"You Kill Me" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Okay, I'm new here, and I've been DYING to say what I thought of the episode:) *clears throat*

OKAY! Now, lets start off by saying I LOVED the light-heartedness of the episode. It's not a crime that they give the lab techs some airtime. Everyone on the set loves Hodges, he's hilarious on and off the set. Brass, too, with his cynical style and great spontaneous lines is hilarious. Everyone was great! Catherine, Greg, Nick and Warrick with their overexaggerated movements. Awesome acting all 'round.

Now, to the nitty-gritty. Hodges and Wendy are the Warrick-Catherine of the lab. They flirt (albeit, less frequently), thats cool. Lab techs need love too. They have a life. And I think they had a perfect balance of Sara rememberance. She was one of my favourite characters, but I'm not..sad. Which is awesome. The writers make the transition well. Now, also, I first came here because Greg's reaction to Grissom's, 'goodnight Greg', caught me off guard.:O And by the looks of Grissoms face after the fact, it caught him as well! Now, Greg is my favourite character *raises hand slowly for shipper call* and I can relate to why Greg would feel bitter for Sara's departure. Even if his hopes of being with her have been dashed, there has been plenty of foreshadowing for Greg to feel this way. In all the past episodes since 'Go To Hell', hes been with her non-stop! And he alone knew she was burning out (locker room scene in The Chick Chop Flick Shop). Maybe he felt Grissom knew, since he proposed to her after all, and felt betrayed in the loyalty department that he would let her go so quickly without addressing her issues. Maybe??? Haha.

Well, thats my long yarn. Just wanted to get in my say:)

OH!!! And wait a little bit until introducing someone else. They lasted a good long time with only five CSI's, and they can do it again. No need for someone else until at least the end of this season, or beyond. Umm...well, I kinda like the idea of two females...................can I vote for both sides:$??? Lol.
I thought the episode was hilarious. Every time Bobby was put in the hot seat I'd say "must be pick-on-Bobby day". Greg's "yeah, whatever" comment was a surprise, but not necessarily out of character. I think he's ticked that Sara left, and likely resents Grissom because of it. Remember, Sara asked Greg if he missed her when she moved to swing shift, and he said "More and more every day". Plus they sat and talked in the locker room during the Chick Chop Shop Flick episode--not that it was necessarily a shippy moment, but I think between her abduction and near death, and him finding out about her and Grissom, and then her leaving, that's a lot for him to deal with, whether or not there's still a crush lingering.
Yeah. But have you noticed that, though? George Eads is AWESOME at crying. LOL.

Definiely a much-needed lift from the dark episode(s) prior to it. :lol:
PisceanPal23 said:
Even if his hopes of being with her have been dashed, there has been plenty of foreshadowing for Greg to feel this way. In all the past episodes since 'Go To Hell', hes been with her non-stop! And he alone knew she was burning out (locker room scene in The Chick Chop Flick Shop). Maybe he felt Grissom knew, since he proposed to her after all, and felt betrayed in the loyalty department that he would let her go so quickly without addressing her issues. Maybe??? Haha.

Well, thats my long yarn. Just wanted to get in my say:)

OH!!! And wait a little bit until introducing someone else. They lasted a good long time with only five CSI's, and they can do it again. No need for someone else until at least the end of this season, or beyond. Umm...well, I kinda like the idea of two females...................can I vote for both sides:$??? Lol.

labgeekluvr said:
Greg's "yeah, whatever" comment was a surprise, but not necessarily out of character. I think he's ticked that Sara left, and likely resents Grissom because of it. Remember, Sara asked Greg if he missed her when she moved to swing shift, and he said "More and more every day". Plus they sat and talked in the locker room during the Chick Chop Shop Flick episode--not that it was necessarily a shippy moment, but I think between her abduction and near death, and him finding out about her and Grissom, and then her leaving, that's a lot for him to deal with, whether or not there's still a crush lingering.

*raises hand* Yes, I agree. x] I don't want to say anymore on that part in fear of rambling... I'll ramble about it, but in the Sandle thread <3

BUT MOVING TO Catherine being the only female CSI now... I kind of like it. I love the cast the way they are now [with the exception of Sara gone], and I think if they add another CSI, the show will waver a little bit... I don't know if I'm making sense, but that's my two cents.
I think I get what you're saying, and I agree. I don't want a new team member, whethr it be Ronnie, Wendy, or some totally new chick. NOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Yes! It'll just throw the series off with yet another change. Change is fine, but too much radical change sets up for disaster.
I loved this episode.

