Episode #615, & 616: Ambush, All In **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

Let me state that I'm not only relieved to see Yelina again, but I'm glad to know she decided to not work for Julia.
I figured Horatio working in the lab processing evidence would get everyone to talking. Looks like I was right.:rommie::guffaw::lol:
I couldn't believe my eyes for a second then I started laughing like those 3 emotes.
:eek: There's the A/V girl. I was wondering where she was.
Double :eek::eek:!!! There's Cooper.
:mad: I do not like the way Cooper is turning out.
Triple :eek::eek::eek:!!! There was 2nd scene with Horatio in the lab in his white lab coat.
:mad: I HATE JULIA!!!
WOAH!! :eek: That was continuity overload!! They pulled stuff from many eppys with that one. It was so exciting too, i almost forgot there was a case going on.

-i can't believe H was actually processing evidence, wow :lol:
-i wanted to slap Cooper, what an ass...so glad Eric pushed him over!
-I don't know why they let him go in brazil, don't they realize H has superpowers :p
-haha, they stole a plot device from 'King Baby'...but thats ok, it was used in a different context.
-i really hope Julia get what's coming to her, and kyle sees that she is trying to turn him against his father
-awwwww, kyle calls H 'dad'
-And the end :wtf:

oh and canadian fans got a miami commercial for tomorrow AND a promo for NY's eppy!! sweet deal...
OOOHHH all kinds of stuff goin on!!!

Um I need to point out a BIG BOOBOO!! Katheleens arm floated up to the surface, but then she had both arms still attatched to the steering wheel, then in the morgue w/ Alexx, she only had one arm:wtf::wtf::wtf:

Ok, Julia....sure don't have quite the idea of what to think of her but in tha last scene, it looked like one of her eyes was brown:confused: the other blue, like a colored contact fell out or something.:wtf:

Who the hell dressed Kyle?

Calleigh a "black widow"? Thats a bit of a stretch....noticed that Jake's face was on there & it said is he next....hmmmm....something to chew on.

ERIC!!!:eek: Apparently as I had suspected he has not fully recovered over his brain injury....eeshk...I think we'll see more of that.;)

I was estatic to see Nat so worried about Calleigh:p

Horatio in a lab coat...I almost cried.:)

Nice epi.:)
Holy hell in a hand basket!!!! I thought I was going to go crazy. I haven't yelled at the tv this much since Gil and Sarah first hooked up.

I wanted to just reach though the tv and hug Calleigh when that website first came up. I knew Cooper was going to be in the eppie I just didn't think he would be the kidnapper.
Calleigh going in after him made me so happy and then Eric going after just made me :D!

The chief in Brazil is completely retarded...of course Horatio will survive. Someone has to wear the sunnies :cool:.

I can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok not a bad ep, way better than last weeks, but that wasn't hard to beat.

I thought the same thing about that chics arm. I was looking too and it seemed she had both tied to the steering wheel in the car. If we are wrong, then how did it get detached from the body? Didn't look like a gator chewed it off and also how did it get out of the car if those dudes broke the window?

yes who did dress Kyle? I thought Ryan was the only one that got dressed in really bad outfits.

Poor Delko for having to write down on paper precedure for a scene but YAY for him going to Cooper and knocking him down.

only part that really got me was the ending with that dude telling H he was free and good luck. That seemed so far out there to me, my eyes are still rolling around in my head!

I was really happy they had Ryan actually working the case and holy cow he saved the day...really he did, right or did I imagine that? mellow yellow was very nice!!
Honestly, wow, all I can say is wow. Someone did their homework when they were on strike, because I honestly thought this episode was the best one I've seen since the season 2 finale. I absolutely loved it, I was hooked in from the moment the episode started.

Alright, let me wrack my brain to the beginning of the episode. First of all, I was really pleased when they had Horatio do some labwork. I honestly think some of the writers saw the posts that we've been making since FOREVER about his lack of labwork, and it actually did a lot for me, because it made Horatio's character more human, he didn't seem like super H in this one. I like the Horatio they portrayed in this episode, which I'm going to have to savor because I think that's all going to go down the tubes in the next episode lol.

