Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Aud said:
Yes. But it can be used for several different kinds of things. It basically means respect or bowing to the divinity or the spirit of life in everyone.
Ah, thanks for the info babes :) I know it was something to do with respect, hence its usual usage as a greeting.

I dunno if Linds ever has time to do yoga, she'd probably have a yoga mat at home to do some stretching whenever she has the time. Then again...Danny could find a whole other purpose to that mat...floors can be hard sometimes *whistles* Just a thought... :p

Carolina said:
Im in a desperate need of the pink fog right now.
Aww wubs, you can have as much as you like around here :) We've got this thingiky set up that dispenses the fog whenever the air starts seeping into the thread. We're pink fogged saturated :cool:

Reading other people's opinions are good, as long as you're prepared to accept that others may not agree with your thoughts. We think D/L is love, others don't. Well, whatever floats their boat. We love D/L, and that's what matters most. That and Gutterville :) Cos that's ours and we like 'em dirty :devil:

Ms. Monroe can persuade our gorgeous Mr. Messer of anything. in this case he would probably just sit there watching her stretch and bend
I'd say he's gonna be real fidgety when he watches his girlfriend stretch and bend in front of him. Can he resist touching? :devil:

Lets ponder on that for a moment....probably! At least until they reach the car on the way home. Then it's his turn to bend and stretch :devil:

"All I do the whole day is dream of you!" ;) *Mo pops in singing yet another song from 'Singing in the Rain' which is appropriate since the 9 months of rain my state gets every year pretty much started yesterday!*
Good morning everyone and Happy Hump Day! Awww 'Hump Day" not only is is the middle of the week, and a lovely reminder of one of our couple's favorite activities :devil: but it's also new eppy day! Yay! :D Love that we really do finally have new eppys again, it makes me happy! A little tired, cuz they all air so late here...(I'm a baby I know! :rolleyes: :lol: ) but it's all good! ;)

New shippy bud Roni wondered:
Think we'll get any D/L scenes? I've got M&M's ready just in case!
Well if last week is any indication then I'd say sure thing! Cuz last week as I recall we hadn't heard news of any D/L scene and then we got our still being talked about awesome condom spray scene! So this week, I seem to remember rumors of a scene of some kind...so I'd say it's a fairly safe bet we'll get at least a small something! :D

Darling Fluffy Twin Aud smirked:
We never get out of the gutter. It's our home. Home Sweet Gutterville Home. We pretty much scare average civilians.
Aud! Hi hon! And that's so true wub! :lol: I used to attempt to at least climb back out of the Gutter every once in a while and live "normal" but I gotta say...all that happened was I kept getting tired of all the climbing and bruised from each time I'd fall back in! :lol: So I decided to spare myself and make myself a nice little home right here in Gutterville! :devil: It's quite comfy and cozy and I'm surrounded by good peeps! ;) And yeah I think "normal" people are scared of us...but that's okay cuz we got eachother and we get eachother so it's all good! ;) Lol! :lol:

Hiya Fluffy T!! That pink bubble smoke is some pretty good stuff. Keeps us really positive about this season
It is quite ingenius isn't it! Well done to Liffy on the pink smoke! ;) And as for staying positive Fluffy Twin, I'm trying! Although it's not all that hard at the moment...our D/L is CANON, in love, and using condom spray on a regular basis...that's fairly easy to be positive and fluffy about! :lol:

Naughty King of the Gutter Liff guessed:
With Hawkes supposedly stuck under water or rather
Ummmm 'scuse me Mr.-I'm-Gonna-stay-spoiler-free....just how'd you find out about that? Or was it in a promo? ;) Cuz I don't remember them saying it was Hawkes...Lol, and not that I care or am trying to turn into the Spoiler Police...awww whatever...lol! :lol:

Mac just happens to innocently stand in their way cos he's standing in the doorway to DNA.
I totally pictured this in my head, with D/L blowing toward Mac both broiling with angry energy over a case and Mac is innocently standing there like a little rabbit in the path of this huge avalanche with no idea what's about to hit him! :lol: :lol:

Fluffy Twin Aud pondered:
Could Lindsay get Mr. Messer to join yoga class??
Lol, like Carly said, I see Danny going just to be able to watch Linds bend and stretch in the those tight form fitting yoga outfits! He'd "agree" to go to be "supportive" but really he would be there to check out his woman in action! :devil: Which of course would lead to them going home and trying out some of those moves on their own! :devil:

