Episode #615, & 616: Ambush, All In **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

Oh my Hip-Hugger heart is so happy. Cooper is seriously loosing it. What an idiot. Pretty good episode. Can't wait for tomorrow!
*Squee!!!!* I scared the cats shrieking when H showed up in a lab coat and actually processed evidence! I can't wait to see the rest of this episode and tomorrow's - so far so good, and a pleasant change from the stuff we've had the last couple of years. :D
Don't worry HoratioStalker I scared my dog when I was yelling at the tv.

I think its the guy that was with Julia ( I can't remember his name) that kidnaps Calleigh. All Cooper did was give him a way to get to her though I believe it was unintentional on Coopers part. That is what Coopers real problem is, he doesn't think things all the way though, all the possible outcomes. He just sees the here and now. I could tell because of when Eric told him that any felon could get to Calleigh because of what he posted, he actually looked upset about that.
Cooper would of never made it to a CSI with that kind of a though process.

So what I'm thinking is....I've seen the pictures of Tripp, Eric, and Ryan at the poker table and I'm thinking that while they are playing whatever game Cal's abductors want them too Horatio goes looking for Cal and probably finds her. It will be a joint effort for the whole team but I think that H will be the "hero". Which is completely cool with me because its nice to see Cal and H have scenes together.

I think TPTB did a very good job with tonights episode and for the first time in a long time I wasn't let down at all by the promo's.

How the hell Horatio gets out of Brazil though.....
Can I get a Hallelujah and an Amen! :lol: I'm still reeling from what could have been the most incredible episode that Maimi had even given us! The action, the emotion, the evil, the trechery...okay, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but here's how the epi came out for me:

First of all, I about flipped when Horatio put on gloves at the crime scene; I knew that meant that it was going to be a great epi from the get go! And then I was later rewarded with not one but TWO scenes of H wearing a lab coat and actually processing evidence. I was sure TPTB were playing an early April Fools joke on me! I also felt like not only did we get the science H back, I think we got the real H back. His emotion was more real, he seemed like a human being, and for once I didn't want to slap him for all the crazy dumb lines. The aliens gave him back to us no worse for the wear! :rommie:For me I think the show started to go downhill when H went to Brazil and in some crazy way I think that "returning" to Brazil fixed everything.

As for Calleigh, Holy Bullet Girl Batman! Emily Procter certainly proved to me at least why she's such a great actress! She played those really hard scenes with Calleigh trying to cope beautifully and I think I even saw her mist up a little when she said goodbye to Horatio...nearly broke my heart! *sniff* I haven't always been a big fan of Calleigh centric plot lines (she is my favorite character, but sometimes I think they stretch the truth with her a little too much when she's the center of attention), but I think this one is turning out remarkably well.

And Eric..Down boy! :guffaw:I loved that scene when he took Cooper down in the apartment! So much intensity and raw feeling crammed into that short scene! I also feel bad for him because the brain injury thing is coming back. I hoped that it would in a way just for some continuity, but I kinda think he's getting the raw end of the story line here, although it is pretty realistic.

And while we're on the subject, I feel sorry for Cooper too! I mean first it's Ryan shoving him against the wall in season 4 and then it's Eric tackling him to the ground in season six. I also thought his part was played really well. It was almost creepy the way he responded to Calleigh when she went to talk to him and all I could think was "Serial Killer in the making!" :guffaw:I liked how Calleigh did give him the option of a second chance though, but I was disappointed when he didn't take it.

And then there was Ryan...may I say that he is looking good these days, even if he did piss off someone in the wardrobe department. :drool:I liked his interaction with Calleigh when she realized that her photos had been taken, especially the "well did you take off the lense cap" line...so Ryan!:lol: He got to show his soft side though and that was really cool to see. Did anyone else notice that he's starting to take over Cooper's job? Lately it seems that that's all he's ever working on; I thought he was a trace specialist, so what gives?

Speaking of pissing off the people in wardrobe, poor Kyle! :( It was like they took all of Ryan's fashion disasters and combined them into one outfit! I must admit I laughed really hard when I saw he had on a sweater vest...maybe it's a hint that H and Kyle are related to Ryan somehow and that's going to be the next big twist! I mean, its possible H likes dressing his sons in matching sweating vest! :guffaw:Just kidding! I hope you can read my sarcasm into that!

The thing I noticed above all however, was the ultimate continuity that ran throughout the episode. It's like the writers all sat around and actaully WATCHED the previous seasons during the strike. For a minute I almost wondered if my sister had accidentally slipped me a season one or two episode instead. Like HCrazy said, it was definitely a dream come true for me! Everything I could have ever put into an episode was there right before my eyes (except for a well placed hug or two maybe, but there's always next epi, right? ;) )

And although I cringe at using the F-A-M-I-L-Y word in here in case I jinx myself, I absolutely ADORED the fact that the team is finally starting to act like a real team or family again. You could tell there was a lot of caring and concern for each other and they all worked together and communicated. It really opened my eyes to what we've been missing over the past few seasons. Please oh please say this wonderfulness continues?:angel:

I'm almost afraid to see tomorrow's episode (well I suppose it's today's episode in my time zone), because this one was so good that in my mind I don't know if they'll ever be able to top it. A solid A+ grade for me, and I'm excited to see what else is in store for us!
I can`t wait to watch this episode...

I have to ask a few things:

That kicking the door in the promo, that`s Eric kicking the door of Coopers apartment? And what was that about Calleigh being a black widow? I also read something about Calleigh offering a second chance to Eric, what was that about?
OMFG!OMFG! HORATIO WAS IN THE LAB! WEARING THE LABCOAT! I got so hyped that had difficulties to concentrate and then Julia appeared and made me annoyed.