When Calleigh's memory card was taken from the crime scene, I hadn't even been thinking about Cooper, I was completely baffled at who had done it. Then when we later found out that it was Cooper, everything suddenly made sense. I think Cooper is beyond miffed, he got caught, he thinks it's unfair, so now he wants revenge, and he's going to take it out on the person that caused his unfairness. As the episode went on, it shows a more and more corrupted Cooper, but the actor (whose name escapes me right now) did a great job of portraying his character, because you could tell that there was a change in him, but when Eric kicks his door down you can tell that the old A/V lab rat who was shy and timid is still in there. That website that he has really is sick, and I wouldn't be surprised if Cooper is behind Calleigh's abduction.

I also loved Eric in this episode, anyone can see that he greaty cares about Calleigh, and will stop at nothing to save her. I really hope that he's the one that ends up finding her, but I have a feeling that it's going to be Horatio. Boo. The scene where Eric comes to Cooper's place is in my opinion, the most powerful scene in the episode. I love how he threatened him, but then again, that could just be the shipper in me...:angel:

I also saw a bit of the spark that I missed between Horatio and Yelena, at first I couldn't stand Yelena, but now that she's not there very often, I enjoy the scenes that she's in. And I loooved that even though she had a very small scene, it made a huge impact.

The one negative thing about this episode is something that doesn't even pertain to this episode only. Can I ask you something? To some he may be attractive, but do ALL the 20-30 year olds come 'a runnin' to seek Horatio Caine's love? Come on, he's got to be at least ten years her senior, if not more. Bad job on the casting part of it, but oh well. It makes it a little less believable, but the story is still good.

Oh! Oh! Guess what! I saw STETLER! I missed him so, he's one of those characters that I love to hate, except in this episode I didn't do much hating. The fact that he saved Horatio from having to wear handcuffs was a pretty awesome thing to do. I really liked him in this episode, they should have him around more often.

Alright, now to Horatio's predicament. I'm really not all surprised that he was taken all the way down there just to be let free again, but honestly, come on, can't they think of something more creative? Can't they have one of the other CSI members come and bail his ass out of jail or something? Oh well, I'm over this storyline already. And it's obvious through the promos for tomorrow that he gets back without a scratch on him, since he's investigating Calleigh's abduction and is back to threatening people before anyone can even ask him how Rio was.

As for Calleigh's abduction, I'm sooo excited to see how this storyline turns out. I love Calleigh's storylines, firstly because she's my favorite character, and secondly because she always gets the interesting ones. I think Cooper has something to do with it. Well, actually, we know that Cooper has something to do with it, because his website easily gave anyone that wanted it the access to her car and her whereabouts. He made it incredibly easy for anyone to hurt her. I really think and hope that Eric steps up to the plate for this one. He's lost his best friend already, I don't think he's ready to deal with his lady friend dying as well, especially if he has a say in it. I have a feeling he'll lose his temper once or twice, probably blow up on someone, especially if he sees whoever took her, and I really hope that the two of them have some screen time to themselves tomorrow. They have so much chemestry, and it would be a shame if we didn't see it.

Am I missing anything? I hope not lol

Oh, I do have a question though. At the beginning of the episode when Eric drops that piece of paper, what was that? Was that a list of the order things are done? I barely got to skim it before they changed views, and I was wondering if that was what it actually was, and if it was a list of that kind, then bravo to the writers. Someone must have taught them the meaning of continuity.