Shippy bud Carly moaned:
I went and read the comments on the epi cause I like to read other people opinions and some of them are really funny too and it made me all kinds of frustrated. one would think I learned my lesson the last time.
Yeah it's really not worth it to go read most of the comments other people leave in reviews for the eppy, generally, sadly they tend to be anti-D/L and not so fun for us to read! :p Why I really don't know...but I tend to stay away from them just cuz I know they'll annoy me! *shrugs!* Sad but true! But hey at least we know how awesome our ship is and we love them! :D

Okay I gotta scram to work...but new eppy tonight, yay! I'll see y'all later! Have a swell day! :D

*Mo grabs her coffee and rushes off to her pink fog filled bubble to shimmer away!*
Mo said:
Ummmm 'scuse me Mr.-I'm-Gonna-stay-spoiler-free....just how'd you find out about that? Or was it in a promo? Cuz I don't remember them saying it was Hawkes...Lol, and not that I care or am trying to turn into the Spoiler Police...awww whatever...lol!
Well..I watched the promo and it had Hawkes underwater saying he ain't getting enough air...at least that's what I think I saw. :p So I'm assuming he's stuck.

Oh and yeah, I've finally updated my fic: A Life With You (30): The Price For Caring

Oh, I have been away for some days and it felt like such a long time, not having my daily D/L thread minutes with all of you my buddies, celebrating D/L love! That damn homework...

Speaking of which, the other day I was thinking on how D/L would make their kids do their homework while I was doing my own. I know, I go too fast...Other than that, I also know that it seems like I was doing everything but getting focused on my chemistry. But hey, can you blame me when there's D/L in costummes and all those sorts of things around here?? :rolleyes: :p

Yeah, Natty's fic got me on that mood too ;) I still need to update my fictions reading...One of these days...

Ok, so I had to quicly go trough the ammount of posts you guys got here, and one of the things said caught my eyes. 'Keeping D/L love story in the backgroun' Totally agreed on that one, up to a certain point. I mean, I do want our lovely scenes, like the Boom! one, and I can also use some sweeter ones, real thing and not just teasing...A little bit of a mix, but not focusing too much on that. That's nice to everyone who watches, and it keeps all the moments coming special :)

Loved all the new avvies I saw ;) I need a D/L avvie myself to put on LJ, but I can't make a decent one :p I'll find one soon, I hope.

Hm, can Lindsay get Mr. Messer to join her to yoga time?? I guess she could if she wanted to. We know she must have some big secret to make him fall like that. Yeah, right, big secret called LOVE! :D Either way, I got one of those Clumsy-Danny mental pictures again :lol: I'm seeing Danny not understanding the point of all those moves...But he would eventually get there :rolleyes: Or maybe not :p

Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday JenP :D

*gives out M&M's cake to everyone* :D
*comes in singing to lift Svarta's spirit* "There ain't no 'mountain' ;) high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough, to keep me from you"

Stuffy said:
Oh, and dutch wubs? Your signature quote is beautiful
Aw txs sweetie! I was working on a little project and found it...I just loved it so much; it's so true! :)

About D/L showing up at work both with hickeys
I think especially Flack and Hawkes would so tease them about those, :lol: while Mac and Stella would just look and raise an eyebrow, Adam will simply blush along with them and Sid might even wink :cool:...I know what I will be looking for in tonight's ep! :D

I think Lindsay could like yoga, but I don't think it's something Danny's up for; and even if he was, Lindsay's moves ;) will distract him so much that he'll just tumble over (I get those clumsy-Danny :lol: ideas too Dani).

Dani asked:
how D/L would make their kids do their homework?
I think Danny's gonna be a dad whose not gonna be that serious about it, but who helps them see that homework can be fun. Especially when he includes all kinds of little science projects. :eek: :cool:

And Lindsay will let them try and figure things out on their own, but makes sure they'll always know she's there the minute they need help with something. :)

I do hope we get a little scene tonight...I've heard that 'rumour' too Mo! ;)...catey are you still gonna be here to give us little boxes? - I love reading those when I get up in the morning. :D

I have the day off tomorrow, so I'll probably have enough time to read your fic Liffy :D (and to answer some mail ;))

*puts her 'naughtiest comment of the week award!' -which she was just handed by Mo (txs wubs)- on her night stand before she's off to dream land* :D - we should make it a challenge cup :)
Episode 402
Scuba diver is found floating in the East River. Looks like a scam treasure hunt, but turns out it was a plot to bomb a member of the UN. Danny and Hawkes scuba dive, and Hawkes gets caught up underwater. Danny rescues him, Lindsay does not freak out or say "I don't think I can watch this", and D/L actually have a scene together this week again. Lindsay is in the lab this episode. Anyway, the D/L scene, Lindsay says to Danny that Hawkes was lucky Danny was there for him, he tells her to quit goofing off, and get back to work. She gives him a terrific smile, but I'm still not sure whether Danny was serious or joking when he told her to quit goofing off. Anyway, there is a nice scene at the end of the show when Hawkes tries to thank Danny, and Danny says "You would have done the same thing" and Hawkes says "well, I don't know..."
^^ you know i wubs ya, big sister catey, but im going to not read your pretty box tonight :).