I have to say this was really great one with all the crap we've seen this season. Two best things

-H in the lab

Hopefully will see more of that in the next eppy :p And more of Stetler of course. So here's few thoughts

Colour of the day seemed to be yellow, made me giggle. WHat didn't make be giggle was Julia - I kept wondering whole time will her boobs jump out of that shirt. Now that I've been watching 6th season of 24, all I could think when Kyle was on was "Jack Bauer's nephew! Jack Bauer's nephew!" :lol: :lol:

I have to say that I feel, now with that Cooper crap, they are again bringing too much to episode - of course now it's not all about H (thankfully)

Then I must say that I burst into laugh, when H was sent to Brazil. No way US let's their own people to be transported to other country.

But first time this season I am excited and cannot wait for the next eppy.
Wow! What an episode! Best we have seen in awhile.

H in a lab coat??? :wtf: I was shocked and happy to see that. Though isn't it a conflict of interest for him to be processing evidence for this case.....with the whole Julia/Kyle custody thing?

Then I really l felt like they were a team this week....for once. They all seemed to work well together.

I thought I was seeing things with that arm....glad others saw it too! :lol:

Kyle could seriously be Horatio's son.. Total mini H!

The Rio thing seems stupid and pointless to me....obviously he gets out alive and unmarked yet again.....:rolleyes:
Not bad, but and not so good epi.

Most like Eric and Cooper scene in the end. "If something happen to her I`ll kill u". More of angry Delko pls. :D

Too much Ho-drama and today.. come on H, pls give us a break.

Thaks that we have some Call (and Eric) characters development and plot line to save the epis the last few months.

Yay for Yelina and Stetler. :D

Julia .. errr.. what is her work on this tv show ?!
The first thing I have to say is that I never liked Cooper. Not ever. And Ha! I was so right :lol:

I was much more interested in the Calleigh story line than the Horatio one, however, I was quite shocked to see H actually working in the lab :eek: :eek:

H's story line bored me a bit. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm tired of him being so untouchable. Even with being extradited to Brazil, we know nothing is going to happen, because nothing can touch Horatio Caine.

For Calleigh's story line, I knew it was going to be Cooper running the website. I didn't read any spoilers, but just knowing that he was in the episode made it obvious. However, I was still very eager to know how things were going to play out. This kept me hooked through the episode.

Yelina, Stetler, Cooper and Valera all in one episode!
It's always nice to have Yelina come back for an episode, and I always love when Stetler shows up :devil:
I'm not quite sure what Valera's roll was in this episode, but I'm not going to complain! I always love to have her.
I would like to say thank you to those that have posted about the show cause with 20 minutes left in the show my sat. went out due to strong storms in the area and I DID NOT get to see how it ended!!!:( I was so upset cause I was really looking forward to seeing this one. We have NO storms in the area tonight so I will be able to see the ending. But again thanks to all of you posting. I can now at least read how it ended.
WOW was I ever soooooooooo happy to see H back in the lab. That just made my day. LOL I figured Cooper was behind all that with Calleigh myself. I too wasn't too interested in the H storyline & for good reason. Why in the world hype up an episode when you know it's not going to turn out the way it's portrayed? I was very disappointed in the Brazil story. Please they extradite him back to stand trial(yeah right) then let him walk out scott free. I was hoping for a trial for some reality here. None of this it was all a dream junk I mean get real here. Where's the realism in this show. It has gone to pot.

Where was the drama between H/Y? I mean all of a sudden poof she was there like magic. For a total of what 5 min maybe? Then there's Stetler. Please someone hand me hanky. lol Like Rick actually cared what was fixing to happen to Horatio. He's been hoping for something like this for yrs. So I cannot believe he was concerned for H at all. Kyle needs a butt kicking. Julia needs a butt kicking also. This ep was no more real than before. Only thing that brightened it was H in a lab coat. The Calleigh story was more real than the one with Horatio. I for one can't wait to see the conclusion tonight. Next Mon. no Miami cause of basketball playoffs. * Cries*

Hey anyone notice the guy that played the chief? He sure looked an awful lot like the dude who played Clavos brother in BB. Anyway, hope I made sense here brains working faster than my fingers. lol
Ok, Julia....sure don't have quite the idea of what to think of her but in tha last scene, it looked like one of her eyes was brown:confused: the other blue, like a colored contact fell out or something

The actress actually has one blue and one brown eye. You'd think they have her wear contacts to make them the same. Ah well.

Haven't posted in forever but this episode was a good one. Tomorrow night looks good too.

Oh Thank you...that was driving me crazy!!! I thought maybe she was disguised or something & didn't realize her contact fell out.:rolleyes:

This towel thing bugs me just because you would think there was some evidence on it that would lead them back to Julia/ Pamela or her partner (cant remember his name)....I really hope Eric doesn't get inot any trouble w/ that, if it even means anything....but the camera stayed on it left on the floor as he walked away:confused: guess we will find out tonite.
Oh Sharon - you brought up a good point I had forgotten about......Stetler! I was expecting him to gloat and be happy about this. I was like :wtf: at his reaction.

and one other thing......does Julia only have 1 dress?????
Oh Sharon - you brought up a good point I had forgotten about......Stetler! I was expecting him to gloat and be happy about this. I was like :wtf: at his reaction.

and one other thing......does Julia only have 1 dress?????

You noticed that too did ya?:lol: Has made me wonder.:lol: