Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

I really don't expect H to be devastated over her. Upset of course, but not devastated. They dated so long ago and for such a short time and it was clear from the rest of their interactions that he was definitely over whatever they had. However, he did flinch away when he saw her face.

All in all, I don't think our disappointment is in DC or Horatio's actions but in TPTB for winding us all up with this betrayal business. Honestly? It fell rather flat when compared to what they promised. We should know better by now.
I really don't expect H to be devastated over her. Upset of course, but not devastated. They dated so long ago and for such a short time and it was clear from the rest of their interactions that he was definitely over whatever they had. However, he did flinch away when he saw her face.

All in all, I don't think our disappointment is in DC or Horatio's actions but in TPTB for winding us all up with this betrayal business. Honestly? It fell rather flat when compared to what they promised. We should know better by now.

My disappointment wasn't with H/DC -- it's the writers. I felt the betrayal issue was summed up too quickly & it was very sloppy, imo.

I agree about Rebecca, however, I just felt that they missed a great opportunity in showing one of Horatio's best qualities - his gestures. They're brilliant, & always speak so loudly. It's all said & done now, but I'd have loved to see him in the autopsy room long enough to gently pull the sheet over Rebecca's face; or somehow in his own "special-Horatio way" tell her goodbye.

Horatio usually makes me mushy with his scenes -- unfortunatly, there wasn't one time I felt it in this episode.
All in all, I don't think our disappointment is in DC or Horatio's actions but in TPTB for winding us all up with this betrayal business. Honestly? It fell rather flat when compared to what they promised. We should know better by now.

Well I haven't seen this episode yet (won't need to with all these spoilers flying around!:lol:) (haven't seen any of this season yet, actually) - but I have to say it wouldn't be the first time TPTB have done a big build-up and it's fallen flat. In the UK they were billing the Miami / LV / NY trilogy as THE biggest thing to hit TV since Adam was a lad (my paraphrase!) and it was the most disappointing bit of TV I've seen in ages - three pretty ordinary episodes. Good, but ordinary.

Now I'm rather curious to see this one... when it eventually makes it's way onto UK TV!:rolleyes:

In regards to Nevins, I was under the impression that his reaction was subdued due to his frosty relationship with her. They split on bad terms and while he may have worked with her on a professional level, I have a feeling he had that "I'll never forgive her for what she did" notion
I loved the scenes with Horatio and Sully on the pier and when Ryan was being interrogated by Stets. I thought DC emoted very well during those moments. I found the rest of the episode to be pretty lackluster though. I definitely thought the "betrayal" was waaaaaaaaay overhyped. :rolleyes:
In regards to Nevins, I was under the impression that his reaction was subdued due to his frosty relationship with her. They split on bad terms and while he may have worked with her on a professional level, I have a feeling he had that "I'll never forgive her for what she did" notion

You have a point. Her making a deal with a cop killer did end any interest Horatio had in pursuing a relationship with her on the spot. And I'm sure her relentless pursuit of Kyle didn't endear her to him either.

But Horatio has never been one to hold a grudge (another Horatio trait that I see in Ryan). The fact that she was one someone he cared about, more than just a work colleague, was really glossed over here. Simply commenting to Eric and she was their "friend" was truly less than what Horatio from years back, and the Horatio he is finding his way back to this season, would do to acknowledge the loss.

I'm really disappointed that there wasn't more of an acknowledgment by Horatio of her passing and HOW she passed - in pursuit of justice - his passion in life.
About the big betrayal, I don't think its quite over with Sully & Stetler in prison. I do think that the finale & perhaps S9 would show us how this all added upto. I'm thinking that this whole assasinating the State Attorney wasn't just Stetler's plan, I'm thinking its a ring of corrupt high-profile MDPD officers.

Here look at it this way, the guy Pollack murdered Nevins but who was it that asked him to do it, Sully or Stetler? Stetler stole & framed Ryan for the diamonds & provided a the materials for the bomb but Sully was the one in direct contact with Pollack.
From the perspective of a David/Horatio fan, IMO "Time Bomb" was the worst episode this season. Not only were his reactions, or lack of same, peculiar for Horatio, but the dialogue seemed to be written for a totallly unfamiliar character. Whether scripted by writers or David, they've derailed from the return to the original Horatio of earlier seasons.