My rating 9/10

Um I need to point out a BIG BOOBOO!! Katheleens arm floated up to the surface, but then she had both arms still attatched to the steering wheel, then in the morgue w/ Alexx, she only had one arm

Wow, I didn't even notice that, but you're right, both of her hands were taped to the steering wheel, and then when Alexx examined her, it was gone again. Uh oh, big boo boo directors!
overall I thought it was good.
I was very shocked to see H actually working in the lab... i nearly fainted :lol:
oh good! I thought I was going crazy about Julia's eye, i swore one was green and the other was blue.:wtf:
Thank god that Eric punched Coop down because i wanted to do that :mad::brickwall:
I sure cant wait till tomorrow.
TWIZDIT4TOGO..Are you keeping tabs on the Tally board??:guffaw::guffaw:
Yes, you can give credit to Ryan for figuring out it was Cooper setting up the website!!:)
& I give Nat a gold star for gawking at the webpage & discovering that this was dangerous for Calleigh.;)

WYOMING....yes the piece of paper Calleigh was holding was a list that Eric dropped w/ instructions on how to process a crime scene...also pointed out by Ryan.
Eric also left behind the evidence in the restroom...the towel used to gag Katheleen, although I don't know if we will see more on that.
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i was so upset i missed the first 20 minutes. but caught the rest. it was an awesome ep and i cant wait for tomorow's. though could someone please let me know what happened in the first 20 minutes. it would be greatly appreciated. i turned it on when the found the calleigh website for the first time i think
Does anyone else think Eric's still having trouble after his brain injury?

I wanted to beat Cooper to death for what he did to Cal. I was SO happy when Eric attacked him!

For once Stetler was a good guy. That shocked me!

WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Yippee Kiahhhhhh Mother Fuc%er!!!:guffaw:

What an awesome episode!!! It was great and I can't wait for tomorrow. They have to make all the eps this good. I mean... Holy Shit, I was on the edge of the bed....:lol:

Now We do have an angry H with Julia...:devil:
Then We have H in a lab coat, working in the lab:eek: I thought I was hallucinating instead of Eric.
They we have a scene with Calleigh and H and OMG:eek: A touchy feelly scene at that:drool::drool::drool:

Can someone please wake me from this AWESOME dream:guffaw: No wait... LEAVE ME BE! This is to good to interrupt:guffaw:

This has to be by far the best episode I have seen in the series of the show! The best. Action, Mystery, Evil Julia... but is she.... Hmmm.:rolleyes: We had Yelina and Kyle and Frank and... :eek: WOW! What an eppy! I loved it and tomorrow is going to be even better.

H comes face to face with the Mala Noche gang.... :eek::eek: Oh and he had better save Calleigh too!:drool: I'll take another touchy feelly scene... Hell Give that girl a bear HUG!:guffaw::thumbsup:

So.... All in all I liked it! :rolleyes: Ya think :lol:

HCrazy Smiling :cool:
WOW - H in a lab coat - that was hot! :eek: :drool: I mean, when was the last time he slapped on a pair of latex gloves at a crime scene! I was just psyched about that - and then he goes and PROCESSES THE EVIDENCE - HOLY #@^^$%^%!!! I think TPTB were very bored during the strike, and THANK GOD they probably stumbled upon us!! H is soo awesome in the lab!

OK, the arm thing threw me waaayyy off. I was like, wait, her arm was floating...no, it's attached to the steering wheel...no, it's on Alex's tray... OYY! That was baadd.

However, that aside, the episode was AWESOME! I LOVED Eric kicking Cooper's ass!!! It reminded me of all the other times Eric stepped up like that for women in danger - he's such a good guy ;) And he's gettin' to be more like H everyday, w/those death threats ;)

I also thought it was sweet how Nat seemed so worried about Cal. I loved Ryan too - that scene w/him and Cal was really sweet, where he was trying to convince her to track down the guy and Cal was trying to stay focused on the case. Which is interesting b/c when Cal reaches out to H, H tells her to stay focused on the case - can ya tell they've been working together for 12 years :lol:

OK, so what happened to Ryan at the end? I hate how he kinda "drops in" then "drops out" of the eps, although he did save the day in this one - he's been really up on that new AV equipment and was able to track down Cooper. (But I didn't see the AV girl - Sam? - like someone here said they did - did I miss that?) Nice to see Valera, too, although I wished she would've actually been doing something :rolleyes:

Onto Kyle - wow, that kid is getting brainwashed big time - just look at the way he's dressed - yikes! At least H would dress him properly! I did like H telling him to keep his voice down and Kyle calling him "dad" - I hope this doesn't end badly for H b/c he's had way too much sadness lately... :(

Onto poor Eric. He keeps a list of how to process a scene - awww! Nice continuity, I was really happy to see that, and I liked how Cooper twisted it (well, I didn't like it, but I thought it was a nice twist :) )

mjszud - I noticed that Eric left the towel at the crime scene, too, but I didn't know if that would pay off.

