Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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Hey your using the nickname I gave you and you have SOOOOOOOOOO EARNED IT ...CSI RACK. *gives special CSI badge*

I really had tears in my eyes watching it and nearly fell off my chair a few times. Those two guys are so friggin hilarious, oh you gotta add Sam Rockwell with them...they are a terrific trio.
OMG, R2006!!! (I hope it's okay to call you this ;) ) Thanks for posting those. I watched and couldn't stop giggling, especially when Jon started to "dance". :lol: :lol: I think he almost lost it at one point, but he held it in. I couldn't though. He was definitely HAWT and funny as all get out!! :lol:

You know the funniest thing is that he acted kind of gay, but then he wants women b/c he "was lonely". Brilliant! :lol: Aw, I'd come back and grovel for him to cast me. :devil:

And yeah, I figured that was Diana in the fourth vid. Meh...
*falls over laughing* That is fabulous! When did he do those? It's so funny! :lol: Especially the bit about the blind people, and putting traps in the warehouse room they'd be in. He has a wicked sense of humour!

Is that a "Togo Dance"? :D
*dies laughing* Reminds me of the podcast Jon and Justin did back in July. It had me rolling the floor.

That was awesome.
*Waves hands around wildly*
I'm still here (that is, if anyone noticed I was absent for awhile there)! I haven't deserted the site, I promise. We have a week off from school, so now I can forget about all the other junk going on and post again. Yay!
Good to be back!
But anyway, I've missed a lot! I feel like a really bad fan because I have missed a few episodes. Can anyone fill me in really quick? Hopefully they'll have episodes on CBS.com so I can catch up...

Oh, and I must say, that video was amazing. I've only watched one so far, but that pretty much made my day (I loved the glasses on him, too.)!
Hey Guys!
At first..I'm a big Ryan fan as you, too :D I think he's totally awesome and I love the way he smile..so yersterday I was a bit bored and I searched some Ryan pics and look what I found..(hope it isn't posted somewhere before)

Look at his butt :p

(and sorry for my bad english..I'm from germany and I'm learning english for 5 years at school ;) )
I haven't seem this one yet. I love it. I about feel out of my chair. Love the butt. and love this skin. love the OMG, what happened, I love it. thanks for posting Girlie.
and guys you know when you click on the picture then you can see the large version of it?? :devil: :devil: :D
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