something to look at: TVGuide Oct 8-14 with some DL . sorry, it is pretty blurry; i snapped it with my camera late last night.

miss dani's homework question (i like this one!)
danny would make the kids to their homework. danny and lindsay's kids would be good kids and pretty smart (look at their parents!) and know they have to do it. their best subject would be ideally science (biology, chemistry, physics). :lol: i can see DL making sure they check the homework with the kids when they are young. and when the kids need any academic help, danny might actually be the book-helper while lindsay is the concept-explainer. lindsay would do live demos (like her condom scene one) and danny would break down the information into everyday language.

dutch, i think youve been slightly liffer-ified lately. :p

happy watching the 2nd episode of the new season! :D
Aww, Angel, are you sure I can't tempt you in to reading the box? Some nice M&M's or cookies? Danny, maybe? Anything?

Anyway, regarding the great promo picture of Csi:NY, there is a behind the scenes video of it posted on YouTube. Here's the link for anyone interested in it.

Sorry if someone has posted the link before. I've been MIA the last few days and am slowly catching up.
Thank you, Spoiler Queen Catey, for the great ep spoilers! And double thanks for that vid posted by CBS!

Chell!! I read your new ficcie an left a review! Since your plot bunnies seem to be in great health, does this mean we may get a new chapter for “This Wasn’t Meant to Happen”? As I recall, you left poor Danny’s life hanging in the balance. Please? :D

Oh my goodness! Could it be!?! Yes, it has returned! It’s time to play:

“Name That Episode!”
*crowd cheers wildly*

Okay, here’s the premise for any newbies: You get a few hints about the ep, could be related to the case, a quote, something that was seen, etc. When you answer, give the episode name and post a screencap from the ep. Any screencap from the ep, that way multiple people can answer and we all get to enjoy the responses! You can also list your thoughts or favorite parts of the eppy too if you want! Another new twist: If you know of, or have written a fic about this ep, or inspired by this ep, give us a link along with your screencap, etc!

Today’s episode hints:
1. Danny and Lindsay find pepper spray on the face of the B case vic.
2. “Another weapon you're an expert with. I don't know if I should be impressed or worried.”
3. The actor who plays a ‘person of interest’ on the B case also portrayed Clavo Cruz on CSI:Miami.

Good luck, and happy posting!
*Mo skips in singing along with Dutch..."No wind, No rain, Or winter's cold, Can stop me baby, 'cause you are my beau! (if you're ever in trouble, I'll be there on the double just send for me!)" :D
Hi my lovelies! Welcome to our new eppy day! Yay! I love, love, love that we have new eppy's every week...something new to discuss and of course new D/L to obsess over and dissect! :lol: Yay! :D

Gutter king Lifferiffic pointed out:
Well..I watched the promo and it had Hawkes underwater saying he ain't getting enough air...at least that's what I think I saw. So I'm assuming he's stuck.
Awww, my bad bud! ;) I guess that's still spoiler free, so good job! :D I'm just trying to catch ya, cuz I'm still amazed you're okay not reading any spoilers! I can't do it! Too weak! :rolleyes: :lol:

Winner of our sweet new award Dutch winked:
*puts her 'naughtiest comment of the week award!' -which she was just handed by Mo (txs wubs)- on her night stand before she's off to dream land* - we should make it a challenge cup
Ohhhh, I agree! Although I see that quickly turning into you, me and Liffy wrangling over who can be the naughtiest the quickest! Lol, I see it "sinking" very quickly! :devil: Awww well...bring on the naughtiness! ;) Heehee! And heck with D/L going the way they are, naughty comments will be plenty easy to come by! :D

Awesome queen of the spoilers Catey shared:
Anyway, regarding the great promo picture of Csi:NY, there is a behind the scenes video of it posted on YouTube. Here's the link for anyone interested in it.
Rock on! I haven't seen this yet, so thank you Catey hon! That's awesome and I can't wait to go check this out! :D And thanks for the spoilers! ;) Yay, and I can't wait to watch our eppy...even more now that you've shared...cool beans! :D

Alright dinner's ready...gotta go...but I'll be back! :D

*Mo skips quickly off!*

ETA: Mer!! Yay you brought back the N.T.E.! :lol: I love these! :D Ohhhhh...this one is a good one! And I knew this one with no peeking/googling! :lol: Heehee! ;) It's a great eppy, "Stuck on You"! There are so many lovely favorite moments! :D Here are two though...