And finally, we have H and Cal speaking to each other for TWO EPS IN A ROW! Wow! :eek: I really loved how Cal looked back as H was being put into the van - nice to see she still cares about what happens to her boss. Pretty symbolic, too, since they were both heading into danger, but Cal didn't know it.

And tomorrow!...

Horatio makes another death threat! While I love that he's actually acknowledging Cal's existence, he's just getting back from Brazil - be careful, dude! I wonder how he gets out of this jam? And Cal kidnapped - personally I hope it's a TEAM effort to save her, and I think it would be nice if EVERYONE got to have a word or two with her. (Of course, seeing as H was terribly absent in "Stand Your Ground," I think a few words between them is long overdue.)

Anyhow, sorry for the long review but I am incredibly psyched for tomorrow - so glad I don't have to wait a whole week!!!

Oh, woops! Forgot to mention that I LOVED the Hagen reference and the Jake ... well, whatever that was - more continuity!! Yea!! (as "The Who" would scream :) )

OHH - I keep forgetting stuff - Stetler, be still my heart! He wasn't the bad guy, and actually fought for H - what's up w/that? When did he all of a sudden start liking H? Our dear Stetler really seemed concerned for H - genuinly. Very odd...

And of course, how could I forget Yelina? That was a nice freakin' house, no? I'm really glad she didn't help Julia out - I didn't think she would. I just love the vulnerable way Sofia played that scene - I just wish H would've been a bit more concerned for Yelina's safety. I mean, this psycho woman who you think is a murderer comes up to your sister-in-law and is like, "yea, work for me." C'mon H, show a little love! I really am despising him walking out of the frame like that - somebody needs to leave him standing there. But still, it was a great moment, and some definite continuity! Keep at it, TPTB :)
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How stupid has Cooper become? Even theough I knew as soon as I saw the webiste and that Ryan had trouble tracing it, I knew it was Cooper. Did anyone applaud Delko for attacking Coop? Or even want him to get a bit more aggressive than he did. And the whole thing about Cal black widow and Hagen. Hagen was mentally unblanced. Nothing to do with Cal. And the thing with Jake dont know what going on but it was just mean.

It truely shocked me when I saw H in a lab coat too and processing evidence. I didnt cry but I was so stunned I turned to my mom and asked, "am I seeing things?" I realllllly hate Julia. I was shokced that she seemed more vindicitve and cold than Stetler.

Stetler was nice, in his own way. I was happy and scared at the same time. He is truely meant to be the mean guy. He isnt supposed to be nice, even though at times you want to hate him for being mean. Not to stray off topic but he is like Ecklie , for those who also watch CSI (LV).

It was truely nice to see Yelina. Always liked her nad hope to see more of her back even after the second part.

Was anyone bothered by the whole secen when H was in Rio? and the the gun clicks the the shots??? Kinda hard to believe H is in any trouble if you have seen the promo for tommorrow's epi. Not that I believed it to be bad, just a let down.

Part of me is still hoping the 'leave you gasping' is going ot be something more than the last minutes of tonights epi.

overall I give 8.5/10 It was good and had some really great momentsbut there where a few things that didnt make it more.

And thank TPTB or whoever for having the second part tommorrow. Wont let anyone's mind play too many what ifs.
Ok, Julia....sure don't have quite the idea of what to think of her but in tha last scene, it looked like one of her eyes was brown:confused: the other blue, like a colored contact fell out or something

The actress actually has one blue and one brown eye. You'd think they have her wear contacts to make them the same. Ah well.

Haven't posted in forever but this episode was a good one. Tomorrow night looks good too.