How would you like the shows to end?...

Lt. Caine will NOT DIE!!! He's like God's son or something. Read the fic 'Road Trip; and you'll understand...

Well, my first answer would be THEY DON'T END. But if CSI Miami were to end, it would probably be either the whole team dying, or Horatio dying SO honourably (there's a difference) and SO galliantly, that day he dies on will be FOREVER remembered and honoured! Like, 2 minute silence across the nation. No, the WORLD!

Oh oh! Better one! ALL 3 CSI teams are involved with each other in the LAST 2 eps. And they ALL die, so no one on this board can rub whatever in whoever's face. And that's the end of it all. *wipes tear away* But maybe Horatio will come back to life, just like Jesus... *is hopeful*
I'm not really sure how I'd like the shows to end.. they could all end with either a death or a celebration, and it would probably have the same effect on me. As long as they go out with style, and capture their audience for the last time.. I think any ending would do. Although, I don't want CSI to end!! :(
Las Vegas: Having breakfast after a big case, doing a toast.
Miami: Walking along the beach together.
New York: On the top scenic balcony of the Empire State Building looking out at the city while the camera pans out.

I don't want anybody to die, because new stories can continue in paperback novels just like the Star Trek books carry on those series.
I always pictured Grissom actually leaving, like retiring or something, and him finishing his last case and just walking out after saying goodbye. I don't think he'd want a 'party' so to speak. I don't think he'd want people making a fuss over him. All though they should ;)

If they killed Griss off, I think i'd actually die, honestly, i'd be depressed no end! I think a minor charactor death would be 'acceptable' (LOL) and that could be the reason for Grissom's retirement? Maybe. Just don't touch Gil, Cath or Brass!
I don't want csi to end of course, but at the rate T_TB have been going, well...I predict we will see an ending sooner than later, but that's just me.

If and when it does end, I'd like to see what happened to the major characters and an ending like the way it started. Maybe new recruits or something and as Grissom and the rest lead the newbies to the scene, it fades out.

Mind you when Catherine, Grissom, or Greg leave the show, I leave the show!
nah, i kno they will somday, just hope its not soon, but omg if they killed grissom me, heavy objects will be thrown at the TV...or at CBS....or both
I think i'd be too distraught to pick anything up or even move if they killed Grissom baby off! I'd be crying for days lol. Or Cath, they better start leaving her alone! OR anyone to that matter. Speshly Brass. He's the star of the show!!

I think when it ends, it should end with Gris retiering or something, just don't kill him off guys. I think i'd actually die lmao
i dont know. the way they end is fine now. no one on the team should die. the eppisodes are getting better than the first season so there are improvements...
NikkyJamez said:
I hate to say this, but if CSI Vegas ended, they should do it with the death of either Gil or Catherine, because they both got close with every one, and it would be nice to see every one's reactions.

I acctualy agree with that and if they were to end CSI miami (God forbid it won't) they should do it with Horatio :cool: getting shot by one of the Mala noches and then they get the guy who killed him you know like how they completely wrote out Aiden in CSI NY tieing up loose ends and getting the people he's been after for so long.

And as For CSI NY I think they should end it with at least one of the pairings that we like getting together. Like say for example Mac and Stella getting married.

Or for Vegas they should end it with the lab finding out about Grissom and Sara bewing together if they are.

You know basicaly tieing up all the loose ends.
But END :eek: :eek: :eek:! How could they end I mean look at all the people that watch it!
AHHH! I can't even THINK about any of the CSI shows ending!!! :eek:

But if it DID, (and I hope it isn't anytime soon!), they should definetly tie all the loose ends, like bulletboomgal said, and then maybe Grissom/Horatio/Mac could retire or something...I dunno. *Shrugs*
For Miami, I would like to see Horatio marry calleigh.

For LV, I would like to see Grissom tell Sara that she'd be better off with Greg.

For NY, To see Mac and Stella share a good-bye moment.

Though we all know they will never end the CSI series. "WHY"
because who wants to mess with a good thing.
End with Grissom and Sara leaving to go teach at a school or something. Catherine can be made supervisor, and they can call Sara and Grissom in on big cases. Then the new crew all heads out to a crime scene...The end.
I would love to see Grissom and Catherine finally admitting that they care for each other and would like to develop a relationship and maybe taking it to a romantic relationship. I would also like to see Grissom be more like he was in the pilot and early episodes. He had a sense of humor and seemed to be more people friendly