It was great seeing everyone (albeit without Sara) in the same episode. Everybody had screen time. It was funny seeing Nick and Catherine making faces to emphasize what they need to find. I also liked when Brass and Catherine were "saying" all these things about Hodges.

About Greg blowing off Grissom, it think that it will be touched upon later.
I dunno bout the Greg thing being addressed later. Continuity isn't the writer's forte. I'm surprised that they even remembered who Sara was.
I didn't buy the whole "CSI can do comedy" thing. Hodges's character needs more substance if TPTB are going to center an episode around him. All we know is that he is a suck-up who has a crush on a lab tech.
I'm split on the new CSI thing...I think I lean towards the 'no radical change' thing, though...the writers should look at this as a time to expand on the other characters...well, character:)

And we kinda do know a bit about Hodges...he may be a suck-up, but he just wants recognition, as many a man do in the world. He is a bit of a loner, whether his fault or not. He wants to belong to the group, and whether we acknowledge it or not, he is smart. It is totally believable that Grissom would do what he did with Hodges, not for the fact that is is Hodges, but because Grissom loves a good puzzle. It is how he copes with Sara's departure.

Kinda sad, really...lol
PisceanPal23 said:
And we kinda do know a bit about Hodges...he may be a suck-up, but he just wants recognition, as many a man do in the world. He is a bit of a loner, whether his fault or not. He wants to belong to the group, and whether we acknowledge it or not, he is smart. It is totally believable that Grissom would do what he did with Hodges, not for the fact that is is Hodges, but because Grissom loves a good puzzle. It is how he copes with Sara's departure.

This is kind of why I think, if they do end up making a lab rat a CSI, it might be Hodges. Irony, you know?
Skell said:
PisceanPal23 said:
And we kinda do know a bit about Hodges...he may be a suck-up, but he just wants recognition, as many a man do in the world. He is a bit of a loner, whether his fault or not. He wants to belong to the group, and whether we acknowledge it or not, he is smart. It is totally believable that Grissom would do what he did with Hodges, not for the fact that is is Hodges, but because Grissom loves a good puzzle. It is how he copes with Sara's departure.

This is kind of why I think, if they do end up making a lab rat a CSI, it might be Hodges. Irony, you know?

Well, I don't know about that. If you recall the episode 'Big Shots' from last year, he actually was out in the field for the beginning of the episode. Catherine made a remark about him 'pulling a Sanders', and Hodges said he didn't like being in the field. Said he preferred the comforts of the lab. It would be too cliche if they took the proverbial cane and hauled a lab tech in the spotlight. I don;t think the writers would do that again.
NicknGrissom said:
First, Hestia, That was I talking about what Eric said in the TV guide, but I can't remember what he said. Thank you for remember what Eric said. 'Greg hasn't give up on Sara.' My opinion, Eric went to the wrong writers, The writers are not Sandles fan, they are GSR fan and Few of 'em are Snickers fan too. David Rambo love to write Greg by himself and like to pick on him so much.

I know what you mean, none of the writers are The Love supporters either. But we still hold out hope! :)

I wish I could watch this episode again, just to see some of the things y'all have pointed out, but I was laughing so hard when I watched it last week that I missed a lot of the stuff... plus, my memory is just shot lately. XD Well, can't wait to see 'A La Cart' again! Such an awesome ep. for us Lovettes.
I think Hodges character has plenty of substance. I mean, he's been on the show for years, and we've seen little tidbits of him throughout the seasons, I think it's nice that the writers are finally getting more personal with him, and all the lab rats. It makes the workplace seem more real to me.

And why does everyone keep focusing on Greg's "blowup" at Grissom? Isn't it possible for him to have a bad day? He's had them before with no "reason" or "explanation". It's obviously been a bit between this episode and the one where Sara left, I doubt Greg would be mad at Grissom for that long about it and not have told him.
I see it more likely that Hodges will stay in the lab, but there is a small chance he might leave... maybe it'll have something to do with his admiration for Wendy. Who knows? :3

Don't think it was a bad work day for Greg. I really think he's mad at Grissom for Sara's absence. A review on teh epiosde even elaborated on the idea. But... *shrug*