load of spoilers, and I've been reading the spoilers that you all have been posting, and I just wanted to add something.

I've heard almost everywhere that Jorja's magic number(s) were 4-6, and I can't imagine her leaving immediately after 2 or 3 episodes, considering that the promo was probably a combination of the first two epis, and from what I can tell it didn't exactly bring that much closure. Also, whether Sara quit or just took leave, the fact that the team is in the layout room (and assuming they're investigating Warrick's death) is kind of new. You would think, that since they were all with Warrick 5 minutes before his death (especially Grissom, who in the promo is holding Warrick's body), they wouldn't be allowed to investigate. They were all connected to the case (minus Sara), so the case would probably go to day shift. My theory is that either Ecklie is letting the team do some underground investigating, or TPTB just went a little crazy on us. But the underground theory would explain Sara's presence. I imagine that Ecklie and Grissom will reconcile in the coming episodes, and that's how everything takes off.

Alright, so I just poured my heart into a spoiler box, and I gotta peace out and do some homework. I'm so happy to see this board thrive in the midst of some people who don't support GSR and think it's dumb. Seriously. Go GSR.
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Shipwrecked - yesterday I posted this. I realize you might not have been around to read that. I am just asking that you show everyone respect in this thread. Thanks.

I would ask that you all stop calling people who do not support the G/S relationship 'antis' as that can be seen as an insult.

I know you are all passionate about your ship so please keep your comments on topic.
CSI_Kat, thanks for the reminder :thumbsup:

aaanywhoo...Desert this'll be fun to see when different people became believers :p
i knew i liked Sara when she came on in "Cool Change" i thought she was an emotionally interesting character, and i definately thought that her and Grissom had a history, and i noticed all of the little things that we look back on today so fondly :hugegrin: but honestly the very first time i thought 'omg they are together!' was in TOYD, S/6, i always hoped but that episode was the first confirmation, followed closely by the episode where the writers decided to confirm it for us :bolian: need i name it?
I didn't start watching CSI until it got to syndication, so, I didn't really get to watch the eps in order. But, I knew something was up between the two of them in pretty short order. I do remember that I was watching the new eps on CBS by the end of season five, and when they got towards the end of season six the promos were something about 'something you won't believe is going to happen in the last four episodes', I just knew it was going to be Grissom and Sara together.
I too started CSI late. My friends were all into it before I was, but I always seem to be late joining the bandwagon! :lol:

I started watching CSI in the middle of the season 6. The first episode I saw was "Shooting Stars" about the cult of kids who committ suicide. Anyway, I was instantly drawn to both Grissom and Sara. At that time, I didn't know they had a history, but I figured out they did when "Kiss-Kiss, Bye-Bye" aired. The "grey hair is attractive" scene was my very first GSR scene and it got me hooked. From there, I began researching the GSR relationship, started watching all of the older episodes on Spike and then found this wonderful board and all of you amazing people! :) It's hard to believe I've been on here for a few years as the time has flown by so quickly, but I just wanted to say that I felt so welcome here when I first joined and that I still feel very welcome now. Thanks guys! :bolian:
i hope everybody feels welcome! :adore:
it's so cool that everybody noticed the chemistry at different times, yet we're all still here having fun :bolian:

now, who used to do those amazingly fun quizzical "Name That Episode" trivia's? i think i recall it as being Orange_Cat? we need another one of those! we definately need something to adjourn our anticipation for the looong wait to October 9, so we don't go crazy :cardie:
So now, here we go writing the 'our first moments of GSR journey, a personal accounts from GSR people';). Hmm, not bad for a testimonial, maybe the posts could made to somene's wiki. (pssst.. piper?)
Well, i have to tell ya, i never really have a clue about gsr even until WTG, so when i did know i have to get back from the beginning to understand the puzzle. I did not even have any idea what is 'ship' language is. Then & now has been a long ride. At first I thought Griss/Cath would look good and Nick/Sara is cute. But note that it's the characters/stories that drawn me into this hole. For what is worth, it felt wonderful knowing people who share the same passion and stand up for what they believed in. And still got to be lenient (or so) to some that doesn't share the same opinions because people is diverse on their ways. *x3nity got so formal in posting, eh* :cool:

Okie, dokie.... Back to geekbaby.
Jorjafoxfan - telling Ecklie is not bad, would you imagine him being the godfather instead? :)

And HIM being a godfather is a perfect fit.
I dream of this moment that one day he may be able to hold their cute angel.

