CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Funnier in Enochian
Super Moderator
CSI:Miami Road Trip
Warning: Keep All Hands & Feet Inside Hummerhome. #3 RT
CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way
CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects
CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?
CSI:Miami Road Trip: Seven Years of Bad Luck & Counting
Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

Disclaimer: Don't own so don't sue.
Rating: Coincides with the Board Rules. So...I guess that just leaves reading the Board Rules to figure out what I'm talking about, lol. Kidding, it's nothing over PG-13.

Okay, welcome to the ninth installment of the CSI:Miami Road Trip, God help us all. Basically, it's Horatio's lame one-liner 'When Worlds Collide' in a nutshell. The team is often (or rather like to be often) seen in their Hummerhome of doom, travelling around the world on the never-ending road trip or they can be found creating uber piles of angst at the lab on cases that will BLOW YOUR MIND.

...All right they won't blow your mind, but I can sure as hell try!

It combines the Miami team from all seasons and some of the lovely TalkCSI members/readers who have asked to be included. This is NOT an RP. If it was, well then this would be SO much more entertaining. :p For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept of this story, - if you didn't quite get the gist from the summary at the top - it's basically me, in a dark room, by myself, surrounded by molding fries and soda cans.

...And a keyboard.

So please grab a place on the couch, bean bag chair, front lawn or any other place to rest your keisters and get ready for yet another long-winded continuation of the story that just never seems to want to stop. ;)

I should have a chapter soon! If you're impatient, just keep reading the last update on the previous thread and make it seem like you're surprised at the happenings each time you read it. :p
*sits on couch, with large bowl of popcorn, offers to the others* Want some?

:) Yay! You are starting the next "Installment" and I will get to witness it from the beginning!

Geni, you will always be entertaining! (P.S.-I just cleaned out my room of moldy cans :lol:)

*Impatiently storms off to the old threads.*
*sits on lawn*

Can't wait for further updates, Geni. And I think I shall go back and read the last couple of updates. I'm not really sure why but I love psycho crazy me. lol.

Love the thread name by the way. lol.
Yay! People! :D

And yeah the thread name is a little random, but what can I say...I'm random, lol.

I suppose I owe y'all an update now. :lol: I can't just start a thread and not give some story. This is, after all, the Fan Fiction forum. :p


And because I'm so cool, we're going to jump the timeline about 100 days. (And I'm not cool...I was trying my hand at sarcasm. If you want cool, talk to Katie. She's the Queen of the Spider people for crying out loud!)


Double Decker Hummerhome, 100 days later

Horatio: *slaps Eric* No touchie the steering wheel.

Delko: Ow. *rubs hand* I just wanted to know what that button did.

Horatio: That honks the horn.

Delko: I want to honk the horn.

Horatio: No.

Delko: Can I turn on the radio?

Horatio: No.

Delko: Turn up the A/C?

Horatio: No.

Delko: ...Play with the siren?

Horatio: If I said no to everything else, what makes you think I'm going to say yes this time?

Delko: Because you're the best boss on the planet.

Horatio: Aw, gosh. Well in that case...You can turn on the radio.

Delko: YES!

Horatio: But nothing too loud, too quiet, too classical, too country, too rock, too hip-hop, too rap, too oldies....Wait on second thought, oldies are fine.

Delko: ...This is the cadillac of Hummerhomes and you want me to put on oldies?

Horatio: Hummer. H-U-M-M-E-R.

Delko: I know what a Hummer is.

Horatio: Now say it with me, everyone. Hummer.

Everyone: Hummer.

Speed: Bus.

Horatio: *frowns* Who said bus.

Everyone: ...

Horatio: Let's say it again. Hummer.

Everyone: Hummer.

Speed: Bus.

Horatio: *looks in rear view mirror* WHO SAID BUS!

Everyone: ....

Horatio: Let's try this once more. Hummer.

Everyone: Hummer.


Horatio: *looks at Eric*

Delko: ...I thought we were repeating things.

Horatio: No one said potato salad.

Delko: My stomach did. Do we have any left?

Horatio: You ate it all.

Delko: *snaps* Damn memory.

Speed: Why, you get shot in the head?

Delko: You get shot in the chest?

Calleigh: *raises hand* I got shot in the chest. But I'm okay.

Speed: Do I look dead to you?

Calleigh: You will after Horatio finds out it was you who kept saying 'bus'.


Speed: My middle name isn't James.

Horatio: IT IS NOW! You are under arrest for...For...For...TREASON.

Speed: Treason?

Horatio: Someone cuff him.

Delko: Gladly. *grabs handcuffs*

Speed: You are not cuffing me.

Delko: Ah come on, it'll be fun.

Speed: *frowning*

Anni: *grabs cuffs* Let a pro deal with this.

Everyone: *looks at Anni*

Anni: ...I said too much.

Delko: Um...Didn't you have a kid to take care of?

Anni: He's with my mother. *grabs cuffs*



Delko: Jerk.

Speed: Jackass.


Everyone: *looks at Katie*

Katie: There's...A full stock.

Jess: OH MA GOD! You're out?

Katie: ...Out of what.

Jess: That crazy place.

Katie: It was a hospital and I've been out for over a week. No one's noticed?

Delko: I noticed. Your hair got longer.

Jess: *slaps Eric*

Delko: Ow. *rubs arm*

Carly: *drops down from stairs* THERE ARE BEDROOMS UP THERE! THAT IS SO COOL! There's even one of those white lounge couch thingies and disco lights.

Katie: Disco lights?

Horatio: Calleigh designed the place.

Calleigh: It needed an edge.

Speed: It has plenty of edges.

Calleigh: *narrows eyes* Not those kinds of edges.

Delko: Can I play with the siren now?

Horatio: No. But if you're real good, I'll let you go upstairs and play with the plastic steering wheel.

Delko: YIPEE!

Jess: ...You're acting the same age as Alena.

Delko: *cough* Stock market. Bob Dole. PBS.

Jess: Better.

Oh man could Eric get any more randmo...er? If thats even a word anyways! Awww hand cuffs, mustard, i got out of the crazy house? Well you know what the crazy's aren't crazy so there for I must be 100 percent sane in the membrane.

Delko: *snaps* Damn memory.

Speed: Why, you get shot in the head?

Delko: You get shot in the chest?
Oh man for some strange odd reason I said "Well played Phoebe Buffay" and I have no idea why because this definatley isn't friends...hmm.. I'm weird. But anyways touche. I love it when Speed and Eric match...things that have happend to them.

Ok., I'm not making any since BUT I wouldn't go and call me cool. I'm just little ol me. Yup I'm just Katie who is COMPLETLY sane in the membrane!
OMG yay new thread, and i love the name of the thread geni.... i can't believe we got a double decker bus.... eh hummerhome.... darn it speed. This is so amazing and i think we need to buy a bigger couch to fit everyone ..... *randomly pulls out sofa set* there you go geni... present from me to you for the new thread ....*starts running in circles gets stuck in chains of bondage pants and falls flat on face* okay hyperness going goodbye now... i can't wait to see what sort of crazy adventures, mishap, and angst we get into this time.... I AM TOTALLY READY FOR MORE!!!!
*sigh* ur the best geni.
AW Yes! New thread!!! Loved how I just jumped right in there with those cuffs* yes my mind went there:lol:* But anyway... the fact that Horatio has a double decker hummerhome, is still hiliarious to me! And the random call outs, potato salad!! Speed's bus... Katie's mustard!! This is the road trip of old!!! :lol: It's awesome that Katie is out and well, good...Gotta love the crazy place ;)

Can't wait to see how this goes...well, if I know it well, which I think I do, it will be insane, painful and hiliarious all the way through! Congrats on thread nine!!
YAY new thread and YAY doubledecker! If Calleigh designed it then it must be flawless. I wanna see it! Show me those disco lights! :p

Anyway, you jumped 100 days. Alright then! Anni seems ok, how's Lilly? (Why do I have this feeling I'm gonna find out soon? :rolleyes:)

Doesn't anyone in that Hummerhome have motion sickness? I mean I have, lots of people have. That just came to my mind :p Although I think Horatio would kill the person who threw up on his new Double Decker Hummerhome.

[/random] ANYWAYS...update soon ;)
Ha ha, brilliant title for the thread; I can so picture him saying that. Woo hoo, new thread! *throws around confetti* I can’t wait to see what will happen in this thread.

Eric is like the little kid in the back seat who keeps calling out “are we there yet” cause he’s so bored; someone give him a gameboy to amuse himself with… wait he’d probably break it. :lol: And the whole got shot in the head thing made me snort (very good thing I wasn’t drinking anything). Let’s see, the only one who hasn’t got shot was Horatio, but he’s holy so he’s untouchable. Aww, Eric’s trying to be smart at the end; it’s ok Eric, we know that you have a brain in there, it just doesn’t reveal itself 99% of the time. :p

Yay, Katie’s out of the nuthouse! Yay, mustard! Yay, everything’s back to normal! Yay for the update! Yay for Geni! You’re awesome girl, keep it up. :D
Yay!! New thread!! love the title!! Very Hortio-ish:lol:
aee man poor Eric always gets beat up by everyone:(
he always acts slow, dumb, or like a 7-year old.
by the by, who is Alena?:confused:
that girl, Alena is Jess and Eric's little girl.Coincidentally enough, she is just about as mature as Eric...that could be seen as a put down, but we all know that Eric is, well...Eric...:lol: We love him anyway!!

Oh I forgot completely!! The title, choice;) It's very Horatioesque...I laughed when I read it, and I was drinking something :lol:
*jumps in* New thread, wooooohoooooohoooooo! Ahem.

Glad it's 100 days later, I'm probably not...dead. :lol: Last update in the last thread was awesome, poor Katie...but maybe Speed has realized he can treat her nice without loving her, and that that's really what she wants...right? *crickets chirp*

YAY, Anni's okay too! Everyone's okay. But Jake is with...Alexis. Blech. :lol: AT least he'll have manners. But who needs them when you have a DOUBLE DECKER HUMMERHOME! *jumps up and down, attracts attention from class* YEESS!

We have a new thread, we have a new Hummerhome, we have potato salad...in Eric's stomach...we have RT! Wonder where they're going? Since Delko got kicked out of my home. :lol: Can't wait for the 25 pages of excitement! *grabs gun* Hopefully Ryan will forgive me, too. *hugs Ryan*

OH OH and I LOVE the title Geni! Randomness is what makes the thread funny, and I'[m random too so I LOVE it. :lol: Horatio would be proud. ^Alena is Jess and Eric's daughter.
I can't get over the DOUBLE DECK FREAKING HUMMER!! Yeah!! *punches air* I can just see that thing ripping up a 4 lane road, with Eric trying to stand on the top. :lol:


*raises fist* Congrats on the thread Geni!! :D
It's classic RT! I wasn't there at the beginning, but I skimmed it! Great start, Geni.

By the way, love the thread name. Hilarious. I can actually see him saying it too. Then The Who comes out of speakers that appeared from out of nowhere. :lol:

DobuleDecker Hummer*cough*bus*cough*home. :D
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