Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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I'm still trying to figure out who everyone here is what time zone you're in, but I take it some are on the east coast and will be seeing our glorious couple in JUST A FEW MINUTES!!! I'm so jealous. :p

Mo and Dani, I totally understand both of your feelings about not wanting to get too excited, but having just come from a ship that's been totally destroyed, I see nothing but happy fluffy times for D/L this year!

I love the way everyone has analyzed every pixel of that promo pic! Will be interesting to see if the apple has any meaning at all or if it's just an apple!

Only 2 more minutes for you East Coasters! Have fun!!!!
I would not be one of those lucky few Roni! :p I, on the West Coast, have to wait another 3 hours to see it!

Lol, yeah it's weird being able to really feel excited about D/L! I mean I've always felt excited and giddy about them, but up until now it was always with the fear/possiblity that the PTB could mess it up for us and D/L! (and they still could I guess...) but now that we are CANON and know they are really and truly together and in love...it's so much easier to get totally excited and tottally giddy about them! :lol:
I watched the ep as it aired (yay :)) but I forgot to hit ‘record’ on the VCR! Grr. :mad:

Okay, can’t say I care for the new remix of the theme song. Maybe it’ll grow on me. Lindsay said boom! And Danny’s expressions were priceless just like Catey said. Spray-on condoms indeed.
Sad day for not hitting record...grrrr indeed! Sweet deal for the spoilers/info though babes, definitely love that! :D

1 hour, 47 minutes! I'm dying of impatience here...seriously! :lol:
Mo! Is it just me or did everyone run away? this thread has been so busy the past 24hrs, now... nada. *sigh* And I have to open the restaurant tomorrow so I can't stay up to play with all the west-coast watchers. :(

I look forward to disecting the show and D/L tomorrow once I get home from work!
Mer! ;) Lol, nah I don't think every one ran away...well not for long anyway...I think they're all worried about either being spoiled or are jealous we get to see it tonight and they don't (like the non-US residents)...so that's maybe why it seems a little empty in here! No worries, we'll be flooded again in the morning for sure! ;) Heehee! I can't wait to see this eppy! My hopes are high! :D
Tick tock .. this last hour is taking forever!!! I've been IM'ing my friend in Malaysia who got me hooked on D/L. Poor thing .. she won't be able to see it until someone puts it up on youtube!

To pass the time, what does everyone think about Lindsay's new hairstyle? From what I've seen, I like it! Makes her look a little more 'New York'!
If we get anymore Cannon i think i'm going to explode!!! Did anyone else see the spray on condom Lindsay put in his pocket! ahhhhhhhhhh!! Seriously happy early birthday to me baby!! :D :D :D
Yeah Roni this last hour is draaaaaaaaaaaaagggginggg! :p Lol! :lol: And yeah I do agree, Linds' hair makes her look more "New York" more "City girl"! ;) Which is cute! :D

Kate! Hey! :D
I'm such a spoiler 'ho! These little teasers are great!! God, I can't wait to see Danny's expression!!! (That's not considered spoilery, is it?)

Mo, what part of the west coast are in?
Lol! *High five fellow spoiler ho!* :lol:
I'm in WA State Roni...you?

Can't wait to watch, can't wait to watch, can't wait to watch! :D :D :D I've got 9 minutes...so I'm off to get comfy and settled and ready to finally watch our premiere! *Squeeeee!!* I'll be back! :D
Roni , Where are you that you haven't seen the epi yet?? And no i don't think it's too spoily... it's just intriging to people who havent seen it yet! ;)

Wait Mo you're in WA state?! It's almost midnight here what time does the show start for you??
I'm in Los Angeles .. the city of no angels!! 3 minutes!! Woo Hoo!! *cartwheeling all the way to the comfy pillows lined up on my bed* See you later peeps!
Ok it 6AM here!!! I have never been so excited at this tie in the mornig before!!

Thanks for the info guys!!!

*Nat leaves to fump around thr room!*
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