Danny's face is priceless! Linds made a sarcastic comment and he was laughing! Love that moment!

Linds' face here is so adorable! With that huge smile, she's starting to be smitten...yay!
Great caps, Mo! It's love, baby!

Boy oh boy, I'm as excited for tonight as I was last week! Coming in here makes me want to dance and sing! Can't decide, though, if I want to be in Fluffyville or Gutterville .. both have their advantages. :D
Lol, I know huh...that really was a great eppy for D/L! Old school D/L, with the cute smiles and bantering and fun stuff! That is back to the sweet beginning of their love....awww yay! :D That whole last scene at Cozy's bar was so sweet and fun, I loved that...I swear I squee'ed for a week after watching that! :lol: The smiles they give eachother...wowza baby! ;)

Lol, Roni I think Fluffyville and Gutterville are really one and the same place! ;) So it's all good! :D

2 hours, 13 minutes! Yay! :D :D

ETA: New eppy finally started for me! Lol, it still cracks me up how giddy I get when each new eppy starts! I'm just so glad our new eppy's are back! *dances a jig!* Yay! And can I just say...again...how much I adore Mr. Hot Stuff Messer! :devil: The man just makes me grin and then want to jump him! :lol: And he's back to his sassy self this eppy thus far...love it! Awww I'm happy! :D Love the new credits still...score! ;)

Linds autopsying the starfish, totally cute! Her "history" lesson to Mac and Stella, hysterical! Bouncy Linds is back...LOVE it! :D And that neon orangey/pink shirt she was wearing looked amazing on her! Now Danny in scuba gear on the other hand...I'm a firm believer in that man making anything look good, but that scuba gear, I'm afraid even Mr. Messer couldn't pull that off! :lol: Although if he did "pull it off" that would definitely look WAY better! :devil: Mmmmm, half nekkid Danny....yummy! :devil:

Lindsay has new clothes! I like them, there's a lot more reds, which she looks amazing in! Yay! :lol: Red=Passion...fine detail anyone? ;) heehee! :lol:

Okay the whole diving scene...Danny posing with the figurehead was too cute...you could tell Linds was amused, she was trying not to smile too big in front of Mac! And she wasn't panicking when they got stuck under the water, but she was most definitely worried! Her eyes were scared and her worry lines came back for a bit! Don't worry Linds, Danny will be okay...they won't hurt him! ;)
And that neon orangey/pink shirt she was wearing looked amazing on her!

See this is why we are twins!! I was totally checking her blouse out. I love the color---coral I think it was. ;) Maybe Lindsay has been smoking some of your pink fog, Mo!! :lol: Bouncy!!

Danny, though, looked a bit like he was wearing a girly top. Sugah commented that it looked like he swiped Lindsay's top. Maybe. :lol: The tank made up for it though. :devil:

I can see Danny going to yoga class because he thinks Linds wants him to but really giving the yoga gurus the 'are ya kiddin' me' looks. :rolleyes:

How awesome would it be to do a science project with these two as parents? I might actually get into science experiments if that happened. :cool: Seriously, they are going to have pretty babies. ;)

Auda's tired. She needs beauty sleep on fluffy pillows and also needs hot dreams. Nighty night. Mo, I'll tell ya more later. ;)
Coral top, that is exactly what it was Fluffy Twin! You're brilliant, I love it! :D

Okay can I just say I ADORED our scene tonight...it was short and SO sweet! In fact after only watching it once, I have to admit it beats last weeks condom scene for me and here's why...
It's the way Linds just watches him....she watches him with that look in her eye like I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't made it back...love in her eyes people, she is watching him with LOVE! And his "stop goofing off" was so cute! And he was totally teasing her...he gave her that cute little grin after he turned back to look at her! They are SO in love...*Sigh! Swoon!*

Night my Aud wub, sleep well! Sweet dreams! ;)
^^ aww Mo, im glad you adored it! for me, i wasnt feeling it :( (at first). first time out, i couldnt tell if danny was joking or not about goofing off. i thought he was being serious and snippy at lindsay. could this be the beginning of the bump in the road? that danny has a hard time conveying to lindsay how he feels in words? given that, i rewatched the scene and thought i was just being not receptive and that maybe danny was just being modest and joking around about goofing off. im not 100% convinced it was the latter, but these definitely pull me about 95% of the way there: lindsay's smile and "mmhmm" to danny's goofing off comment and danny's stolen look at lindsay right afterwards. :D

i wish there was a nudge or pat in place of his goofing off line though. ;) but lindsay being so honest and loving toward danny was squee-rific!
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