My husband started me on CSI DVDs from season 1 as we were waiting for season 4 to begin. We watched Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD and I watched reruns of season 3 to catch up. I don't remember the exact MOMENT that is all became real to me, Gil and Sara, because I did not like Sara at first. I think that's because I saw a lot of qualities of myself in her, but once I realized that, it was a lot easier to just let it go and try to watch those traits in myself.

Anyway, I can't pintpoint what it was. To me, it was just... There. Gil and Sara were a part of the show, their relationship was a part of the show. From the first moments they were together, he was a little brighter, and she shined like searchlights over swampgas. My husband always says you can't have CSI without GSR. It's just been there so long as a part of the show.

So, there was no "moment" for me. I almost wish there was, but Gil and Sara just worked from the beginning, and I loved how subtle it was, how brilliant it was. I will say, though, that anyone with any doubts early on need only watch "Unfriendly Skies." Oh My Vaughn. The chemistry in that scene... It's not just the words. It's that chemistry that seems to close any gap between him and her.

"Cite Your Source." OH. My. :)

ETA: I was quick to find a forum for CSI, too. Halfway through Season 4, in January of 2004, I joined this board. LOL! It's been 4 1/2 years for me. I don't know if that's great or pathetic!
Geez, it's been a long time since I was in here -handskneesprofuseapology-

CONGRATS on the new thread! -confetti-


I do like the idea of Warrick as a middle name. It's pretty [but also manly], and actually has a really good story behind it.

I can't believe who they cast! The guy hasn't done anything since Peewee's Playhouse in 1987. SO WRONG -handface-


Oof. Those of you who know about all the drama garbage that's been going on at EvilSpace (my new name for it), it's even more ridiculous now that all these spoilers have come out. It makes me sick, it really does; much as I hate to admit it, this is probably our last season (especially considering my previous spoiler comment). It's really sad that we can't all just get along for one year.

Could someone do me a huge favour and PM me DR's contact info? I'd love you forever.

Ahh. Time for fanfic.
Hi, JorjaAnn glad to have you back
and your funny, on LF here's a bio. of him, he's done mega films;) and on the DR interview, the whole thing is posted on our "news" thread .. go read it Piper did good

And continuing when on our "couple I had no interested in any of them till and can you belive this in S/3 when Grissom touched Lady Heathers face, I went OMG, and saw another side of him so romantic, so sensitive so loving so sexy, and went nutso, and was madly in love with him. On Sara, I liked both her and Cath equally, till in S/4 when Cath had the blowup with her dad in "Jackpot" it turned me off, and I starting prefering Sara, and then when the Gil/LH bombed and went no where, I started watching the flirty banter and how well they worked together on cases, perfect harmony and great respect, for each other, she so looked up to him, and he seemed to prefer working with her over the rest of the team:thumbsup: and I was hooked

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Dang, I just popped in to see what was up and someone's turned my inbox RED! I thought I'd finally gone too far and been put on probation. Everyone else's has turned red too, right?

It's good to see some of our wayward GSR disciples coming back to us. Hi guys!

I didn't watch this week's re-run. I assume there was no new promo since there is no new squeeing or anguish. I haven't watched an ep since the end of the regular season.

Oh, and speaking of fanfic, I did a crossover with CSIGeekFan the other day, but I took down the link because I wanted to show off my snazzy banner.
I'm very proud to say that between writing and beta-ing there are seven fics that I was involved in nominated so far. I don't know whether to be more proud of the writing or the beta-ing, to tell the truth.
Dang, I just popped in to see what was up and someone's turned my inbox RED! I thought I'd finally gone too far and been put on probation. Everyone else's has turned red too, right?

there is a post here in announcements that explains the red pm box.
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