Who is this person and what have they done with our Horatio?
From the perspective of a David/Horatio fan, IMO "Time Bomb" was the worst episode this season. Not only were his reactions, or lack of same, peculiar for Horatio, but the dialogue seemed to be written for a totallly unfamiliar character. Whether scripted by writers or David, they've derailed from the return to the original Horatio of earlier seasons.

Who is this person and what have they done with our Horatio?

I'm not sure what that was all about. It was almost like David/Horatio was a background player and his feelings and reactions to events weren't a primary consideration for the writers. Exactly how much input DOES David have. One has to wonder.

As I said in another thread, the big push to put Eric front and center (He's everywhere! He's everywhere!) with a take charge persona is annoying on a good day.

To set Horatio back and then write his character in a way that his reactions to situations are not realistic to who he is as a character is very much a concern to me as a fan.

We've waited a long time for Horatio to find himself again. It really looked promising this season. We looked like we were finally coming full circle and the Horatio we met a long time ago was finding his way back - a little beaten, sadder and wiser for his journey, but the humanity, compassion and committment that made him special began to see daylight again.

His reaction to Rebecca's death was completely OOC, IMO. As someone else pointed out, the Horatio that would kiss the head of a fallen police officer, wouldn't dismiss the death of a former lover and colleague like Horatio did.

For me, alarm bells for season 9 are going off in a lot of areas for this show. Horatio is one of the areas of concern. I was hoping we were getting him back. Now I'm not so sure. :(
As I said in another thread, the big push to put Eric front and center (He's everywhere! He's everywhere!) with a take charge persona is annoying on a good day.

Annoying ... irritating ... frustrating ... vomit-inducing ... whatever you want to call it, I agree with you there. Horatio took a back seat to Eric in every episode AR was in this season and that is bull**** to say the least. Isn't H supposed to be the leading man here or did the writers forget that? :rolleyes:

In any case, I can only hope we get more Horatio time next season. *fingers crossed*
Horatio might have let Eric go front and center to provide cover while he delved a bit deeper into the matters at hand. He IS known for doing that, you know. When his frontman, usually Eric but occasionally Tripp, is taking the flak Horatio calmly finds what he wants and uses it to nail the crook or crooks in question.

I also wonder if the lack of Horatio's presence means that David is directing or producing BEHIND the camera instead of acting before it. Sure, it's a let down to miss the Lieutenant in action; but his portrayer deserves the chance to stretch himself, as do the rest of the main characters. David always returns to center stage refreshed and brings more depth to his role after a brief absence, so I for one forgive the others taking the limelight now and again.

Just don't make a habit of it, because I want my HORATIO!!! LOL;)
I think we need some answers. I'd like more long time viewers to tell me what or where they think the show took a downward turn. For me, my theory is when Rory wanted to leave the show because it was wearing him down, TPTB killing his character off as punishment rather than just letting his character have an exit where he could return at some point, was the first mistake.

The second had to do with the major writers' strike; I am wondering if all of the really good writers were forced to quit, were fired as punishment, or simply replaced with more compliant writers who happen not be as good as in the past.

Then there are the hidden elements that we don't know- is it a fact that audiences are just tired of the whole CSI franchise? Is it something that David Caruso did or has done behind the scenes that has vexed someone so that the writer/producer/ creative staff just got fed up and with so many changes to personnel in that area, things just fell apart.

Or, did David himself decide to direct or produce but not to be listed in the credits for it and has turned the show purposely into the design that he thought was right?

There is a lot that needs to be explained to the audience; I myself would like to know the truth so at least I can understand why a show, which I, when I first started watching it, felt would have the "legs" as it were to run as long as Law and Order or Law and Order SVU because Horatio Caine is such a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted character, also with so many others who have depth and interest that stories could be written on and about them on end.

Knowledge for me, will at least bring about closure in one area if need be- fan fiction will be where the characters will live on.