Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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Yeah, I'd be pretty peeved if I got my current icon removed...

Anyway, so what do you guys think season three holds in store for Stella?
Hopefully the return of rambo!Stella. A continuation of the return of the bond between her and Mac, because that was missed in season two; it felt unnatural.
The return of rambo!Stella would be awesome. Hopefully we'll see that in the first few episodes of S3. Since NY also has a high Greek-American population it would be awesome if she had to investigate a case that involved her speaking Greek. Maybe something would happen to a Greek shipping heir :lol:.
In the S1 epi Officer Blue there's this scene where Stella is in the lab and she puts together this gun which she figures is the murder weapon. Anyway, afterwards she marches into Mac's office, places the gun on his desk and gives this whole speech and she ends with, "In Stella talk...". Mac looked like he was gonna piss himself and Stella looked like she was ready to kick ass. I'm pretty sure that's where we got rambo!Stella from.
that's what i thought cause i just watched that eppey the other night... thanks! and yea, she rocked at that part.
No problem :). We all loved that moment too and another good rambo!Stella moment was in the S1 epi Supply & Demand where Stella went off on that suspect and Flack had to calm her down. If Flack wasn't there....whoa. Stella is a very passionate person when it comes to her job and criminals.
Uhuh, that's where I got rambo from. And Supply and Demand, what an awesome episode. I should watch the second set of DVDs more, rather than just the disc with Officer Blue on it. I'm so predictable in that sense.
Officer Blue is an awesome episode and one of the few that I'm addicted to. It would be interesting if there was a case that took place at Stella's old orphanage, St.Basil's. Then again she had something personal happen to her not too long ago so the writers should wait before they rush into anything like that.
Stella's the only one who hasn't changed her hair since season1. But I so love her hair!

Congratz on the new thread.... *I'm fairly new*
I really love the title of the thread too. Here's another photo of Melina from her Providence days and I think she looks really beautiful & flawless:

Charmed we live a couple of miles apart! You live in Gutterville and I live in the Gutter :lol:

J, that woman is flawless, I'm telling you.
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