Calleigh & Ryan #4: Big Day Coming Up? - CaRWash

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Wow, children seem to be a hot CaRWash topic... Everyone wants a family for Cal and Ryan. :lol:
I'd love them to have one only child, and a girl would be perfect.... She'd be gorgeous like her mother and OCD like her father. :lol: She'd be the cutest thing ever. I can see Ryan getting overprotective as soon as she starts dating boys and Calleigh scolding him about his excessive anxiety.
He'd probably want to put a GPS on her to know where she is in any moment. :lol:

And, still in children topic, here's CHAPTER 7 of my fic. Here comes the angst, babe!
Is that a hint?
Please make it a hint,please add more and enough with angst even though its good i just cant stand him getting Ryan heart pulled out of his chest and shattered into a million pieces, In your fic he reminds me of danny fae love run cold did you see his face hurt in his eyes ouch, dont make that ryan and ps more ficcie. xxxx
If Calleigh and Ryan had a kid, I'd really want the first baby to be a girl. I can just see Ryan being very affectionate and spoiling her rotten. Saying, "Cal, she's just as beautiful as you." And when she's older, he'd carry her on his shoulders when the three of them went places.
Luna, I was crying in that chapter! It's really good!

In the next episode, do you think we will get any CaRWash? If they work together, we know we will because they just have to flirt with eachother. ;)

Or is this the episode when we find out Cal is going out with Jake? If it is, I want to see a jealous Ryan! :devil: :D
When'd you all start talking kids?

ooh lookie who's come to play! hiya modie! (yes thats gonna be ur nickname..) Luna's our little fic writer, but Nikki does good too. (mine just sucks)

hehe, Jealous!Ryan would be really hot. but I don't think it'll be Jake
Oook, since Nikksey's not around, it's up to me to post today's CPOTD, so here you go... (apparently someone's found something more interesting than evidence :devil:)

CaRWash Pic Of The Day
(From Nailed)


Credit to Heav- er, I mean, Jonathan Togo Online. :p
Oh, he's looking at her butt!

Three kids, an older girl and twin boys. I already listed the names. Man, this means I have to finish my fanfic. I feel all inspired and stuff. No, I'm loosing all of my colligate slackerness!!
OMG Luna I just read your chapter 7 and I wasn't thinking about going to the begining and starting until I had already read it. But this is so funny because afterwards I did and I realized I had read that a longgggg time ago. It was the only chapter up and I was dying for the next part but I forgot and never got around to reading it. So now I'm going to start from the begining again and read it all. OH yeah and I love it so far. I love angst, even if it's Ryan getting hurt.
As for kids for them I'd love them to have a boy and name him Ryan Jr. but then again in one of my fics I did have him have a son named that, so maybe not.
I like the thought of twins, a boy and girl. Both blondes but the boy's hair goes dark like Ryan's once he's older. I want them both to have his beautiful eyes.
Names...Micheal Ryan and Michelle Renee.
awww, I'm so happy at the moment (I know it's a bit too late for a little girl like me +haha+ I worked 6 hours today in the bakery, but I'm not tired, but that's off topic, lol... :D )
so I have to write something ^_^

names for their kids?
I wanna have them a pretty, handsome (=P) Boy. I so love the names Clint and Rumen. <33
ookay, but girl is okay, too. No, I actually don't care, but a boy has to be +lol+
Name for the girl: I like Jenna and Jonna and Jamie and Jolene (Names with "J" :D )

How will they look like?
lol, I don't know, all doors are open :p

(btw: Sorry for my English at the moment, but i don't care about the grammatic and...yeees, I'm happy^^)
It's Emily's birthday tomorrow!!! Well in some countries it's today, but I wonder if Jon will do anything for her. Im sure they will go out. Maybe Emily, Emily's boyfriend, and Jon :p Aww I can totally see them partying. *imagines it's Cal and Ryan* :D
*recover consciousness after SOMEBODY really hit me with a rolling-pin!* (*points at Evil Nikki ) ;) :D
Yeah, it's Emily's Birthday! (and don't forget Nathalie! :) )
sandersidle, I'm totally sure that Jon will do something for her, or perhaps even with her. I mean we all know that they are friends off the screen (is that correct??), both of them stated it, so I can see them sitting together in front of a huge birthday cake, Jon watching Emily blowing out the candles, and kisses her for best wishes, fighting her boyfriend off her :D ... *sighs* Yes, this would be a very good birthday...

Oh, and concerning the CaRWash-Kids: well, I don't really like kids, but if it has to be I would say two children, first a girl, second a boy, but can't imagine better names than all of you already gave them.
Emily said in the interview with CSI:Files that Calleigh's new boyfriend is an old boyfriend. I hope it isn't the guy from ATF, Jake. I mean, he reminded me of Ray and I really don't want Calleigh to have that sad, determined woman look about her like Yelina does.

It would be nifty if Ryan and Calleigh had dated at some point before Ryan came on the show, and now all the UST is coming to the surface. I can just imagine him saying, "You can't walk away from this, Calleigh. I still love you."
Hey It's also Nathalie_Emily B-Day too. So happy B-Day Nathalie and Emily. Nathalie I hope you have a great B-Day. Here's another present from me CarWash Style. Hope you enjoy it.

I'm sure JOn and Emily did something together for her B-Day. Her real life B/F is one of JOn's College buddies, he fixed them up..What a nice guy.
A B-Day Present for Nathalie
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