CSI NY Season 3 DVD

Lucky you! *is jealous* :lol:

Ooh, the two crossover episodes, interesting...I didn't expect that. :)

Thanks for posting the information, and enjoy watching your DVD.
puppydog72 said:
Extras on the DVD : The two crossover episodes between CSI New York and CSI Miami - 407 - Felony Flight and 207 - Manhattan Manhunt

Uhm... okay, why put "Manhattan Manhunt" again (since it's obviously in the S2 boxset) and not something like an interview or something?? I think I'll wait for the US release... *crosses fingers*
Here is what amazon.com has for the cover of the US Season 3 DVD of CSI NY :)

*edited to remove hotlinked image*

Please upload all pictures to your own webspace before posting them as an image on this site. Thanks.
Here's a shot of the (North American) DVD cover art. I honestly dont like it very much. It's too red & blue. Hurts my eyes :lol:

I prefer the UK version a lot more. And it'd be nice if the entire cast was featured on the cover. I know Mac & Stella are the main characters, but it is an ensemble show.
Blah. Yes, I know Gary and Melina are the stars of the show, but why are they always on the cover? :rolleyes: It would be great to have the entire cast on the cover because, like allstar12 said, ensemble show! Not to mention, it is a great cast--well, pretty much. :p
So, it looks like the special features are:

4 Episode Commentaries:
* "Not What It Looks Like"
* "Oedipus Hex"
* "Consequences"
* "Silent Night"

Behind the Scenes Featurettes
* Breaking the Killer Code
* The Suicide Girls Rock CSI:NY
* The Making of "Silent Night"
* Hill Harper Explores the Body Farm

Okay. Umm, 4 episode commentaries? These things are my crack. :lol: And they only did it from the first half of the season. There were some really great episodes from the second half that I would love to hear commentaries from. :rolleyes:
vegaslights said:
Okay. Umm, 4 episode commentaries? These things are my crack. :lol: And they only did it from the first half of the season. There were some really great episodes from the second half that I would love to hear commentaries from. :rolleyes:

:lol: I agree Shane, I think they've missed an opportunity for some really great commentaries from the second half of the season.

Below are details from the CBS store of who is doing the commentary on the episodes:

- Ep 302 "Not What It Looks Like" Commentary W/Pam Veasey, Peter Lenkov, Duane Clark
- Ep 305 "Oedipus Hex" Commentary W/Anthony Zuiker & Missy Suicide
- Ep 308 "Consequences" Commentary W/Pam Veasey & Eddie Cahill
- Ep 312 "Silent Night" Commentary W/Peter Lenkov & Sam Humphrey

Personally, I'm really looking forward to hearing Eddie Cahill's commentary on Consequences. :D
I was hoping for a commentary on Snow Day, but Eddie Cahill commentating Consequences is really awesome. That alone would be reason enough for me to buy the DVDs… :D

By the way, part one of season three will be released in Germany on 12/10 and can be preordered at amazone.de now, although it is awfully expensive… :(
Elsie said:
Below are details from the CBS store of who is doing the commentary on the episodes:

- Ep 302 "Not What It Looks Like" Commentary W/Pam Veasey, Peter Lenkov, Duane Clark
- Ep 305 "Oedipus Hex" Commentary W/Anthony Zuiker & Missy Suicide
- Ep 308 "Consequences" Commentary W/Pam Veasey & Eddie Cahill
- Ep 312 "Silent Night" Commentary W/Peter Lenkov & Sam Humphrey

Personally, I'm really looking forward to hearing Eddie Cahill's commentary on Consequences. :D

Oh, we get a commentary from a Suicide Girl. :rolleyes: Exactly what I wanted. :eek:

Eddie will do a great commentary though! He's proved that he can do some commentary when he speaks, and I hope he does just that. :D
Commentary from Eddie?? Sweet! :D

Missy Suicide is actually the founder of the Suicide Girls,and I know she and AZ have a great relationship, so that could be cool.

And Lenkov does two commentaries! :D Yay!

All in all, good, but I, too, wish we were getting a commentary on "Snow Day." I loved that episode, and think that commentary on it would have been so interesting.

It seems like there are fewer and fewer extras on the NY sets with each year...I hope that trend doesn't continue!
allstar12 said:
According to CBS, the complete third season of NY will be released October 9th.

The set will be widescreen, with 5.1 Surround audio & a regular stereo soundtrack. Languages also included English & Spanish.

More info will be posted *here* when it comes in.

I, personally can't wait :D

Well, it's almost October 9th. :D

Has anyone pre-purchased their copy yet? :)
So, tomorrow is NY DVD release day. :D If you are buying a copy (or have it pre-ordered) please come by and let us know what the extra features are like etc... Enjoy. :)
Oh, I totally forgot it comes out tomorrow :lol:

I was thinking about ordering the American copy this time around because last time (season 2) Canadians got shafted with the commentary & special features. So, if any Canadians out there purchase the Canadian set, can let us know if the features are the same as the American set.