Season #9 Spoiler Discussion

How come you don't expect a finale jump? Just curious. I guess it could go either way.

I probably should have asked for an explanation but I got the sense that you meant Lindsay would have the baby next week. I just don't see that happening. Plus, if there is a time jump, then the show would be ahead of the calendar and stuff.
BABY?????????????????? :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:Not in a billion of years unless is DL's new offspring (I have fallen so so sooooooooo DOWN GRRRRRRRRR) 'd rather have a FUNERAL!:cardie:
Yeah the DL thing. No way the other couples would have one. Flack/Levato aren't there yet and much as I love Mac/Christine,if they had one,it'd be too fanfic-y. I thought they'd want to tie up the loose ends since there's no return guarantee but hard telling.
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as you have said, there is no guantee of return but under other circumstances and with another character around, i'd love Mac's baby (and there wasn't more fanfic baby than DL's IMHO) it would be great but NOT WITH HIS CURRENT FLIRT (i am not yelling :) well, not to you anyway ;)
i say yes with her. You have me you share the already stated comments on the character or is there another reason you dont care for her? Im not complaining,just curious. or were you one who already commented on her before? i cant remember,but if you did,then I understand already :)
No, no. I have been out of this forum for at last a couple of years and this is the first time i share my comments here again (I do share them in Facebook and people know i am even worse there:lol:
I don't like his new flirt. I don't think she is interesting. I believe she is somehow dry :lol: and a surprising funeral would be more than great to shake Earth:p. I do love all csi ny characters (well one or 2 exceptions:p and i wouldn't want a funeral for them so my choise is obvious:lol: If i need to stand DL's soap opera then i'd rather have this dry flirt out of the picture:devil:
Oh...I thought your nic was familiar but it's been a while too.

Ships can never make us all happy,that's for sure.

I do think we stand to see a lot of action in the finale...the regular kind I mean.
Sometimes I wonder if maybe the writers could have written Christine better.

They don't seem to do a good job with Lindsay sometimes.
Is this week's CSI: NY finale going to be the end of the series? — Katelyn
ADAM: "No one's told us to write it so that it ends," executive producer Pam Veasey says. Nevertheless, as has been the case for the past two seasons, the show's writers had to craft an episode — in which Mac & Co. try to solve a case of a police shooting of an unarmed man — that could serve as a fitting end for either eventuality.

Is this week's CSI: NY finale going to be the end of the series? — Katelyn
ADAM: "No one's told us to write it so that it ends," executive producer Pam Veasey says. Nevertheless, as has been the case for the past two seasons, the show's writers had to craft an episode — in which Mac & Co. try to solve a case of a police shooting of an unarmed man — that could serve as a fitting end for either eventuality.

And this has happened the last two years and I hope they weren't surprised. I think CBS is just as bad as other networks for not telling long running shows that it's the end.